Wednesday, December 14, 2016

#BAUniC:movie:scene040 - Shower

*Phone goes 'bzz bzz bzz'. If sponsored, the phone is shown. If not, the sound is enough*
*Grunts, yawns, waking, stretching; showing only half a face, medium lit, no smile*
*Checking phone, (back of the head and sleepy clothes), something about 'What is the status of file xxx in branch yyy'*
*More grunts, standing, grabbing towel, towel over shoulder, opening door (shot from behind, the hand and the opening door from other actor and pre-recorded scene; the overlay actor for this character needs not to change anything), needs slippers steps audio*

- - -

*Adjacent room, R1 typing and clicking*
R2: Hi... *coughs, clears throat, repeats* Hi... *coughs again, clears throat again, repeats louder* Hi!
R1: Oh, hi there. Did not know you were here. What's up?
R2: Meh...
R1: Did you get my message?
R2: Bling bling, wakey wakey.
R1: Sorry... So, what's the status?
R2: Updated, in place.
R1: Cool... and the second variation?
R2: Ummm... dunno...
R1: It says here last interacted was about 2 weeks ago.
R2: Uh uh.
R1: Alright, I will use the version already linked to the system. Or should use it's backup?
*R2 shakes head*
R1: Ok, got it. You can proceed to the shower... I thought you were at R3.
R2: I was.
R1: Back early I see.
*R2 nods*

- - -

*Adjacent room, bathroom, door transition scene not shown*
*Shower curtain drawn, had yes, but no head is shown. This is all shot with antibody. Stepping on the shower, feet shown for the first time, slippers left behind, sounds of barefeet on flat surface*

