R: Hi, welcome in!
A2 *brings beer, shows it, how long depends on sponsor, without overcrowding it*
R: I wish to inform you that we refined the algorithm. Now, for the precision afforded by the PiPrime tables at our disposal, in a cosmos according to PES_Tiles, from here to the next repeat, we can potentially address nodes containing a divergent inertial object bigger than this dice *shows the dice* practically everything in this room, you, me, the bottles of water in the table, the serving trays sticking on the walls and ceiling, the one on the floor too, the lamps, the light switch, the reserve lamps, the laptop, the camera,,, even the disk containing our latest algorithm and PiPrime tables. We can track, we can address, and we can define the divergent branch enough for it to keep diverging and not revert to a stable form. The pattern of information carries on defying probabilities, even if the substrate of particles and forces evaporates to be reformed elsewhere.
*A2 walks to the fridge, puts the beer in.*
R: Now, let's play.
A2: How have you been?
R: Mostly well. I am learning to relate wellbeing to engagement, not to success, since one cannot be in success mode all the time. And you?
A2: Mostly well also...
R: How is Zee?
A2: Mostly well also... but, you know, as well as can be expected when dealing with multiverse and suddenly becoming convinced this is not a game, even though we play it.
R: Well, true. Can you sit as comfortably as you can and look directly in front.
*A2 complies*
*R mounts the camera in A2's line of sight. A2 follows R's movement, camera swap*
R: Give me a thumbs up with your left hand, with up being up from gravity as you perceive it.
*A2 complies*
R: Now, thumbs down with your right hand.
R: Now, either I trust you showed me the directions properly, or we are already in a skewed probability universe beyond the regular cosmos.
A2: Or we are in a delusion, insanity form.
R: One of us or both or more. I'm not trying to find them. I am trying to find the rational variants.
R: Turn your head to the left... now turn your head to the right...
A2, complying: You know, you do sound more and more mad the more I know you.
R: Now, please take 3 trays, place them on the shelves to the side, and in the floor, and orient them so they all reflect between you and the camera. If you have trouble, I can nudge the camera a bit, but you shouldn't. Use books to lift and tilt the trays as necessary.
*A2, mounting a side mirror/tray*: like this?
R: Yes. Don't worry about the misalignment of the one in the ceiling, we will get to that later.
A2: Alright...
R: Tell me if anything smells funny.
A2: Hmmm... smells like electrical... Oh, one of the bulbs... *the bulb burns out, the smoke reaches them later than reaction*
R: I see light coming from both bulbs. Is the light coming from both bulbs in your branch? If not, fix that please.
A2: You are kidding, right?
R: Look into my eyes.
*A2 looks*
R: Can you see 2 lights reflected there?
A2: No... only one.
R: This one? *looks briefly at the lamp*
A2: Yes.
R: So, not this one, then...
A2: No... oh... wait... it turned on...
R: Is the light coming from both bulbs in your world now?
A2: No...
R: Can you fix that please before they run out of bulbs?
*A2 gets up the chair and fixes the bulbs*
R: Now sit... As you can see, you are in a mix of trays with reflective bottoms. Some connect you to you, some connect you to this camera, and some connect you to me. Look into the tray to your left and smile. Now frown. You still see your own face there? Move away from the direct vision. Look at me. Smile. Frown.
*A2 complies, scene can be swapped for a new scene of pieces of story happening to other characters*
* * *
Scene continues.
R: Lift that object about 10 centimeters up. It still is the medallion that Zee gave you, right? It is not the one of Jack.
Ok, hold it. Keep it up. *clicks, beeps, blips*.
Put it down, let me reset. It had an error, and not the error we are looking for. This comes from the code, not from the fractal or from how our organic-synthetic symbiosis interacts with the cosmos and the fractal through the instalink path.
Ok, lift it up again. Hold it. Hold it. A bit longer.... got it. Got astronomical probabilities associated with that object too, in relation to already astronomical probabilities that got the object here in the first place. Cool. You can put it down now. Or keep it up, but you don't have a third hand to lift the can of <sponsored content> and try turning the horizontal mirror to <associated sponsor colour> nuances.
*A2 complies to the requests, puzzled look when not required to make faces*
A2: Why is it there only one camera I see? You are hiding the other cameras?
R: Only once camera this time. It is the one surviving all experiments. I got a replacement camera, but that would require going through all experiments again, not to mention the camera is more expensive than light bulbs. I am trying to guide the excess energy to be expressed in forms that don't burn the camera off, that is why the first bulb burned almost as soon as you came. A sort of fuse, visible and interacting with the events that shape our behaviour and how they are recorded.
A2: Why are so many light bulbs?
R: Reserve light bulbs are here as error check and correction for the binary system of lights we are trying. I hope we don't need to use them, but...
*R snaps a picture in the space between the camera and A2, showing self, camera, A2, selfie mode. Bling, send. Bling, receive on computer. Bling print.*
R: We got all the electronics and organics involved, and the ready paths of communications between them. This is for extra redundancy. Ink flowing back into the cartridge, strong defiance of causality.
A2: Not to mention how ink producers would kill you before you were born.
R: Hah, yeshhh!!! Find a way to put ink back, refill genuine cartridges. I would kill the inventor of that, if I was in the ink business.
*A2 moves closer to the picture printed*
R: In the adjacent repeat nodes I and the camera are supposedly swapped. Either that, or we are aligned and become the standard support. If we are the standard support, the realtime mode of the trilink hybrid will start spewing errors, will start to diverge instead of converging. The way you bend to get a closer look at the picture is different here than in the next bubble of ourselves in this situation. And that is valid for fractal and realtime mode, even though we cannot address the fractal at the exponential rate, and can only guess, strongly, what the other bubbles are doing.
A2: Realtime is never as perfect as fractal mode.
R: Yeah.
A2: We are playing with constructive interference of negative probability events, right?
R: Many of those events.
A2: And changing from one or the other, support or divergence, requires dismantling all our bubble of causality?
R: Practically destroying all the visible cosmos, that's right. But I remind you this happens naturally in the atomic exchanges.
A2: But where does it get the energy to do it?
R: It has already all the energy it needs, wound up in the fabric of our spacetime. It is emitting it in our direction of causality. In that case we would be the odd ones out, unwinding towards the zero sum of the combined us and adjacent bubbles.
A2: Unless the unwinding happens inside one's brain, memory manipulation style.
R: You seem concerned with this.
A2: Aren't you?
