Continues from v0.04, at:
PES_Tiles v0.07.20170228
(20170228 note: This is the latest most complete continuation version. If a new version will be presented, the link on v0.04 will be updated, and a link right here will be presented to that version too, should you have reached this place through outdated links on forums and messages. When an official destination will be the latest and most complete version, a link will point to it also. This draft and its variants will remain here, because core values of the Fictioniverse based on #BAUniC)
PES Tiles, v0.05.20170125 notes:
fig171: We are representing only the PES Tiny portion of the points of intersection between parabola and exponential, and counting the numbers as 4p regardless of whether they intersect again at +1 or +2 or +1+1 points on the superbig.
At 1p* and 3p* we meet the original claim of no parabola able to reach the exponential from up. Moving the parabola down from 3p* we go to 4p. Moving the parabola down from 1p* we go to 2p.
There is only one instance of 1p* and 3p* compared to the surrounding respective zero p/2p and 2p/4p.
The 3p parabola crosses the exponential on 2 points of intersection, and touches it from underneath on the point resulting from the merger of innermost points on the 4p parabola as it moves downwards.
fig184: At those scales we cannot represent the points of interest within the same graphic.
The nested representation is for a stronger idea. From here we can define areas of power with various qualities, which can act as a starting point for looking for, let's say, quasi-expanding stable spacetime. The vibrational effects of the sinusoids and the odd-even powered parabolas tugging and echoing, are carried along. The related exponential is associated with one of the asymmetric sides of the graphics based on grid, which we represent as 'big side on the right' for ease of association with the odd powered parabola and its PES Tunnel without flipping either of them.
fig185: Since the PES Tiny and PES Tunnel depend on the finitesimaly small, on a higher powered parabola we can seek a displacement with horizontal vibrations matching a multitude or fraction of the PES, and vertical amplitude that fits in between the gap in the PES. From here, work in progress.
PES Tiles, v0.06.20170126 notes:
fig196: What if we arrange the displacement to match 5p+1 at their vertical to grid? Can we reach the proper combination of excess and absence for quasi 1/(x^(D-1)) ? (D represents the power as related to dimensions of space in relation to the principle of value (eg. force) over distance).
Here we can add ++D as parabolas of ++ power.
And we are looking for 1/(x^2) or equivalent, which are conditions fit for stable orbits. The 'or equivalent' refers to conditions of pressure resulting in quasi or pseudo 1/(x^2). This 1/(x^2) could be similar to classic 3D+1t concept of spacetime, or various meshing of higher dimensions with their corresponding underlying microbubbles (like holes of negative pressure surrounded by spinning mass, higher powered parabolas and their vibrational mismatch between absence and excess conditions in comparison to the PES Tiny and PES Tunnel which we use to define the quant of rotation for the given power) (spinning, because we are looking for it, as inspired by nature. Either the 'object' spins, or everything around it spins in the reverse). Higher dimension meshing could look like 4D+2t, or the electron field in quantum coherence of multiple coexistent states. The concept of force is arbitrarily assigned, and will swap direction several times before we reach to some familiar physics and particle/galaxies in the forward time interpretation of regular entropy/temperature diffusion.

PES_Tiles v0.07.20170228 additions start here:
A skewed representation of odd powered (purple) parabolas and even powered parabolas on an expo grid.
The 1 dimensional representation of some of the overlaid waves composing Fig197.
The exponential (blue) and its inverse (green)
Since the pattern repeats by adding powers to the parabolas, letting some reference traces to aid/guide the imagination.
Notice how the exponential left arm (left from us towards it) falls and keeps falling for the increased power of the parabola and the zoom-out, while the right arm keeps climbing close to the center of the grid.
We can remove rendering the parabola to give this zoomout a clearer vision.
The parabolas are always there, though, and the pattern repeats.
Remember, an exponential of a different gradient fits linearly with another exponential.
We can reduce the representation to 1 dimension, the waves of the wave function never collapsing, without constructing anything with them, Fourier overlay or phase/amplitude assignment.
We can assign meaning to negative probability like this, a negative probability that is interchangeable between functions, usable, add/multiply, and can manifest itself in forms we can imagine as particles (eg. electrons to a world of protons, negative temperature (out of sync vibrations) surrounded by positive temperature, tachyons compared to ordinary matter, ghost particles in a swarm of quarks, destructive interference of photons, the repulsion where the gluon is missing, etc.) and recombine the positive and negative probabilities as they carry on their properties from the PES Tiny to further reaches of the functions.
Asymmetrical recombination of different powered parabolas in special positions as defined by the base sinusoid and exponential, along with resonances within the same power parabolas and their displaced variants, give rise to the various fields and forces as we interpret them.
These are reduced representations over a grid, based on the wave function that never collapses. Multiple dimensions (eg. the familiar 3+1, and its coiled up lower dimensions mediating particles and forces as String Theory says, or hypothetical 6+2 dimensions that provide 3+1 conditions by pressure instead of vacuum) are Shepard tones of resonating repeats of the reduced representations explained above.