Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Open Letter to Star Trek cast of before-reboot


We are trying to find/explore fractals of various complexity that can potentially hold civilizations within, even find our own e=mc2 in a programmable addressable slice containing all our histories. For this purpose we are gathering around 'Building A Universe Competition' #BAUniC

Starting with "Fractal Universes exist; Our reality is likely one of such; No Man's Sky is using them to address a galactic scale system for a MMO; #BAUniC is helping out spreading the culture so words and concepts are easier to access in our collective computer-aided-imagination; and, no movie or series exists promoting these concepts as actually accessible", I propose to you a collaboration in making one such TV series, in the glorious style of the core soul of Star Trek fans, tackling social issues and science issues along, and where explosions and action are the filler instead of the meat.

As far as we know, #BAUniC:movie is out of Hollywood tentacles, or any film festival, or any book. Exploring the fractal universes in real life or fiction cannot be copyrighted, but, should anyone try, there is prior art to shut up legal nonsense attempts. Travelling along with the actual competitive event being organized, though, is a unique opportunity, which should inspire more people into this field and snowball it over our civilization. Under the right cooperation and mindset it can also tackle side issues still itching where they should not, when we have overproduction and no imaginary money to purchase this overproduction, in a world where hunger and access to life-saving medicine are still issues we are actively distracted from.

We wish to cooperate with you in bringing #BAUniC:movie's Fictioniverse into a TV series of the quality it deserves, reaching the audience it deserves, not appealing to the lowest common denominator for all society but to the examples that guide this denominator upwards.

We are healthy and strong, and we intend to live well into transcendence, meaning corporate interests will not be aided by the demise of some or all of our contributors in their attempt to change the direction of this series from enlightening to distracting.
Money is not an influential temptation, unless we divert it from #BAUniC:movie to the actual competitive event and turn that event to Nobel-Prize level, thus pushing the world even faster towards our desired goal.

But, should your crew agree on a collaboration to building a proper Fictioniverse for #BAUniC, we would not even have to compromise on that.

And since we are charmed fans of all Star Trek series before the reboot, this collaboration holds no fees, unlike how it presents to corporate-style studios.
You use your experience in moviemaking and storytelling, along with our creative staff, and share agreed coin when they come. We win together, we fail together. We won't fail, though, as the idea is awesome and we know it. Giving up would be the only failing path.

This proposition will stand as it is, or with minor corrections to better express our point, till 20160901 Earth time.

Thank you for being part of the enlightened elite bettering our world.


The #BAUniC team

1 comment:

  1. We are currently improving on the skills needed to direct a movie trilogy or a series of this magnitude. We don't think production cost should be more than the talent needed to use the existing recording and montage tools. Cyberspace is always an option.

    Where we lack the talent, or, judge that acquiring the necessary skills would produce divergence of interest with poor quality output, we will rely on others. We will ask, but always assume the world's talent pool will have interested parties, lured in by desire to change the world and why not the potential coin produced.

    Dear Star Trek Crew.
    You will always be welcomed to fly-by our #BAUniC Fictioniverse. You will always have highly appreciated roles, Admirals and Supervillains.

    Now, earth time 20160902, we are looking for a captain for what crew we have. Stories will evolve naturally to fit.