R: Not particularly. We could be part of a fractal computer code that produces something resembling consciousness as a byproduct, or emulated code in a virtual world of textures over borders, or various much more probable scenarios than the spiral or torus of Einsteinian physics. But we know of physics, so we experiment with it.
A2: Can't we experiment in the fractal, without the instalink, without the unwinding of all our vortices of electrons and quarks?
R: Of course we can, but I don't see us having a few spare solar system wide computers at our disposal, nor the 50 petabyte PiPrime table for such precision, nor have we refined the formula, Pi Slicing or not, enough for realtime calculations independent of the stability of physics around it.
A2: We will get the 50 petabyte PiPrime table.
R: We will get the fixed formula before that most likely. But even then, dependence on the physics is a cool phenomenon to explore, and right now is the only option... ok, the easiest option.
A2: The easiest option is not to do any of these, and carry on living in our small bubble of stable spacetime. Also, tell me, how cool is it when you deliberately seek branches that are already collapsing in a sharp fold of spacetime, and then spread this information, making us aware of the end of our physical existence and diverging our consciousness
R: It may not be a sharp fold as in a black hole's event horizon. It may be an unwinding...
A2: Much much worse!
R: No! It would be the end of existence without the chaos from laws of physics degenerating as lightspeed crawls to standstill before reversing. Which is worse, chaos before the end, or the end?
A2: Tell that to our anarchists. If humans learn and believe it that our bubble is going to invert in 20 years or so, we will destroy what is left of our hope to get a solution. The souls of the surviving humans will change enough to find themselves in other similar self-destructive scenarios when the collapsed branch traces become the dream of somebody else, instead of away from collapsing branches and into stable ones, as we normally go. It would be like damning everybody. No, drop the, like. This is damning everybody! And you are teaching me, so I be damned too.
R: So we find a solution.
A2: What solution? To our whole visible cosmos falling into a much bigger black hole? To a black hole past its critical point expanding to engulf everything else?
R: Poteto potato... but yeah. Either we are falling into a black hole, or the black hole is expanding, or the spacetime based on the wave function that never collapses enters into a sharp fold, and we can find a solution to that.
A2: We cannot go back. We cannot get to the other side. We cannot stop the blackhole. And we have not control over our planet, or solar system... how do you expect us to deal with it?
R: In physical terms, we can't. We can hope the slowdown is gradual once close enough to the event horizon, so we can try to outrun it, accelerating away. But that is the brute solution. If the event horizon really freezes existence, we should look for other solutions.
A2: Such as?
R: We can learn to live in the reverse lightspeed, and from there evolve into a match with other branches of physics. But my bet would be to migrate away from physics completely.
A2: You mean past brain upload, into the fractals?
R: Yeah. Maybe encode ourselves into some of the states of the PiPrime table we would end up using in the alternate branches where the local cosmos does not collapse.
A2: Wouldn't that cause another collapse?
R: Probably not. We will deal with that when, or if, we get there.
A2: Yeah, right after we cause our association with more diverging paths that end up wiping our awake existence away much sooner than the impending doom.
R: Right after we make more experiments and know better what our options are.
A2: Right after we fix the formulas and the table jumps. Or is it a new calculation starting from the digits of interest of the selected table, till it stalls on the next input request, which it takes from the stable physics around it...
R: Bu hu hu, cry me a river. It takes all the 2 miliseconds for a multicore processor to crack past the stalling, don't tell me how not to hook up tables. Tell me how to do it better.
A2: What would happen if we did not have stable physics anymore? If all processors stopped working, because giving the wrong result while pretending to give the right result?
R: We are not there, are we?
A2: Yet. Who knows what else will you break of our world to satisfy your curiosity?
R: That is the mindset that kept us believing in the deities in a cave.
A2: Compared to wiping us all out... *pauses, sighs, shakes head*... yeah, I would take the physics collapse, every time probably... sorry for being so... so... but you freaking lunatic are the reason why we are falling into a black hole, and know about it...
R: Well, that happened. And probably we should consider ourselves lucky we got enough time to figure out a solution.
A2: And a jump into stable physics. And hope to not break that as well.
R: What would you like to call stable? A quadrillion years? 14 billion? 28 billion? Deep freeze? What do you think happens to those civilizations that exhaust that? Don't you think they would be pressed to find a solution? I mean, we are not yet at protecting our planet level, and are looking for solutions to ultimate universe questions. It is in the nature of intelligence beyond survival.
A2: Since one of your proposed solutions is us going to another branch, wouldn't they need to open a receiver portal for us? Wouldn't we need to be ready to open a similar portal for others wanting to come through, if there are others, aliens maybe, out there?
R: If they are out there, they would be coming through the gap between their dimensional collapse and ours... even if this triggers a dimensional collapse here. The earth that did not know would still exist. I, and maybe you, could cease to exist in this form. But, be sure we would exist as part of the civilizations coming through.
A2: You are a smooth talker when you want to... but, you freaking were experimenting with the death of our civilization!
R: You only are part of this collapsing branch if you believe it... Are you beginning to believe?
A2: I don't know what to believe about your guesses on how the universe works.
R: Ask me, maybe I can clarify...
A2: Is our universe code or physics?
R: There is nothing wrong with it being both, separated by untouchable maths in the classical physics sense, and connected by self-similar information arrangements.
A2: What about realities coexisting with our own?
R: What about them?
A2: You talk about nanomachines...
R: Nanomachines for us and our current or immediate future level, femtomachines for them, ghost femtomachines for those traveling inverse in the time direction, bridgers for example.
A2: Yeah, more worlds, more coexisting, or separate, or dependent, or independent,,, and it never stops?
R: It stops, if we define stop to the reduced information state. Closer to the grid coordinates for example. That is life. Universes work in similar ways. Whether we consider overlay and coexistence, or the far-away alternative and their zero sum counteralternatives.
A2: The alternative would be a perfect equilibrium in all directions, similar to overlaid multiverse in a single coordinate system, quite more complicated way to the same set of conclusions, that is what you are saying?
R: And yet the wave function never collapses, and we can define as big and small a gap as we want, and it is still representable in fourier overlays, and 4T folded to infinity.
A2: Blinks
R: And we are growing better at addressing it, intuitively for example, 1+1, and accumulating knowledge and concepts, like the shepard tone, or how 1 and 2 and 3 relate to 4 and 8 and 12 which relate to 16 24 48 64 96 128.
*A2 blinks a couple more times, then sighs*
R: You asked. *weirded out look, surprised*
A2: What about stability issues? Are we going to verify we are on the right path?
