Wednesday, February 15, 2017

#BAUniC-movie-scene045 - earworms

Scene: A2 on the computer, E1 walking by.

E1: Check this out: 528 hertz sleep music.
A2: Good idea... help the brain find a good synch to help purge some memories and help enhance some others...
E1: Lets try *smiles*
A2: You try it and let me know... I will try it some other time... Right now I have a problem with an earworm, a piece of shitty tune that I can't get out of my head, and I am trying some different remedies of the most potent I have had to ever use, some of the barely acceptable earworms to take out that earworm... it is not a quiet time for me to try your enhancement. I will when ready, and on a different ratio of REM sleep versus relax waves, and the guides to them.
E1: Try some yoga positions.
A2: In dedicated time, sure, I could try physical overcoming mental, but right now I need to keep focus on the mind... tomorrow would be brain maintenance day, and I could try workouts or even yoga. Today I have aligned my energy fields towards high gear productivity mentally, and I feel bad a bit that I am doing sub-par... but, one cannot do super-par all the time, no?
E1: Don't give up my friend! For the mind respiration and meditation can be good.
A2: If you are single, and Z3 is single, and you both so enthusiastically cheer for our competition to build an universe, and we soon will have a #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid position ready and needing public representatives which you already like... I don't know... finish that thought please... People that hold on for a star instead of going for trash as pushed by the commercialization of Valentine's day, sticking together maybe?... or should I not mingle?
E1: I am like that.
A2: Z3 is like that too... and I want better functioning members of our group of supporters, very egoistic reasoning, dwarfs everything else, even though I would mingle in friendly ways even without the competition but now the competition is bigger than I am, and I need to step up.
*E1 laughs*
E1: First take care your health my friend
A2: I do. What do you know that you think I need to pay more attention to?
E1: I will switch of for this lonely day and sleep. *smiles kindly*
A2: Sleep if you are sleepy, not to end a day... if not sleepy, I can give you some bits of encouraging entertainment to read. Not really news, you know most of what is there to know.
E1: Ok, do it.
*A2 turns to the computer and clicks and types a bit, then pushes 'Enter' in exaggerated gesture*... Aaaand, sent!
*E1's phone blips (if we have a sponsor for that phone)*
E1: Super *smiles*
A2: Tell me what you think of the posts and code...
E1: You are growing, doing it better. I like it.
A2: I am using a softer/older version of the call for allies... sometimes doing better is doing worse... I need to tease them just enough to come and see more themselves, hooking up the right audience.
E1: Yes it is like that.
A2: I tried with a more impactful first presentation and it was having lower connection acceptance, so I resumed inviting them with the more inspiring version.
E1: Better like this i think. Good night.
A2: Good night.

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