R: Alright, I prepared the ground for new talent to come and fill in their mind with what's needed, to pour their creativity over spaceships on a displacement radiating away from a makeshift physics representation.
A2: You mean you posted a notice... and now back to coding?
R: You don't seem to appreciate the finesse with which I prepared the details.
A2: Oh, I do, but I think all those details are not needed actually, since knowledgeable folks will get on board with just the hints.
R: Those details are the extraction of the most related data from my own organic memory banks *taps at the side of his head* to the written form and associated references, so that if nobody comes, but even if somebody comes, the transmission of the information back to my own brain if I have to pick up the task all over again, or to the new brain, goes as smoothly as possible.
A2: You could have saved time and effort going simpler.
R: I could, of course. I preferred to make use of my obsessivity and make it perfect from the start, since going easy would not just be less useful in the future...
A2: Potential... if they answer right away, no need...
R: ...but also would nudge me to the less than perfection aspiration, which in turn would affect everything else I do. I would rather spend a little more time and attention on each task than risk having to decide everything on micro details and importance levels, with degenerative future options opening up.
A2: Can't argue with that.
R: Plus it consumes more of my time if I have to think about what can be fixed on something already posted and submitted, and if the work is sloppy I am inclined to think more about it later rather compared to if I believe I made it perfect, even with details I have missed.
*V enters*
V: Hai guys!
*A2 waves*
R: Hai V!
V: Another country is debating banning porn, you heard?
A2: Really? When will they learn?
R: Debating is not bad. *turn to A2* That's how they learn. Going on and banning it would actually mean I, and people like me, would not want to stay there. Not even if their quality of life is better. Not even if their quality of life gets better BECAUSE of this ban. It is the mindset of the people around, and their governing entities, and the choices they put forth to the people or they hide from their own people.
V: Yeah... me too... well, if I had some comfort on the destination land.
A2: Comfort can be constructed.
V: Look who speaks. You don't move your ass for almost anything.
A2: If those things are good enough, of course I don't move my ass. But I do move it when it comes to it, and try to make my surroundings better. And if I go to that trouble I try the perfect route, as R does, or at least better than actually needing because who knows when I might be in the right mood to go through fixing stuff again, and this method has the minimal impact on my nerves.
R: He does... I could have reserves on what the definition of 'perfect route' is for me or for you, but you do try.
V: And what would you guys do if the whole world started banning porn or controlling news and posts?
R: Won't happen.
A2: Especially porn. News and fake news, they will always try to control what people can post and what not. Troll hunting, protecting feelings and so on. Excuses of course...
R: Mostly excuses.
A2: ...when their target is sell more products to happy customers, and of course all the political messing about, which breeds revolutions.
V: You think people would revolt over being prevented to post, by private companies that in theory are allowed to do as they please though under the right incentive or pressure from the government.
A2: Some will. I might be one of those, if I am informed.
R: Those attitudes are begging for an enemy to focus the inner hatred that apparently is abundant in the pool of humans that generated the acting institutions to get those very restrictions in place. Us versus them mentality. Makes enemies of would-be allies.
A2: We instead prefer getting over the small differences, for the bigger common goal.
V: Maybe fake news should be banned, because it leads to misinformation of the inattentive, the uninformed and the easily-misinformed, and they are the vast majority. As to the way this is currently implemented and could be implemented, that's another discussion, and a complicated one.
A2: Who checks the checkers? Who declares the validity of fakereal news? Like, 'explosion, 20 dead... no, wrong, it was 19 dead, or 21, so, fake news, need to take it down'.
R: What about news manufacturing?
A2: I would rather have chaos than the control from people who got too much power with added interest to use it.
V: That's what I mean. It is difficult to implement, but, inventing something downright fake, now that cannot go unheeded...
A2: Maybe if we lived in a utopia of no needs and no hunger and poverty I may be inclined to trust a bit more. Till then, eat or be eaten, and while there can be pockets of resistance against this trend, news media by nature are of a much larger scope and in search of headlines. If journalists need to eat too, in this system, news can be faked, or manufactured.
V: I get your point and I'm afraid I don't have much to oppose it... if only the common mission was kindness and justice. Utopia, yes!
A2: What if one creates a site that says "All news here are fake!!!! Never trust any of these news!!!!", but instead of putting fake news they put in true news and gain credibility... what, will they be forbidden from posting?
R: Like satire news, but of the kind that might look real, with opinions and statistics instead of exaggerated language.