R: Not on all steps, but yeah, code verification. We are using an instalink more reliable than code verification. Stable by virtue of us experiencing it on the exponential path of physics we inhabit. We only need one-way addressing to make use of it, and we have already broken improbability for our cosmos, so, nothing more to lose... the universe will collapse... like it always does... Like it is doing right now! We continue because we did not know, because the universe is also not collapsing. But between the two, there are the partially collapsing ones, the ones that know. And that also in the intermediary steps.
A2: Manifested in their world how?
R: Close your eyes, imagine it... that is how... that is the convergence point between our world and the ones that fall while we experiment with improbability.
A2: And nothing else matters?
R: And nothing else matters... including the versions where matter itself ceases being matter.
A2: What about all the other variants?
R: That is a big multiverse out there. Let the other variants deal with it. From our perspective they don't matter, unless we study them and therefore feel their effects, theoretical since differentiated by practical application of forces and energies.
* * * scene continues. Experiments continue, even the details that don't need to be pre-written and depend more on the sponsors of objects than actual details of displacements and reflections. This scene is meant as explanation scene to fill in details about the theory in between continuation of story in other scenes * * *
R: Put a rock on your right... pick whichever you like...
*the rock starts to float upwards*
R: Hold your hand to your right... your other right...
*A2 holds his hand as instructed*
R: Catch!
*A2 catches the rock*
R: By the way, for having seen that trick, I must inform you that this branch will collapse in a few minutes.
*A2 shivers*
*R readies a triumphant smile*
*A2 nods and giggles* Oh yeah, you told me, and I did not believe you... and I only need to not panic, first, and then let this memory be absorbed by the surviving one...
*R snaps his fingers to the camera in the point between A2 and somewhere around the mirror where it would appear.*
A2: No need for that. I know when I open my hand the rock will not be there, but I will be more similar to the version of me who would be welcoming me to join their existence, the version of me where this event was a manipulation and hypnosis by a deranged lunatic similar to you that went ahead and tested the multiverse over an approaching blackhole event horizon a few decades...
R: ... at most...
A2: A few decades at most... before it engulfs us all...
*starts to correct A2*
A2: Whatever... I can put the rock back in and not even tell you, so you don't have a chance to tell your double, and sever the connection between me and the other me in the presence of the other deranged lunatic out there.
R: Please don't do that.
A2: Haha, I was kidding! No, I am curious to see where it goes. And how to make it stable.
R: Are you not afraid of becoming the dream of somebody else? Somebody who will all the same eventually enter the event horizon of the black hole at approximately the same stage of their civilization?
A2: Terrified, but you dragged us all here, let's see...
R: Don't open your hand yet.
*A2 questioning look*
R: Do you think there is a relation between the coke we poured in earlier, and the clear version shown to the camera?
*A2 looks to the tray*
*the tray looks clear*
R: Look up.
*A2 looks up*
*A drop of redish liquid flies up from the can in his hand, lands on the tray up, it sticks, no ripples, but the tray acts as if filled with clear water and the drop gradually reddens it, till it is completely calm red* (cola or any other sponsored object of red-redish colour will do, cola for now since we like their taste and would not be lying in promoting that. We enjoy cola's taste.)
*R snaps his fingers in the direction between his face and A2, using the other hand.*
R: When I snap both fingers, you will wake up. This world and the both of us will be just dreams being played out by others. I already transmitted them the results. Tell me, would you like to know if you have a rock in your hand or not?
A2: I would!
R: By believing it, you will die, like the rest of us. If there is no incoming swarm of machines, we will cease to exist in our paradox.
A2: I want to know. But I trust you will tell me, him, us.
R: Good choice...
A2 closes his eyes and brings the rock to full view of the camera but on Ramis' side, so it does not show in the mirror down or up.
R: A little to the back?
A2: Are you experimenting still?
R: I want to send a redundant variant... a little to the back please...
A2: Well, you never told me this part, how do you know it will make a difference?
R: Oh come on, vertical mirrors affected, horizontal, has it not occurred to you?
A2: I was kicked off that family of smartasses for not being smart enough.
*A2 moves rock so it is in view of the vertical mirrors but out of sight of the horizontal ones.*
R: You were shown how you can be the most productive for the cause, but you can be productive enough in experimenting as well. Formulas and code, not your forte. Should you want to, you know the path to improvement, and we would love an extra hand... there is no need to do as you are most productively told.
*A2 blinks*: uh... what?
*R checks the lateral mirrors*
R: Hand to the right, a bit... as if I was sitting over there. Keep it out of the horizontal view.
*A2 complies, his hand is up, he did not lift it, explained later when called to lower hand*
R: A2 do you feel the weight of the rock? If you don't want to know, nod or shake it to me. Keep your eyes closed, or the palm out of view, if you don't want to know.
*A2 nods*
*R types something on the pc*
R: This bought us a few more minutes of trans-world communication. We need to maximize the data throughput... checking memories.
*A2 scratches his forehead, eyes away from the hand*
R: We are at 1 out of 37 possibilities lower than the big bang itself. The rock in your hand holds more power than the rest of the visible universe combined... it holds the rest of the universe, so to speak. Holds it by pressing the right force back.
A2: The BIG bang? Not the physics bang? Am I hearing you right?
R: Yes, and that is how we can transmit information through worlds, while still ending up in the stable variation.
A2: Cool... spontaneous events be damned, eternal repeat be damned, we are on the collapsing branch motherfuckers, and we will do our best to come out of this alive, whether you will advance enough to read us like a crystalline structure, or some variants of you survive the dimensional collapse and synch with ours, or we have to dig our way out ourselves. *clears throat, imitates R* Build our own paradise, and travel from there to the incalculable exponential.
*R giggles and nods*
R: Now lower your hand and the rock, vertically from there.
*A2 complies, the rock levitates, falls slowly*
R: It is collapsing... cool... it is imploding on itself.
*splash sound*
*Cola pouring*
*A2 blinks*
*R looks at the floor tray, rock there, quiet water, transparent*
*A2 looks at the floor tray, rock not there, splashed marks, tray empty*
*Camera looks at floor tray, greenbrown rock over red cola. It was the redbrown rock in R's view*
*R reaches over and takes the tray, carefully as if holding it with water and rock, but it shows no rock or water*
A2: I noticed this is the first time you came over this side of the room since I entered.
*R nods and grins wide*
A2: What have we got there?
R: Something that can address improbability to beyond cosmic scale. And it uses so little energy...
A2: Great!
*R reaches to a cupboard, and from under a cup takes a rock that looks very similar to the one used earlier.*
R: Now let the inertial objects merge stories... easier to handle.
