Tuesday, September 5, 2017

#BAUniC-movie-scene050 - A working local loop

R: Look at what I made... TADA!
A2: Is that a closed loop that can stay stable on its own?
R: Not for too long on its own, but yeah.
A2: But how?!
R: Remember when I said we would not be able to address the multiverse?
A2: And you carried on experimenting...
R: Because there was a chance I was wrong.
A2: And you were wrong?
R: No, that's the beauty of it. I was looking at the much bigger picture. There is an easier reality. Our physics appears on various layers all over the place in the math omniverse surrounding it.
A2: As the multiverse in the crystal of all possible quant combinations?
R: Similar, but not quite.. I mean, it could work on many paradox sources. Some of which can give out extra energy.
A2: That omni blackhole or whatever that is on its unspecified way towards us?
R: Hah, no... well, that is within the crystal. Within paradox-less physics. I mean way out there, where our whole world is a fluke, instant, a twirl of winds towards innexistence. Extra energy there. Resonating supercosmically, superphysically, supermathematically... and that we can harness, like we can harness 2+2.
A2: Whoa... How?
R: You don't wanna know. Well, you do, but you will not like it.
A2: Tell me.
R: That omniblackhole? With objects that hold inertia of vacuum energy of greater and greater power and value, I can spark it locally. I mean, I could before, but I refined the process to spark it if a series of functions stops being true, or starts being true. Some of them are local variables on various sensors. Some of them are remote physics fractal variables. If it sparks, it sparks for good... eats up the whole solar system at least. If it does not, it can resonate with the remote vibrations even though they are apparently on a different grid. And we won't run out of collapsing branches to burn. We may even end up in a world where some of the equations stop being true beyond fixing. The easyjump used, I mean. The one that relates with the impeding frontwave of blackhole coming right for us, or us coming for it. In fact, if we optimize the paths around the exponential, we can jump into another fractal position that is stable in the longer term, even though outside of classical physics.
A2: Outside how?
R: As in, it behaves like physics. We are there, organic, quantic, with billions years of history behind and in front, multiversal of remix histories, but, in there, the bigbang never happened, and the world came into existence from a loop of unfreeze on a mobius.
A2: If it is multiverse, would it not be a mandatory bigbang in there? By brute force if not anything.
R: We are in that. Or, I think we are. But, we are in that, along with all branches and all recombinations. I mean jumping into a less unstable place in the math universe, one that contains quasiphysics. Still self sustained fractal, but one with less differentiation, certainly not a breach of causality of the fold-cosmos style.
A2: Is it still physics?
R: Most likely. And if really wanting to, we can even jump back into bigbang physics of all combinations, survive long enough, and jump elsewhere.
A2: You say it so casually... but, quantum suicide is not something to be joked about as easily. And you mean destroying the world, or worlds.
R: Every quantum time fragment of physics is a cosmos of its own surrounded by cosmoses of its own, from bang to freeze. Destroying bunches of them means nothing if you are not aware it happened. And the species to which this becomes aware, well, we are after all in a cosmos that can collapse branches. That is collapsing our current branch on top of that. But even if we caused that, consciousness goes on elsewhere regardless, while everything else is 2+2 kind of frozen crystal.
A2: ....
R: So, got stable loop, digital analog digital analog several times over, with jumps to coordinates that can maintain the loop up, even if that is tapping on some logical tree the computers cannot solve, or fitting in a new power cord to the camera, or whatnot. Taking the energy from the resonance of local physics, namely those objects spread in the table, and their multiverse counterparts, be that part of the alternate miniscule differential histories, or major changes, or even what could be a paradox to us, such as gravity changing direction, or the cineverse, or the total cosmic inverse with partial delay in the local spacetime we are clustering energies in, taking that energy, and using it to resonate with beyond-physics.
A2: And all that energy, undetected from the outside?
R: If anything they detect me experimenting on it. No, that energy does not radiate locally on EM... unless we tune in... which I did... and which pangs the cosmos.