A2: Yeah.
R: Or would they be prevented from posting real news?
V: I knowwww... *frowns*
R: This is a problem for all of us.
A2: Especially in this day and age with increased productivity on all fronts of profession but that increased productivity being used as pressure instead of leisure.
V: And they wonder why people chose not to become parents in this overcrowded world that struggles for resources. Requesting a personal sacrifice to keep the pyramids of aging and retired going.
A2: That is revealed as nonsense when confronted with unemployment reality.
R: They got a workaround about it. They call it 'the need for professionals', so you struggle harder and harder for skills that you may never reach, or likely are outdated by the time you finished studying them.
V: Don't forget the pyramid of certificates and diplomas.
R: And dare be politically opposed to them, and you will end up struggling for the tiniest of needs up on their hill.
A2: Easy, don't go up on their hills. We got a much bigger hill right here, building universes.
V: Easy for you to say, and for us. We are privileged enough to have food and roof, and faster neurons, and the right inclination for the needs of the market, and the obsessivity to go through with tasks that we set our mind to, and even some spare time to actually accomplish things, and the proper circle of connections, and the proper technological aids. Yeah, we won the lottery of life.
A2: Guilt motivates me too, among other things. But I mostly do this for fun. I want to see what is behind the fake perception walls, and do that while still connected to the physics of our cosmos, being alive that is.
R: Curiosity is my main sparkling drive, but, for example, when tired, curiosity says 'go play <insert sponsored videogame> and relax', while the powerful drive that makes me clench my teeth and carry on upstream is changing the world, for my own good among the good of everybody around me. This, in turn, makes me better at executing the sparks of curiosity too.
*V gulps down*
A2: Sometimes I wish I could skip my life forward and see what we will reach in a few years of keeping this up, without the effort, or, the effort being a memory...
R: This is how...
A2: memories are formed and seen. Yes, have tried that. Can't seem to detach myself form the here and now.
R: Then you fill your schedule and carry on in routine.
A2: As I am doing.
R: As you are doing.
V: Our routine is pretty intense.
A2: Yours maybe. I keep up with you guys, but I don't push as hard. Maybe I should. Maybe I need to press this till I get numb and then I may begin to feel the skip of time, as I used to do, especially on tight exam schedules.
R: You are doing fine.
V: Yeah, don't change, especially like this. Not that we would not mind more obsessivity coming from your side.
A2: But sometimes the formula seems so close, just a couple of steps more, need to reach up, try a bit harder...
R: The formula is there, grid and parabolas, exponentials, sinusoides... it is all there.
A2: Hehe, but that all there is everything, vortices of physics that reverse to nothingness, alternate physics, and far regions of our own multiverse. That is not particularly usable as it is now.
V: That is why we hunt for divergences, that is why we don't rely on the fractal alone. That is why the instalink concept.
A2: That is the brute force approach.
V: That is a brute force that is so finely tuned that a telescope the size of a galaxy cannot match in precision.
R: No need to get defensive. That is brute force after all. And it will eventually improve our understanding even if not able to address our own cosmos and our own branch of causality. I think we will be able to find Earth like that, The Earth, not just A Earth, but there are too many paradoxes in the way and my optimism is not based on facts, just the promise of further refinements.
V: There is no need to address our own timeline for the formula of the universe to make deep sense and propel our civilization forward, nanomachines, hybrid biology or alternative computer and communication methods. Without the need to address Earth, we skip many of the paradoxes in the fractal theory.
R: The beauty of it would be to plough through the paradoxes, get a coherent world and response.
A2: I am with R on this one. Paradox or not, finding a stable representation of physics with all our histories in it would be way cooler than a Theory of Everything, maybe even cooler than subatomic civilizations. From there the paradoxes can be part of the whole system to reaching them, variants, perceptions or actual forces in the multiverse of possibilities.
R: And filtering through these requires in-world tools from creatures within, And calculations from the observers, and these can overlap within a margin of error and self correction.
V: And the overlap can diverge itself...
R: And that goes on to other forms of intermediary states, beyond physics, maybe even beyond simultaneous generation of variance. That would be dream and delusion realm, or other forms of multiverse manifestations in between the repeats of the physics we know.
A2: Yeah, in between us here and us in the next repeat of the cosmos, everything can happen.
R: The physics is limited in what this everything entails, but there is more than physics, if one cares to include those as valid cause-effect lines.