*A2 Moves a bit back and takes another tray and puts it where R removed it earlier.*
*A2 sits a bit further back*
*R smiles wide*
R: Look who came prepared...
A2: It did say it was very unlikely to happen.
R: And that I would be telling you about, if it did.
A2: And I was not required to read the instructions through, which of course itches curiosity more.
R: That is why you are here. That is why we are doing this. Curiosity itching us.
A2: So, what about it?
R: You want the code version, or the general terms?
A2: Not code per se, but a bit of references would be fine.
R: Alright, I will send you the link and the latest attachment.
*A2 blinks*
R: Haha, gotcha!
*A2 expression as displeased/annoyed/waiting*
R: No, I can tell you... as you see, we are playing with probable events.
A2: From the collapse of universe to here please.
R: Cosmos, please, be clear about it. The universe is the big place where all variants happen. Bigger than all branches of all possible physics combined. Bigger than the collapsing branches and the superstructure that contains them. That is why I reserve using the word 'Big Bang' and the classical bigbang I call .. the bang of band-freeze cycles of physics.
A2: Alright, from the collapse of the cosmos to here.
R: See, every black hole, every twist, every quark or electron is already spinning. Either mass is the heavy falling and clustering together, or is the light, spreading and thinning out.
A2: The omniphoton versus blackhole you often mention, right?
R: Right. That follows diffusion and clustering rules, and these rules hold for forward and backward time, since based on the same wave functions. And in the big mathematical universe there is an inverse pressure scenario with finite stability that squeezes out a classical big-bang from a white-noise of deep freeze. Here I mean the small bang. Practically starting at the superbig and affecting the supersmall all the way to complete inverse, 4T fold in Fourier overlay of waves and what circle-sphere-hypersphere representation you prefer for higher dimension exceptions.
A2: That is the bang-freeze cycle, right? The spiral that behaves like a torus as far as practical application goes.
R: For Planck-based worlds, and the adjacent ones. It thins out too much afterwards, being multi-dimensional and all, and defining the distance as force on more dimensions depletes energy and its information counterpart proportionally faster than in lower dimensions.
A2: And you have found a way to address that?
R: I don't even think it is addressable anymore, not by the classical sense of addressable, knowing its position in regards to the base grid.
A2: For current technologies you mean?
R: For any technology that hangs when trying to address all that can happen in a quant-based world when each step takes exponentially longer than the last. But we can address stable variants and exceptions. For example, a computer running reliably this operating system, and these tests, for this long, while the organics behind the keyboard are keeping it running.
A2: And there is where you wish to find physics?
R: You know you can just listen, right? But the proper way to learn is to occasionally check we are on the same page. Good of you.
*A2 nods: Thank you.
R: There is where we can find classic physics. But, to play with that we would need to address 10^10^117 scale objects, a grave task even for the most advanced civilizations we can think of. A space so big that if we filled it in PES_Tiles it would contain all paradoxes that are stable for less than the undisturbed freeze-bang plane.
A2: What is that?
R: The freezebang plane is the equipotential surface over the maximum fractal that can be wrapped around 8 imaginary axes.
A2: Why?
R: Because of 8 imaginary numbers for each real number. They combine into axes and planes, and ultimately grow outwards in the form of a manifold starting from 8 imaginary for 1 dimensional, think time, 2 dimensional, think hologram or tiles, 3 dimensional and the mandatory polar break to all further dimensions which puts them in combinatory relation with each other. And the equipotential surfaces, that are not actually equipotential in all their extremes but the closest thing to it. They wrap around the polar structures of 3 real dimensions, in 24 dimensions, and wrap, and wrap, and wrap.
A2: The pseudo torus, the spiral we perceive as our cosmos.
R: Right, that, as seen from the base grid.
A2: I think I am with you so far... go on please.
R: So, for every real axis, 8 imaginary axes. And the real axis behave according to probability and diffusion rules, where a negative-probability event is associated with a vacuum energy not too dissimilar to the energy stored in a vortex to which we cannot get to the center of, like an electron or black hole. The imaginary axes provide relations with time, energy, force representation over distance and so on. And that includes other negative probability events, such as a rock, an inertial mass, jumping from one cup to the other a few meters away. That improbability event can be teased. We can fold our local physics to obey certain exceptions temporary, including fake tables, or situations where everybody is in on a joke except you. Dice, computer code, and so on. Provoking the improbability machine till it would rather take the shortest path over the wave function over the regular path at supercosmic distances. The shortest path may be even larger in overall distance, but the repeat patterns make it easier to reach through alternate paths, some of which include partial rewinding or seemingly paradox physics with inverse diffusion or inverse temperature. While we cannot address objects of orders of magnitude beyond googleplex, as needed to fully address the physics in fractal form, we can address exceptions, such as us talking now. The bad news is that this particular exception is related to the frontwave of a black hole that is engulfing and untwisting everything on its path, freezing time practically.
A2: The easy-point calculation?
R: And the civilization that addresses it and diverges into knowing about it, relying upon it, and acting upon it. The civilization that is falling. Us, practically.
A2: Makes me want to throw stuff at you! Maniac!
R: You won't collapse if you don't believe it. There will always be a variant of you that will collapse and one that won't, despite being parallel till that point. I am nudging the odds, but this is not the inescapable cause-effect bubble.
A2: Nudging the odds and using them for "nefarious" purposes, like experimenting on free energy, faster than light communication, faster than time information, computing substrate related to improbability events that augment the computative powers of the proper code associated to it by billions of times. See, that is why it is hard to believe you. Your logic is sound, but your conclusions go too far for our imagination...
R: You would reach the same conclusions starting with the same premises.
A2: With proper time to digest them. In time maybe even the micromachine scenario would not look as weird.
R: In time our conclusions would reach much further, even without aliens in the big fractal world. But we do not have that kind of time...
A2: Yeah, because you are definitely associating our history with the collapsed black hole and a front wave that will hit us when? 2035? 2040?
R: It does not need to be fatal. We don't know what happens when a black hole hits a stable system free of debris. We know nothing comes out of it to our fold of improbability. You know, our lightspeed, our local spacetime, not the neighbouring regions.
A2: You think we can move to those regions?
R: Not even if we upload our consciousness... but we can transmit information. We can use the diffraction properties of a sharp fold in spacetime to get a frontwave that travels faster than the base wave. And actually the ethical course of action is for us to do it. After all, they will collapse too, so, best be prepared for it.
A2: You bastard! If they don't know about it, they will carry on existing.
