R, inviting J in as they enter the main room: So glad you could come. Not that you would be doing otherwise in this particular branch of reality.
J: But, why could you not wait a couple more days? The blockade ends the day after tomorrow.
R: I was counting on the blockade continuing. I need you to be confined in that space *points towards the direction where supposedly M's house is* and somewhere over there *points at the diametrically opposite direction*, where I could have sent you and in fact I supposedly sent you in many of our fellow collapsing branches of cosmos.
J: You are experimenting with reality assuming we are on a collapsing branch?
R: Yes! Not only that, but also fixing where the event-horizon of the blackhole engulfing us is, hypothetically.
J: Where is it?
R: Space, unknown direction yet, roughly a couple of decades in our perceived future, depending on how spacetime will unfold as the horizon approaches.
J: 20 years? Why would you do that? Why would you try and split our perception of self and knowingly pick the variation that collapses? And why experimenting with a blachole that comes so soon?
R: The easy calculation point, the exponential as defined in our PiPrime tables with the level of precision necessary, and the tangential connecting the skewed parabolic representations of our spacetime, made it compelling to use those...
J, low voice: I knew you would be rationalizing it to something like that.
R: ... and, it could come sooner than 20 years, or it could come in 30, or it could not come at all and our calculations are all wrong, or the hypothesis is all wrong.
J: Then why did you get me here?
R: I needed some inertial negative energy compared to the surrounding averages. I needed 1 out of millions of you to come here, while about half of those millions would be going to one of A's neighbours, since that is the place I calculated to be twice as far from M's dungeon in the straight line where my house is in the middle.
J: And the other half?
R: The other half would not be getting the message at all. Saves up on probabilities.
J: How did you do that? Assuming you did that at all, and are not screwing up with me.
R: I sent a message to the past, from here, from about half a hour ago, to a version of myself that only pushed a button about a month ago to direct the message to one of 3 destinations, null, here, and there *points where A's neighbour's house is supposed to be*, and then I played with tease probabilities and would have kept teasing till you showed up, or till I exhausted all the accumulated improbability events and became the branch that collapses right now.
J: I'd rather we were the collapsing branch right now.
R: Sure you'd rather be that. That happens by natural processes every moment.
J: But then I would not know, and would carry on existing somewhere else, somewhere where the world does not end in 20 years.
R: We don't know if the world ends. A blachole of that size would be flat and without an accretion disk. Being engulfed instantly by that could mean earth falling slowly, along with our whole solar system, into it. Some parts would start the fall earlier, some later, but we can survive a few shifted orbits that will adjust themselves in a few centuries.
J: You are mad!
R: Maybe. Mad with curiosity?
J: No, mad mad! I thought you were joking when scheming what would happen if our galaxy fell into a black hole with center beyond our observable universe, but to actively seek to make that our reality? And to rationalize it with probably surviving it. A few centuries of displaced orbits of planets, while our laws of physics gradually change to accommodate stop-time?
R: Well, I did that. If I am right, we are already falling into that black hole, and now we know it. We would have died blissfully and reincarnated elsewhere without this experiment, but now we know it. What are you going to do about it? I am going to experiment more. I want to know how this can be used. If this can be escaped. If we are indeed falling into that. A few burned processors are not enough to prove anything. By the way, this is why I tell you guys to not use electronic dice when playing with probabilities. They may spark great power, and even carry similar momentum to regular objects, if you actually have the fixed mindset and willpower to throw your devices from the 12th floor or something, but the faster the processor, the less disturbances it can withstand without burning. You can recover from a malfunctioning physical dice losing part of its charm, but, how do you fix software broken in a temporal anomaly?
J: And you used physical dice to skew probabilities and try sending a message to your past self?
R: Haha, no. I am not that patient, or that stupid... But I used a combination of those.
J: You have perfected trilink? Why did you not say anything?
R: Perfected is a big word. Poking random messages in hopes of seeing change, we all have done that. Even that medallion attached to your collar... I remember you playing with that, trying to make it disappear in front of your eyes.
J: Actually this is not that very medallion. I lost that. It must be still somewhere around, but I don't know where. I guess I found myself in one of the branches where it did not disappear in an experiment of direct reality or memory manipulation, but on the supporting branches for those experiments. This is a memento I bought again, a reminder, a bit of brain candy.
R: Well, you get my point.
J: And you get my point too, and you understand why I think you are mad.
R: I do.
J: So, what experiments do we need to do?
R: Actually experimentation started as soon as you entered. We are being recorded, as I said in the message. Take a look at this *points at one of the thermometers on the table nearby, without touching it*
J: What about it?
R: I expected this branch of causality, with you in it, will have it rise in temperature. Seems it did. If you touch it, thermal vibrations will likely flow in reverse towards it. But from there on, I want to rely on data before forming speculations.
J: So, what do you need me to do now?
R: Touch it... tell me how it feels in your hand. See if the temperature drops while you hold it.
J: What about the rest of the thermometers?
R: Most of the objects here have a skewed probability of being here. If we are efficient, we can finish before M gets worried and spanks your buttocks.
J: We are not in prison. If the cause for my getting away, and staying away is sensible, even if it is a secret, we trust each other and don't go into inquisition mode. We are adults first, perverts second.
R: I know, I know... I was kidding.
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