R: Alright, I prepared the ground for new talent to come and fill in their mind with what's needed, to pour their creativity over spaceships on a displacement radiating away from a makeshift physics representation.
A2: You mean you posted a notice... and now back to coding?
R: You don't seem to appreciate the finesse with which I prepared the details.
A2: Oh, I do, but I think all those details are not needed actually, since knowledgeable folks will get on board with just the hints.
R: Those details are the extraction of the most related data from my own organic memory banks *taps at the side of his head* to the written form and associated references, so that if nobody comes, but even if somebody comes, the transmission of the information back to my own brain if I have to pick up the task all over again, or to the new brain, goes as smoothly as possible.
A2: You could have saved time and effort going simpler.
R: I could, of course. I preferred to make use of my obsessivity and make it perfect from the start, since going easy would not just be less useful in the future...
A2: Potential... if they answer right away, no need...
R: ...but also would nudge me to the less than perfection aspiration, which in turn would affect everything else I do. I would rather spend a little more time and attention on each task than risk having to decide everything on micro details and importance levels, with degenerative future options opening up.
A2: Can't argue with that.
R: Plus it consumes more of my time if I have to think about what can be fixed on something already posted and submitted, and if the work is sloppy I am inclined to think more about it later rather compared to if I believe I made it perfect, even with details I have missed.
*V enters*
V: Hai guys!
*A2 waves*
R: Hai V!
V: Another country is debating banning porn, you heard?
A2: Really? When will they learn?
R: Debating is not bad. *turn to A2* That's how they learn. Going on and banning it would actually mean I, and people like me, would not want to stay there. Not even if their quality of life is better. Not even if their quality of life gets better BECAUSE of this ban. It is the mindset of the people around, and their governing entities, and the choices they put forth to the people or they hide from their own people.
V: Yeah... me too... well, if I had some comfort on the destination land.
A2: Comfort can be constructed.
V: Look who speaks. You don't move your ass for almost anything.
A2: If those things are good enough, of course I don't move my ass. But I do move it when it comes to it, and try to make my surroundings better. And if I go to that trouble I try the perfect route, as R does, or at least better than actually needing because who knows when I might be in the right mood to go through fixing stuff again, and this method has the minimal impact on my nerves.
R: He does... I could have reserves on what the definition of 'perfect route' is for me or for you, but you do try.
V: And what would you guys do if the whole world started banning porn or controlling news and posts?
R: Won't happen.
A2: Especially porn. News and fake news, they will always try to control what people can post and what not. Troll hunting, protecting feelings and so on. Excuses of course...
R: Mostly excuses.
A2: ...when their target is sell more products to happy customers, and of course all the political messing about, which breeds revolutions.
V: You think people would revolt over being prevented to post, by private companies that in theory are allowed to do as they please though under the right incentive or pressure from the government.
A2: Some will. I might be one of those, if I am informed.
R: Those attitudes are begging for an enemy to focus the inner hatred that apparently is abundant in the pool of humans that generated the acting institutions to get those very restrictions in place. Us versus them mentality. Makes enemies of would-be allies.
A2: We instead prefer getting over the small differences, for the bigger common goal.
V: Maybe fake news should be banned, because it leads to misinformation of the inattentive, the uninformed and the easily-misinformed, and they are the vast majority. As to the way this is currently implemented and could be implemented, that's another discussion, and a complicated one.
A2: Who checks the checkers? Who declares the validity of fakereal news? Like, 'explosion, 20 dead... no, wrong, it was 19 dead, or 21, so, fake news, need to take it down'.
R: What about news manufacturing?
A2: I would rather have chaos than the control from people who got too much power with added interest to use it.
V: That's what I mean. It is difficult to implement, but, inventing something downright fake, now that cannot go unheeded...
A2: Maybe if we lived in a utopia of no needs and no hunger and poverty I may be inclined to trust a bit more. Till then, eat or be eaten, and while there can be pockets of resistance against this trend, news media by nature are of a much larger scope and in search of headlines. If journalists need to eat too, in this system, news can be faked, or manufactured.
V: I get your point and I'm afraid I don't have much to oppose it... if only the common mission was kindness and justice. Utopia, yes!
A2: What if one creates a site that says "All news here are fake!!!! Never trust any of these news!!!!", but instead of putting fake news they put in true news and gain credibility... what, will they be forbidden from posting?
R: Like satire news, but of the kind that might look real, with opinions and statistics instead of exaggerated language.