R: I bastard, yes. I tell them, because I know, and because the path beyond our physics will always know rather than not know. Everything else is irrelevant. You all will die in physics, why not go beyond it? Spontaneous exceptions in larger structures in a quant-based infinite repeat, synching, because guided to by the stability of the surrounding and the choices of those that have a choice, can communicate with each-other. That is the only way to transcend physics, while still being physics. Otherwise we are random interpretation of noise that pretends to be consciousness.
A2: The dust theory? You don't like it?
R: I like it. And don't like it. I like the predictive powers, and how it makes life better, scientific way. But not the parts where agony will construct its own hell. Even if I learn to handle it, agony will construct hell for someone. Can I find compassion for that hypothetical? I still like and pursue it, but maybe sticking to stable physics for a while... and I don't have to like all aspects of it...
A2: You know, talking to aliens, someone may consider that treason...
R: Haha, yeah, but in that world I have an object heavier than their bubble of existence, comfortably resting in a shelf. I can manipulate it. They can't. From there on, this negative probability accumulation of vacuum energy, is an issue of the version of me to which it happens. This version of me is having no Interpol on our asses. Or, you know, the swap memories variant, and delusional worlds, and dream worlds, and dementia, and metaphoriverse, and language beyond organics to speak it, and self-assembling dust forming consciousness and galaxies, and all that can happen has already happened. Code based fractals? Definitively more likely than classical physics! Almost everything is more likely. We are proof of that improbability. Why not ride it a bit further? We do it all the time, when gathering food and nudging the odds of survival of negative entropy beings, us, that is, humans and animals with choice.
A2: Not to mention that every moment you split, we split, into all variations.
R: Yes, especially the version of me that sends or does not send the information to the other branches. And I don't mean immediate quasiidentical branches. I mean major divergence, like if Trump actually won the presidency! Whoa, that is one hell of an improbable event.
A2: Haha, yeah... Lucky Bernie caught the primaries, though...
R: Now take the pebble of colour different than the rock we put away.
A2: There is only one pebble remaining.
R: Oh... cool... it means we reached the supersmall from our limited choices, and at a nice inertial displacement too.
A2: What about the rock?
R: What about the rock?
A2: Properties? How does it behave? Flies? Burns?
R: No emissions in any electromagnetic spectrum, but not surprising since its small is in the lower Planck's order, and its big is in the bigger than the visible cosmos order.
A2: No emissions?
R: Well, actually it might electrify objects that resonate, but it would make those objects radiate, not the rock itself.
A2: Like our processors resonating and burning?
R: Yes, like our processors. Some antennas may be tuned to hunt for these signals but would fail pinpointing the source of the disturbance since they would become greater disturbances. Also, if somebody had that kind of technology and foresight, they would be working for us or with us. We haven't been quiet about our experiments, have we? We have always searched for collaborators.
A2: What other properties does the rock have?
R: No emissions in any electromagnetic spectrum, but not surprising since its small is in the lower Planck's order, and its big is in the bigger than the visible cosmos order.
A2: No emissions?
R: Well, actually it might electrify objects that resonate, but it would make those objects radiate, not the rock itself.
A2: Like our processors resonating and burning?
R: Yes, like our processors. Some antennas may be tuned to hunt for these signals but would fail pinpointing the source of the disturbance since they would become greater disturbances. Also, if somebody had that kind of technology and foresight, they would be working for us or with us. We haven't been quiet about our experiments, have we? We have always searched for collaborators.
A2: What other properties does the rock have?
R: Its inertial form is 4 times heavier than what is being pulled by gravity from earth, due to halo-hole effects valid for a portion of the multiverse that surrounds us.
A2: That means it falls around slowly?
R: At the very least yes. And that takes time to diffuse in our local surrounding, so, it will stay like that for a while, depending more upon which probability events it approaches and influences than which regular objects are nearby. After all, supercosmic waves need other supercosmic waves to relate in constructive or destructive interferences.
A2: The astral plane?
R: Something like that. I don't like that term. Too mystic for what we are trying to do, but maybe the best approximation to what I am talking about.
A2: So, the rock, relating to our world with quarks and electrons as regular rock, but imbued by strings...
R: ...or waves...
A2: ... or waves of supercosmic size passing through it, that make it have different properties when we try to move it, like behave as a rock 4 times heavier when pushed.
R: Even though it pulls down the scale by the same amount compared to a similar sized rock. Balanced to zero sum lowest energy state by the adjacent portions of the multiverse, our neighbors, the ones that need to be warned. They are not balanced. The rock balances them. And other experimental objects and events. And the rest of the universe of course.
A2: Anything else about the rock?
R: It can potentially accelerate to faster than light, which would include it disappearing from our present, going backwards in time, in the cone of causality relating to the momentum. The energy effects would dissociate from the inertial effects. The mass of the rock would appear in our world as if it was already there, for example sand that would form it. The energy effects would carry on, but I cannot tell you exactly where and how.
A2: Maybe in the adjacent parallel universes?
R: Likely in the path towards them. But since it would not be in a sweet spot of low energy state, it would dissipate faster.
A2: The adjacent areas, are they like a different lightspeed compared to ours?
R: I started with that premise, but further calculations show they are on the same lightspeed and with different variables changing. Think of it this way: the crystal containing all of our multiverse based on physics is relating and dependent on the twin primes defining its break to the otherwise uniformity of repeat, and their difference with the next primes. Our physics is dependent on higher structures, greater gaps than the binary base of the 4T fold. Like cousin primes, but with a gap bigger than the first and last twin primes. There is a gap representing lightspeed, and in that gap we can find a multiverse of all repeat, and the substantially less stable variants of exceptions that collapse into a black hole.
A2: Where else would they collapse into? Blackholes and omniphotons. That is all there is according to your theory.
R: In our cosmos, and making our cosmos. Important difference.
A2: Yeah, a small cosmos of physics in the great shared mathematical universe.
R: Yes. Keep that in mind. Anyway, those gaps are marginally different to ours, gradual, but with noticeable effects on cosmology beyond the visible bubble of light that could ever reach us or vice versa. Their stability is similar to ours too, differing on a few quant-scale time and size intervals made irrelevant by the immediate surroundings. The bigger the differences, the less stable the exceptions. That is if we are searching for physics using the regular formulas where adding still means adding. The inverse variants of all of them may allow greater flexibility, but we are having trouble dealing with the regular variants and their paradoxes...
A2: Inverse variants?