A2: Pangs, hah!
R: What do you want to call it? An inverse cold mingbang?
A2: Ok, so, now what?
R: Apart from refining the loop, till it is a program running on one or few computers. Even a phone some day... we need to provoke the multiverse and still retain coherence.
A2: Provoke it how?
R: See that?
A2: Yes. That is the rock that was falling at a quarter speed.
R: Notice any difference between that and the one shown here? *points at one of the displays*
*A2 looks closely: no... seems alright.*
R: Oh... I was under a different impression. Well, in that case, try to touch the rock.
*A2 approaches: Hmmm... its tickling.
R: And it will spark you out of existence if you try harder, or break the loops, or burn the processors, or jump out of our local existence, or break the whole world, which I am trying to do.
A2: Jump out of our local existence? How?
R: Puf, like that.
A2: Why is it tingling?
R: Because that is a result of a series of histories that when combined are less probable than the cosmos with Earth on it. And you are crucial to that, but on the antagonist level. Several of your multiverse selves have collapsed to bring that rock here. In fact, you should not have brought it.
A2: Oh, I remember. Yeah. Very unlikely if I come to think about it, although not more unlikely than what to eat from day to day.
R: So, we need to play with the improbabilities and vacuums, and careful not to sacrifice to the void too many of those rocks and artefacts that are a pain to gather even if we split the tasks.
A2: Play how? Make programs?
R: That, and even play play. Dice are for playing. Chess pieces are for playing. We put extra improbability events on to that, and see what happens.
A2: Next week are we going to play chess?
R: Maybe... I have been thinking about it. Adding extra improbability, with the current object setup, and intentionality defined by the local arrangement. I don't know. I just finished the loop.
A2: Yeah... pretty amazing. See through objects.
R: As far as the events of the camera know, there is nothing blocking the view. And I suggest you don't touch that, since I was thinking of you being able to approach the rock and maybe distort the camera view, but apparently you end up distorting local spacetime around your organic body.
A2: Didn't you say they don't give up detectable electromagnetic?
R: I did. I do. This would be like touching between differently charged or differently temperatured objects. And the air around balances it until it is out of what air can do, and, short circuit. All within local expectations, but we have messed up with local expectations and can't predict what is going to happen.
A2: We should predict... oh, right, that is why we are doing this for. To learn more.
R: Yes. It could burn you, or spark you, or puff you out of existance, and I would have to call Zee and sound natural while connecting your story with as many events as I can before you are reformed.
A2: You are talking about forming and deforming physics, when forming and deforming memories are quite more likely, making it so much rather we are a hallucination of each other or writers beyond our world or moviemakers, or gamemakers, or random noise in the wave function that never collapses.
R: Because physics is what we can test. It even holds up or memories for us. In neurons, or in devices *waves at the screens*
A2: Oh, the rocks are not like anymore... um... does it mean I can touch it?
R: Let me check... hmmm... to me they look alike. Not looking alike for you means the original prediction.
A2: On this display they look alike.
R: Yes, that is the control display. The stories that connect that and the rock are looping. The rock looks as either one or the other variant in both you and the display.
A2: So... can I touch it?
R: Here all seems alright. I would not touch it if I was you, but I am not you, I tell you. I influence you. I suggest you touch it. The worst it can happen? Define worst. It can spark the local cosmos, or it can zapp you, or it can do nothing, or you can poke through, or ...
*as A2 approaches the rock, screen flickers, goes blank, then returns to the rock that was earlier. Apparently it was the local rock that flipped, and the camera held the old image for a while. The local rock flips again when touched by A2. R, and the audience, notice the flicker change just a bit, the flicker itself more, and the rock flip as A2 touches it a bit more more*
A2: Does not look or feel any different. I mean, than usual. Than the differential inertia. If I move it, feels heavy. If I keep it up, feels light.
*R2 silent, looking at the rock, at A2, at the displays*
*scene may continue on sponsor needs*

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