

#BAUniC:movie is the codename for the preparation of the #BAUniC Fictioniverse, a world where #BAUniC, through small collaborating groups working together semi-competitively, finds the formula of the physics-based cosmos in a much much much larger universe based on fractal formulas applied over the concept of the wave function never collapses by Hugh Everett III, particular twin primes resonating with binary fold of the continuous grid substrate, and Fourier overlays of different waves resulting in Sheppard-tones we know as '3+1 dimensions', 'spacetime', 'our physics', 'lightspeed', 'dark energy' or 'quark'.

Technical setup: Among other things such as alternative physics and dimensions, inside the shared mathematical universe are found all possible variations of all possible paths a Feynman diagram can combine with any other Feynman diagram to produce everything from forces and particles to galaxies and causality bubbles, from BigBang to DeepFreeze, in practical common terms, the physics multiverse. Since #BAUniC:movie is a fiction world, we take the liberty of finding in there not only the multiverse, but also all variations with paradoxes, such as levitating rocks, remixes of backwared and foward time, wormholes or blasts of energy, in their own causality cones connected to adjacent causality cones by paths of least resistance (e.g. straight classic photons). Most of those worlds annihilate themselves reversing the prime exception that formed their vortex in the PES_Grid in a few blips of the inner clock as interpreted by particles of the adjacent cones of causality, but some persist for billions of blips (a couple of seconds) at a time. Most of them will collapse again from pseudo inner-causes in the form that conforms to inner rules without needing the pressure from the adjacent cones 'anymore', but not all of them. And some of them will be stable enough to form consciousness aware of the paradoxes. Among the stable variants are those where spacetime folds sharply (like in the event horizon of a black hole), and that can be addressed through reference approximations by the characters.

Local drama happens as the characters accept the all-that-can-happen version of explaining reality. Also surrounding issues include topics such as terrorism and who is paying for it, unemployment, inequality, perversions, addictions, contrary viewpoints, activist organizations, and of course romance. They are not the direct object of focus, and are referenced in how they affect the characters, assuming the audience is familiar enough with as many of these topics as they have cared to learn in the real world. Audience spiritual growth comes in being exposed with moral dilemmas and existential issues along the characters, focused on the logical consequences of the Mathematical Universe Hypothesis.

Society-sized drama happens as official institutions shun away from results and the uses of PES_Tiles_ToE theory at first, but the characters keep on experimenting. The fiction narrative includes messages in time, manipulation of objects and their stories, microbial-sized to planet-sized spaceships injected into the variables of stable fractal codes, lifeforms/societies inside the fractals, communication with these lifeforms, multiverse variants of earth (including ones where we coexist locally in the solar system with lightspeed limited aliens), cultural exchange between aliens and multiverse earth, emissaries/representatives, and a social revolution on earth due to a combination of the above factors, including the expected real-world effect of 'everybody will use an open source formula of the universe, else they would be at a competitive disadvantage'. For the sake of not diverging focus too much, most of the storylines will focus on the interaction with the aliens inside the fractal universes, with the other aspects of society-change being the background where the main focus happens, and the audience somewhat more familiar with those from traditional fiction.

PES_Tiles_Theory-of-Everything is the theory upon which this is based, the actual combination of functions that can potentially produce such a universe. In #BAUniC of the real world, that is a work in progress, debates about concepts and formulas, which will be turned into computer code able to render a slice of our cosmos if we are right. If we are wrong, well, we tried. We may find a single physics of incalculable proportions, which would make addressing it in cosmological terms impossible, but that still will revolutionize our technology as a civilization, through better understanding of how forces and energies interact. The posts are drafts and variants of the actual PES_Tiles project, and will remain there as part of the storylines even when the proper real versions will move on to the real competition. The proper real versions will be too complicated to be put in the Fictioniverse in all their glorious details.

Cinematographic methods used will be actor-independent characters composed of various actors' pieces + overlaid scenes, and virtual reality.

Planned are TV Series comparable to Star Trek of before the reboot, with lots of deep issues and little to no explosions, targeting a different aspect of Earth's audience.
Planned release first on YouTube Red and delayed release on YouTube regular.
Planned shooting most of the content of the first season at once (to minimize the cost per episode) and montage later (+ sponsor content).
Planned keeping online all intermediary parts of the montage process, script to final rendering, pleasing early fans because the people that were eager enough to watch the pieces, will come watch the final product too.
Regular in-the-box 30-60 minute episodes.
Unorthodox plans augmenting the controversy and therefore the reach of the message:
30 minute episodes containing most of the philosophy, big intrigue, technical, and aliens.
45 minute episodes containing extra scenes for romance and lesser intrigue. The enriched version of the 30 minute episode, for a deeper connection with the characters. The extra content is related to the main content but not vice-versa.
55 minute episodes containing extra explicit scenes of kink, for the adult audience, released on porn sites. The base content would be independent of the extra content.
Plans can be exchanged for better plans and arrangements with sponsors.

Possible titles:
* "Oracle of the Shared Mathematical Universe" (Requires sponsorship from "Oracle". Preferred because it shows what the series are about in a condensed form that takes no toll on the artistic integrity.)
* "The Fractal Universe Challenge: Raise of the Exponential" (Because of its short-term memorable acronym and potential to augment the viral spread of #BAUniC).
* "PES_Tiles: Ticket to infinity" (Requires big sponsorship from "Konami" for their free promotion of unrelated product resembling 'ProEvolutionSoccer'. The PES (ParabolaExponentialSinusoid) will be dropped from all references if we don't get that, but we are keeping it for now because conceptually meaningful and we are used to it.)
* "May vacuum energy have mercy on (y)our souls" (Because meaningful and long-term memorable, unfairly so maybe, and would aid the critical reception.)

#BAUniC:movie is the practical application of the concept of "traditional advertising is always there, a few sponsored coins away. Now, let's get something worth advertising". Worth advertising is a revolution in our real world technology and economy coming along the unstoppable #BAUniC in the real world.

Real world revolution happens in
Here are the highlights:

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