R: You know, where everything else points to 2+2 being 4, except the actual addition of the terms. Kinda like making it happen. We use this concept as method of generating the extra energy from the disbalance from the vibrational base, assuming it adds up somewhere beyond our calculative abilities but that would result in extra paradoxes being thrown left and right, pun intended. And then, according to those paradoxes the world would implode or explode quite often...
A2: the blackhole that spreads every moment?
R: Not as often, and not as devastating but more devastating in the practical terms. Like for every billion of blackholes engulfing their local cosmos branch, there would be a spark that turns a moon or a small planet to rumble. A few thousand times a second. But this is not important. We searched the blackholes as stable exception and because of the low computation needs close to their event horizon. This is without finding the easy-calculation point upon which we grew the divergence. With it, all the more incentive to search the blackholes instead of the sporadic paradoxes that cannot contain the extra vibrational energy.
A2: I bet someone will find a way to turn those into a weapon.
R: I bet that too. I hope they are as miserable in the universe they will help making, as they deserve to be. The formula of the universe, able to bring paradise in the local physics, and used to bring hell instead... well, to hell with it!
* * *
A2: When the frontwave hits, what direction will it come from?
R: Probably from that direction we perceive as if a much heavier object is, although we can infer it by observing objects based on electromagnetism and black holes are notorious for messing with anything lightspeed related.
A2: Not to mention that we got nothing to compare this event with.
R: Compare it, that is how we can know more since formulas break down after critical masses. Our regular formulas cannot conceive of a naked singularity.
A2: Lucky your theory can...
R: No, it can't. And, it is our theory, not mine. I was not even the first one to propose it.
A2: How is that possible? I thought PES_Tiles covered up everything.
R: It still does.
A2: How...?
R: Inverse causality, everything reverts in a naked black hole, but starting from the black hole itself and a bit further.
A2: Further into what?
R: I don't know. Further, because the calculations allow for a return, even though we know nothing about where the exceptions in the formula go when no longer representable in positive distance or positive time compared to ours. Probably they become part of the causality of adjacent universes, similarly to how our cosmos is filled with influences from them, some sub-Planck, some superbig. Or simply reverts everything, which means it becomes an anti-black-hole, and anti-black-holes cannot exist, or antiphotons.
A2: Why?
R: Because they would depend on a negative speed of light.
A2: And why is that such an impossibility? You say everything is possible.
R: Well, think of it this way. You got 2 segments. One of them is longer than the other. What you are asking is for the other to be longer, while still being defined as shorter.
A2: But a segment can be shorter, despite the definition.
R: So a black hole can be an anti-black-hole, in negative lightspeed while still in forward time. Let it go. The distinctions are meaningless. The properties we care about are defined well enough for all practical purposes, and if we need more practical purposes we invent new definitions to get meaning from formulas. But towards something that makes sense, not the negative lightspeed in forward time.
A2: And when we send the signal to warn the other earth, what direction should we point the lasers to?
R: Depends on where they are.
A2: And they are where?
R: Adjacent to us, alongside the blackhole, or, will be when the signal reaches them.
A2: And we should point the lasers where?
R: The incoming event horizon is related to the direction of the visible universe that can causally affect it, or affect it more, like, the side that represents earth, which we can guess is not yet engulfed in inescapable mode. We can guess where the blackhole will reach us, if it reaches in the way we classically imagine it, a flat super surface.
A2: It can be other than a flat surface?
R: The blackhole itself no. I mean its event horizon. That is flat, absolutely. But it may not be flat in comparison to us. We may be skewed in comparison to it, or some other shape.
A2: A hill, of some sort, reaching forth to try to eat up our solar system before eating up the lightweight aura of comets and empty space surrounding it? Or eating it later?
R: Even more exotic shapes, such as eating up Saturn first, and acting as if it was Saturn for our lightspeed limited sensors. And in a few years reaching earth. Or even more, eating up individual vortices representative of atoms, while balancing out, eating slowly, the phantom particles, or gluons, or even photons while pretending to be regular old action-reaction of atoms in a stable cosmos.
A2: Does that mean it could already be upon us and we haven't noticed?
R: No more than regular action reaction. Which means quite likely, but the massive frontwave of it is decades away, coming for us and everything in our side of the cosmos at lightspeed.
A2: Could that be a white hole, or that naked singularity that cannot exist in our cosmos?
R: No. In their own direction of time it could be, but there it would still meet the naming paradox, it would not be a concentrated mass of inverse time, instead being a regular mass behaving regularly, with properties that can be predicted in terms of favouring or avoiding some constructive interferences. Destructive interferences we do not bother with and leave at the fabric of spacetime, and since dependent on the arrow of time, what there is destructive interference, if we were to put a direct comparison, they would be constructive interferences for us.
A2: You lost me. I mean, I get the part where if something has time, it can construct and destruct, and what is construct in one direction is destruct in the other. But the big scheme of how these are arranged eludes me.
R: Think of it this way... we are falling, all orbits confirm that... falling where? Into the center of the grid that holds all our stable orbits. Or to the pseudo center of the grid which is itself falling along but acting as if falling from, not into, because of the related time direction compared to ours. Pseudo center of the grid is one of the ways to interpret the naked singularity paradox. Are you with me so far?
A2: More leaning towards far, but yeah. That is why I was ejected from that *ahem* study group ... *giggles*
R: You were not ejected! You were given an advice, and took it. Good thing you did. Good even if you hadn't. The world is not built by those who do what they are told. Those who do what they are told build the world as much as the computer builds the world. It is the accumulated knowledge turned into action that builds the world, with discipline and effort, using all the tools available, including those who do what they are told. You are pretty far advanced in our theories, but, even if we were not already going full speed into it, if we were not here in fact, I would suggest your resources are better spent calling up for people like us. We would gladly expect someone like you, and accept you... try to convince you at every step of the way that what you are doing is not the best you can do for the cause, try to tease you into teaching freshly introduced souls with what you have worked so hard to digest and understand, making you an integral part of our apparatus, but if you wish formulas, come at me bro, I need someone like you to debate some theories... I will send you the links to catch up with it in the limited sense, and expand from there laterally if needed.
A2: Oh, thank you, but I do believe you, and frankly I was trying so hard because I did not know there were so many already on this path. I mean, there are plenty of loonies out there who claim this and that, but to differentiate who is genuine and who is fake and who is simply imbecile...
R: There are plenty of loonies, indeed.
A2: So, I know till the part that our bubble of physics is falling away... our niche conditions...
R: Mass sinks, alright? If it would not sink, it would not be mass, it would be bubble, antimass. By this definition taken from observations in nature, we tie together forward time, mass, and the direction of the 'other' assumed there. Whether this holds true for any permutation, or inverts on the next permutation...