A2: Yeah.
R: Or would they be prevented from posting real news?
V: I knowwww... *frowns*
R: This is a problem for all of us.
A2: Especially in this day and age with increased productivity on all fronts of profession but that increased productivity being used as pressure instead of leisure.
V: And they wonder why people chose not to become parents in this overcrowded world that struggles for resources. Requesting a personal sacrifice to keep the pyramids of aging and retired going.
A2: That is revealed as nonsense when confronted with unemployment reality.
R: They got a workaround about it. They call it 'the need for professionals', so you struggle harder and harder for skills that you may never reach, or likely are outdated by the time you finished studying them.
V: Don't forget the pyramid of certificates and diplomas.
R: And dare be politically opposed to them, and you will end up struggling for the tiniest of needs up on their hill.
A2: Easy, don't go up on their hills. We got a much bigger hill right here, building universes.
V: Easy for you to say, and for us. We are privileged enough to have food and roof, and faster neurons, and the right inclination for the needs of the market, and the obsessivity to go through with tasks that we set our mind to, and even some spare time to actually accomplish things, and the proper circle of connections, and the proper technological aids. Yeah, we won the lottery of life.
A2: Guilt motivates me too, among other things. But I mostly do this for fun. I want to see what is behind the fake perception walls, and do that while still connected to the physics of our cosmos, being alive that is.
R: Curiosity is my main sparkling drive, but, for example, when tired, curiosity says 'go play <insert sponsored videogame> and relax', while the powerful drive that makes me clench my teeth and carry on upstream is changing the world, for my own good among the good of everybody around me. This, in turn, makes me better at executing the sparks of curiosity too.
*V gulps down*
A2: Sometimes I wish I could skip my life forward and see what we will reach in a few years of keeping this up, without the effort, or, the effort being a memory...
R: This is how...
A2: memories are formed and seen. Yes, have tried that. Can't seem to detach myself form the here and now.
R: Then you fill your schedule and carry on in routine.
A2: As I am doing.
R: As you are doing.
V: Our routine is pretty intense.
A2: Yours maybe. I keep up with you guys, but I don't push as hard. Maybe I should. Maybe I need to press this till I get numb and then I may begin to feel the skip of time, as I used to do, especially on tight exam schedules.
R: You are doing fine.
V: Yeah, don't change, especially like this. Not that we would not mind more obsessivity coming from your side.
A2: But sometimes the formula seems so close, just a couple of steps more, need to reach up, try a bit harder...
R: The formula is there, grid and parabolas, exponentials, sinusoides... it is all there.
A2: Hehe, but that all there is everything, vortices of physics that reverse to nothingness, alternate physics, and far regions of our own multiverse. That is not particularly usable as it is now.
V: That is why we hunt for divergences, that is why we don't rely on the fractal alone. That is why the instalink concept.
A2: That is the brute force approach.
V: That is a brute force that is so finely tuned that a telescope the size of a galaxy cannot match in precision.
R: No need to get defensive. That is brute force after all. And it will eventually improve our understanding even if not able to address our own cosmos and our own branch of causality. I think we will be able to find Earth like that, The Earth, not just A Earth, but there are too many paradoxes in the way and my optimism is not based on facts, just the promise of further refinements.
V: There is no need to address our own timeline for the formula of the universe to make deep sense and propel our civilization forward, nanomachines, hybrid biology or alternative computer and communication methods. Without the need to address Earth, we skip many of the paradoxes in the fractal theory.
R: The beauty of it would be to plough through the paradoxes, get a coherent world and response.
A2: I am with R on this one. Paradox or not, finding a stable representation of physics with all our histories in it would be way cooler than a Theory of Everything, maybe even cooler than subatomic civilizations. From there the paradoxes can be part of the whole system to reaching them, variants, perceptions or actual forces in the multiverse of possibilities.
R: And filtering through these requires in-world tools from creatures within, And calculations from the observers, and these can overlap within a margin of error and self correction.
V: And the overlap can diverge itself...
R: And that goes on to other forms of intermediary states, beyond physics, maybe even beyond simultaneous generation of variance. That would be dream and delusion realm, or other forms of multiverse manifestations in between the repeats of the physics we know.
A2: Yeah, in between us here and us in the next repeat of the cosmos, everything can happen.
R: The physics is limited in what this everything entails, but there is more than physics, if one cares to include those as valid cause-effect lines.
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