- - -

*Out of the shower, towel position determines recognized gender of the character, wet slipper sound, but no feet shot in scene*
*R2 approaches R1's station. R1 turns slightly to acknowledge R2 presence*
*R2 points at a session of the code*
R1: Oh, you should look at this *opens up a new window, drags it down to a specific part*
*R2 gasps*
R1: Wait, there is better. *scrolls down further*
*R2 raised eyebrow, still that same side of the face shown as in the beginning of the scene*
R1: This will save about half of the computations needed during conversion and rebuild of the tables, and reduce their size and addressing requirements by almost one third. It may not be much when we play with human-aided consistency check in instalink or trilink hybrids, in fact it may be counterproductive there, but a few milliseconds compared to human reaction times is nothing.
R2: Is that...
R1: Yes, that is why I was asking those updates.
R2: Genius.
R1: Nope. It is more like, 'how did we not see this before'. We were sloppy, but we did what we did to get the job done. Now we found a way to make the job better. And this is just one step in the right direction.
*R2 nods*
R1: If R3 manages to get us the fractal variant of this branch here, we may not even need these improvements at all. But then, if R3 gets the fractal version of that branch, it means the whole trunk can be converted to fractal form and we can even go as far as using the PiPrime tables to distinguish between variants of different consistency and pick the ones that fit our needs instead of picking the ones that don't go exponential. We may even go as far as injecting tiny machines, spaceships,....
R2: Hah!
R1: ....into the fractal and hold them stable enough for them to replicate themselves in the emergent forward time direction.
R2: But...
R1: Of course but. We should pick the reaction protocols carefully, as the future generations will be out of our control. I don't think R3 will ever manage to inject instalink concepts into the fractal. That would be akin to the fractal computing in imaginary planes while we are looking at it, and freezing its computations when we stop looking. Maths does not work like that. That is a fractal, it always is, it always was, it always will be.
R2: Weird is a small word.
R2: Unless....
R1: Of course, unless that fractal contains our whole cosmos as we contain theirs. That would be a working solution, but the formula is too simple for that. Too generic. It addresses physics directly. Ours or not, the irrationals breaking resonance are barely enough to cover the concept of force and time over infinity 4T fold, not the layers beyond.
R2: But...
R1: R3 and their group are working on it. It is a potentially wasteful path in my opinion, but it is their time and their fun. We are not yet past step 1...
R2: Step a hundred...
R1: Yes, we have gone a long way, hehe, anyway, from here to a stable injection of differential but consistent meaning on the same fractal base is a long way. That would be step one past the hundred. Taking continuous control and interjections is impossible on that base fractal. That is too simple, while the complex cousins of that formula would be based on a geometry of the universe bubble that we do not know and cannot know starting from the base resonances. And they are working on it. Not on code, mind you, they are not that insane, yet... but we can only address exceptions on our own physics and cosmos, have no clear idea where our galaxy or our branch of multiverse lays on the grid, not sure even if our physics is based on a multiverse of distance or overlay...
R2: Distance is a must.
R1: ...overlay on various possible paths at initial zero distance, or simple distance with the sphere of causality pretending to be a zero-distance path differential, this is what I meant.
R2: I know.
R1: And they are working on realtime command of potential spaceships injected in a time displacement, working in paradox mode briefly while they turn to the fractal's forward time and replicate. We don't have the stable resonances. We don't have a consistent way to address the fractal without the aid of PiPrime tables of dubious approximation quality. We don't have schemes for how an object of detectable cause-effect can be made to stay stable for long enough to interact with anything so we can say we picked up a difference matching the variant we chose. Otherwise there is nothing of influence, and would be as if we did nothing, and this if we manage to get the fractal formula for the branch, or approximate with infinite precision. All we have is a displacement rift, and that is deduced by a few processors burned by overuse in the same spot, if they are burned by that instead of the electrical circuit, which makes sense, as it should. Yeah yeah, improbability teasing and healing. But maybe in this case the common sense makes more sense than the constructed improbability teasing apparatus. Those processors were in both source and detection events, after all.... and, they are planning for the spaceships inside... ooiiii... realtime commanded.
R2: Their time, their fun, as you said.
R1: Yeeeaaa... buuuuuttt... we have our own physics, and the potential to not only address it and predict it, but even change parts of it in our branch. I would put that as top priority.
R2: They do too.
*R1 sighs*
R1: Probably...
R2: We are stuck in the physics addressing.
R1: The insurmountable mountain of exponential anything. As if exponentially harder calculations were not enough, exponentially longer addresses are as hard and more error prone, and who cares if we can skip a few steps. At Planck's quant divisions of spacetime that jumps up to unusable quite fast anyway.
R2: Patience...
R1: Inspiration more than patience. Maybe we will never be able to wrap around it. Maybe incomplete solutions will never work and the exponential will hit all the time. Maybe the only solution would be to pass through, but that requires the fractal formula for the branch, and from that everything R3 is doing gains legitimacy.
R2: It was always legitimate, no?
R1: E=mc2 was and is more. We have proof of it. Us. That is poking at the grid within the grid, and hoping it stays together long enough for us to find a new addressing jump.
R2: Of course.
R1: Grid within the grid and whole worlds, whole sections of the shared mathematical world, freezing computationally till the other side proceeds or forever detaches itself from the cause-effect influence...? Does not that sound far-fetched to you? Should not this fall in the realm of sequential computations? Load and save states?
R2: We got the PiPrime tables to get beyond load save. Yes it is far fetched, but the mathematical universe was far-fetched a few short years ago.
R1: For me, yes. For some, it was always made more sense like that instead of any other explanation. But this is so much further out there.
R2: Still within the realm of possibility.
R1: I know. Once we accept the mathematical universe... And what R and R3 are planning is far more likely than the various overlays of meaning, or programming code world, or metaforiverse, or cineverse, or boltzman brains and dust theories. Physics is the improbable exception. But, probable or not, this is a giant step, likely impossible, or wrong direction of our focus, and... we got physics here, we can actually address some portion of it, come on! This is physics, the useful... that is a bigger structure containing our physics and giving it more sense than our physics in isolation.
R2: Enough complaining, though.
R1: If I was complaining, would I be pushing for this optimization?
R2: Maybe...
R1: Hehe, yes, maybe...
R2: Well, good work you did there.
R1: Thank you. Go get dressed before you catch a cold.
*R2 smiles, still the same side of the face shown. Other sides may be added based on different actors filling in and needing the base for the swap.*
:Scene ends.

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