A2: The vibrational base?
R: ...yes, many permutations, Planck-scale inverting between push and pull, similar to light, overlaid vibrations. Some covering distances longer than bang-freeze before inverting to destructive interference mode.
A2: Where you say electrons are?
R: Electrons, or quarks, or super electrons, or super super electrons... or mini electrons with vibrations that are considered white noise or normal fluctuations as seen from the classic electron field. Think electron-field-like, not electron. If it helps, call that other thing, the classic electron.
A2: Electron-field-like surface of vibrational resonances.
R: Yes. When in their constructive interference state, they may span beyond all our histories and repeats, but fundamentally disbalanced because of the properties of difference in frequency and phase for all functions that can be represented in waves at infinity.
A2: Anything balanced would be just another fold in the repeat pattern at the wave function that never collapses.
R: Right. So we assume there is a superbig wave that encompasses everything we can reach in physics, also a supersmall wave that is too fine for us to differentiate from the white noise in the electron field or higgs field. And they are related to the base of the grid where 1+1 exists. And they are repeating in disbalanced way, oblivious of the next repeat where what was all-encompassing is met with destructive interference with the base grid frequency. Something that happens to all waves.
A2: Why do you use 1+1 and 2+2 as examples when talking about some of the subjects? Aren't they the same?
R: In a sense, yes, but I am trying to emphasize what +-1 and +-2 can do as properties of waves and the numeric system.
A2: The 4T fold?
R: That too, more inclined to the 2+2 for obvious reasons, and constructed out of +-1 pieces that wrap around in infinity.
A2: Oh, yes. I remember that. What about that theory where everything falls back into 4, 2 and 1?
R: The Collatz conjecture?
A2: Don't know. I have not fixed the name in my memory. That must be it.
R: Yes. It has quite a lot to do with +-1 and +-2. Using these artifices we can approximate a result that contains inter-related values that give meaning to forces and dimensions. For any size of the field of observation, beyond which the function goes in infinity mode and balances out. And that has reliable properties even if seem counterintuitive, but once we get used to them they appear like second nature.
A2: Like imaginary numbers.
R: I was thinking more the halo effect, in terms of intuitive and counterintuitive, but the reliability and second nature, yes, like imaginary numbers.
A2: Like when our civilization learned to divide by negative without expecting it to be the super super positive, beyond infinity positive, which it is.
R: And that is why it brings reliable results. The term you must remember associated with functions extending beyond visible range in infinite grids is the halo-hole effect.
A2: Oh, yes, makes sense now.
R: In this halo, our perception of forward time is actually backward time as related to mass falling. Mass falls, concentrates, clusters, and it brings up bubbles. In these bubbles mass keeps falling away, but bubbles do not cluster together in flat, they cluster together if they are mass, or if the whole surrounding spins, think a hole, or a swirl, in the water. And while the simplest explanation, the observed orbits for example, could be enough, the 4T fold says that the wraparound is also true, connected beyond causality and repeat. We relate forward time generally to electromagnetic forces in the electron field, which relates to the quarks but also to antielectrons, positrons in point-like mode, but holes in semiconductors too despite not being of antimatter, and maybe super-electron structures.
A2: This is all fascinating. I wish I was as smart as you guys.
R: And with hard work you could be, but, the shortest path towards this goal goes through first achieving the jump in technology associated with deep understating of the fractal universe, and then reaching and improving upon the post-organic self. If we were at another age of our civilization, hard work and dedication would be the best methods, words and their established meaning evolving alongside thought, and making humans smarter than the sum of our neurons.
A2: Yeah, but you push for this evolution, while I follow.
R: Push, energies devoted into it. But we got similar mental schemes if we have the same vocabulary, therefore we are similarly smart compared to our past selves by virtue of having these schemes and being able to recall their information and use it. In this version, you are much smarter than I was last year.
A2: And you would catch up and surpass me.
R: In the right environment, which means, not I, us, us as many would surpass any one of us.
A2: Yeah... I guess you are right. I mean, you are, but I need to let go of what is me and get into what is us. Towards fascinating explorations of the fractal universe, redefining electrons and holes.
R: What if I told you the quark's diffusion arrow of forward time runs inverse to the electron's,,, *dramatic pause, looking at A2, smiling, easing 'fascinating'*
A2: That is why they don't annihilate each other like electron and positron?!
R: Yes, and if we disassociate a quark from its friends, another quark takes its place, whether we need to accumulate enough energy to create it, or it is naturally vacuumed in from the environment.
A2: Uh uh...
R: Quarks have inertial mass bigger than electrons when they work together in perfect balanced pairs. Whether this holds still in the direction quarks hold as their forward time, it works nicely in here. That is why experimenting with inertial objects. We know enough about the electrons and quarks to put some of their properties in the comparisons and through improbability scenarios. The inertial effects, and how they must balance out in the next permutation, in the 4T fold of a quark-field or whichever permutation is the smallest or biggest that forces the zero sum at sub-quant vibrations or superbig distances. But we know quarks and electrons are fundamentally disblanced, and we can use that to hunt for a Sheppard tone that resembles 3+1 dimensions in the PES_Tiles project. The 3+1 dimensions would be defined by the particles instead of defining them. The spacetime would be the emergent phenomena in the remix of vibrations.
A2: You lost me again.
R: Ok, Sheppard tone, you know that?
A2: Yes.
R: In that tone, a tone, but specifically in the one we are looking for, the one with limited lightspeed and the Einstenian cosmos, a Sheppard tone can hold the repeat qualities that give rise to many forms of symmetry expression, one of which is 3+1 dimensions we are familiar with, or 6+2 and inverting vacuum with pressure. 3+1 offers stable orbits and nice self-compensation, a likely place for higher complexity. In this higher complexity there are planes and planes and planes arranged in tetrahedronic grids.
A2: Triangle based pyramid and various inverted forms.
R: Yes, those. The triangle based pyramid, a very important shape.
A2: One of the Platonic solids. The most important maybe, or at least as important as the cube.
R: Importance depends on how we can use it to further our predictive capabilities, or how much we say it influences the world, because all of them do. All math being related.
A2: Well, one of the most important ones. Alright.
R: Because of the constructive and destructive interferences and the infinity that is not really infinity as far as local emergent phenomena are concerned, even though it relies on the perfect infinity at the zero sum or halo or coiled dimensions or the fact that 2+2 is true here and in any micro or macro dimension, even if it produces extra, more than the sum of its parts, at the wave function that never collapses. Extra elements out of it, balanced by fewer elements out of it, separated by which is extra and which is less, which is future and which is past.
A2: Extra elements, like life?
R: Quarks and electrons, mater, blackholes with one or few extra distance dimension and one or few less time dimension, omniphotons that are all time with no space, or trying to, as they become one with dimensional collapse towards reduced complexity...
*A2 looks at R like a lost puppy not understanding a simple 'fetch' command*
R: And in there, according to our theories, earth is a bubble of improbability in a bubble of inverse time in which electrons resonate with what we interpret as forward time history, but the electrons are the emergent bubbles, massless, inertial mass granted by their resonance with inverse temperature everything else...
*A2 looks more at R like a lost puppy*
R continues: ... electrons vibrate to temperature differently than the rest of stored energy in form of mass. They go superconductive when protons freeze. Yet our accumulated knowledge is based on electrons, while the quarks per se are dismantled and reformed every time. We can pick the other direction too, they still would relate, but we would be having to identify forward time with invented photon, and halo cause would precede local effect. I am talking about the world where all states have a multitude of stories leading to that state, and a multitude of futures, even though each is deterministic based on the underlying wave. We can associate the wave with electrons and know protons to be inverse in a different sense to negative temperature electrons, and positrons, and the halo effect that produces a negative electron by swapping vacuum with pressure.
*A2 takes a deep breath and sighs, lowering his eyes*
R: The whole model is impossible to calculate at the current approximation levels and computing power. Even if our physics was in a bubble that was standing still in a perfect torus instead of spiraling away exponentially for a next repeat several orders of magnitude bigger based on the same quant. But, we don't need to calculate it all. We can calculate partial events, the processor that keeps getting power for example, and the improbabilities associated with it, augmented by ready tables, intuition, primes, programming ingenuity, and vast knowledge of the past from genies that have produced gems such as the wave equations or e=mc2. We can thin out improbable events, and try skewing the ones that remain. Like, a human keeping pushing the button. Or a glass still half full. Or a rock sitting in some part of the shelf instead of some other. And inertial objects will consolidate the event. And the improbability machine will have to associate the new arrangement with a cause-effect at the halo-hole scale, because the event would become more probable than the world without it. This consolidation takes many forms. A black hole instantly engulphing everything in the causality cone, a transformation in the neurons and their charges aka. false memories and feelings, awake or while repolarization occurs in sleep mode, a black-hole's event horizon collapsing the equipotential surface of less probability, and so on.
A2: The unwinding... the falling into a black hole. Addressing a paradox inside a paradox, and within the limitations of the system finding improbability events that can be controlled and guided into becoming stable.
R: And all what to us looks like a coiled spring of energies and forces, snapping backwards or falling forwards, are a superposition of waves, powerful to infinity and back if we want to put it in local physics terms, relentless and uncaring, like 2+2. A constructive interference turning to destructive. A force always assumed there, no longer being there, or reversing direction.
A2: That is where we are falling into?
R: Or they are falling into us.
A2: So, in terms of us being like a hole in the water, that rock you put away is like a hole of different inertial properties... a bubble made of other bubbles, matter, that behaves differently in our world.
R: Yes, kinda.
A2: Isn't that unstable?
R: It is stable as the rocks in the adjacent universes are. It is based on those, and the forces balance out in the cosmic springs from here to next repeats.
A2: Couldn't you have done that without, you know, associating our earth with the version that is going to be engulfed in a black hole?
R: I don't know. Maybe. But I guess I would have been curious, or others like me would have been, and exploring the easy calculation points, exploiting them, trying to address the fractal in fractal mode. We should call ourselves lucky the frontwave is not upon us, and any new frontwave found would be either in timescales too short to matter, a few milliseconds, a few days at most, or longer and far away, already away on escape velocity compared to the front that is coming to us, reaching us hundreds to millions of years in the future, which we should not bother right now since there is a frontwave, a blackhole's event horizon, on collision course of inescapable aperture, towards us in a couple of decades.
A2: See why a big part of the complex human that you are, is labeled 'demented' by the most practical applications of the term?
R: Agreed.
*A2 giggles*
R: You know that by the end of this scene we would be riding a paradox, right? Either it was not you who brought the rock, or the rock is not inside the cupboard, instead showing proudly on the display pod as it was before you came in, along with the other experiments we are running.
A2: Or our memories may have been overwritten by the causality stream.
R: Or there are more convoluted explanations why you were in possession of that rock and be so absolutely sure you had it all along.
A2: Or none of this is really happening.
R: In a sense it is not really happening.
A2: Uh?
R: Remember we are on a negative probability clustering of events.
A2: Oh, yeah.
R: So, in negative probability space, with ubertime of increased complexity from the grid and equations going backwards in comparison to our physics' forward time, with the wave function that goes in simple rewind and redo for all values lower than 1 between the vibrational base and the lightspeed of choice, all lightspeeds in fact but our specific one is the one we are interested in, ... when the calculations get in that area of the local cosmos that supposedly is the event horizon of a black hole, all physics-based time stops, rewinds to 1, rewinds to zero with a flip, and winds back up to 1 and to the exponential physics where there is no blackhole event horizon approaching. And this is something not really happening, turning from non-existent into more existent, even if that means erasing all traces it ever was there.
A2: And this happens on every particle interaction?
R: Yes. I mean, not this, not the blackhole coming at us at lightspeed in a couple of decades. I mean the regular counterpart of all push forces. A blackhole event horizon passes through our space right behind the omniphoton. The omniphoton gives meaning to forces for our cosmos but it would be pretty bland and boring without the vibrational counterpart. In regards to how the particles that make up our matter react to it, it is just the backwards time component always there, similarly to how ghost particles act in classical physics. But that exceptional approaching blackhole, that too happens to all slices of the cosmos, practically in parallel, so to speak, with the rest of the processes. Disturbing them and undoing the disturbance, turning everything into a normal cause-effect compared to the vibrational base quant of our cosmos.
*A2, puzzled look, but speaks anyway: And that should rewind and wind our cosmos again?
R: Except that the rest of the events since we started experimenting with this have diverged our world from the normal cause-effect. Our experiments are not only based on the easy-calculation-point in the equations, but also on the observable effects. Effects that would balance out and become imperceptible if we were not actively amplifying them, using frequencies that match the vibrational base of our bubble of cosmos and diverge it on prime exceptions, enough for our machines to catch it and amplify the divergence. If there was no incoming event horizon, our experiments would not turn these results, not even with the wrong calculations crafted into the PiPrime table, prank or genuine mistake that never got caught.
* * *
Scene may continue.
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