#BAUniC-movie-scene052 - Hull injection plans
Scene: @ the extended family house.
M1, J, R, A1, A2, V;
R: Aaaand then, she said something about firetrucks, and you know the rest.
M1: Welcome in.
*V gets in: Hi everybody...
R: So, as I was telling them, I think I will join the ship injection group.
J: And it was about time. We would have gone on without you.
R: Good that you would.
A2: It is 'Building A Universe Competition' after all, so, exploring fractal, rather than exploring local blackholes and their effects in skewing our causality.
J: In that regards, trust me, we were going to compete. We were into keeping our team's efforts and plans with a win objective. Good thing also that you are joining us. More to share.
A1: What made you change your mind?
R: We were experimenting with A2, and we think are on a solid enough path to solving the inertial mess of skewed orbits of objects with a certain combination of memories, be those beads, or human heads, or memory cards, or notes. I think that if our civilization deserves to get out, we have a way out, so, not enough of a problem to obsess 1000% over it. On the other hand, maybe the effect needs to be observed for a little longer before being fixed. Till then, I see spaceship injection as more promising for the #BAUniC cause.
A2: At what stage is the spaceship design?
J: We are designing the hull as should appear if the causality forces are aligned starting from the trio of variables as far as the PiPrime table allows us to pre-compute them, and searching for it with enough stability to pass all hash checks at the deep freeze areas between sparks.
A2: How is it going?
J: Shooting a hull alignment in the blind is fine... it happens often enough around the mass concentrations..
A1: ..Galaxies..
J: ..The hard part is looking for where it is going to align, with visibility limited by vast expanses as well as exponentials of direct fractal computation from the pinpoint to the cone of causality following it on lightspeed..
A2: Why do you look for it in the deep freeze?
R: It keeps the fractal balanced. If we did not look for it in there, we would find the ship of somebody else, in the world of somebody else, in the cone of causality of somebody else, with no overlay of possible alternative futures, and likely skipping away from our ability to follow it because of environment before we have any chance of sending a command. Other than it being like trying to find a pin in a haystack without a magnet. The deep freeze would align the chance of causality, or efforts if it is intentional, of various branches of their local multiverse fractal, and can allow us to steer the ship.
A2: Cool...
A1: But the deep freeze is so vast, and our approximate methods can't handle wide sweeps and could not handle them.
M1: Our hope so far is to overcome it via algorithms of automatic discrimination but since filters do that, the mechanism needs to be complex enough to resemble artificial intelligence, and since there is a way but requires shifting of skills, we are more wandering around in designing motor, maybe better fuel, maybe stronger pushpull lasers, or coolheat lasers, or flexible arms...
*R nods: indeed ongoing effort...
A2: How much of the deep freeze have you scoured?
*A1 laughs*
J: We can explore about 0.00000... something zero-like % of it, in a few hours.
A2: Do you need to go that far into the deep freeze?
A1: What do you mean?
A2: Maybe if we looked a bit closer to the galaxies?
A1: That would not work due to proximity to the causal destructive overlay, while further in, it would be inside the galaxies or might as well be, and we meet the problem of not being able to tell where the pin is in the haystack. At least in the deep freeze we can find the pin...
A2: Where does it fail, the causal destructive thingy?
A1: Matter in that range, if arranged by an internal cause in the past, will not hold stable, will evaporate.
J: The waves pass through and don't form solid coherence that can hold itself together long enough to keep holding itself together in the next frame of that world's tick.
R: How close can we get before losing forward time coherence?
A1: We are at the closest. We are addressing a thin bubble around.
A2: What if you were designing the hull the other way around? Addressing the deep freeze but while there are still clusters of matter around, not the total deep freeze.
R: Yeah, black holes according to the prime fold, but radiating nothing relevant to disturbance of coherence, even if on an inverse path to local causality.
J: We tried that..
M1: We didn't! We have it in the plans.
R: What's the situation?
A1: 99% can't be done, but sometimes, when having nothing better to do, still drawing it. And since we can draw it at much finer details than gross input-output, maybe those at marketing can use it even if it fails to survive long enough in some area of rare black holes.
R: Where are you stuck?
A1: Stability. It falls apart. Even the theoretical model. It would need an already frozen crystal to stay stable, and that defeats the purpose.
A2: Hmmmm....
A1: But the ship looks good. I am applying engine and steering from the stable design of the deep freeze ship, so, if the environment is stable, or if we run it on emulation, it can even move a bit.
A2: Can it be used to practice?
M1: Good idea... we need a pilot for that. J? Adventurous enough to take on this skill?
J: Oh, thank you for the honour Master. By right of first refusal... if you need an answer right now, it has 30% chance of being the wrong one, but I would go for, no, we seek other pilot.
M1: Maybe we seek pilot, or co-pilot... A2?
A2: That looks like something I can do. But I can do other things too. Let me be backup if we don't find a pilot, and maybe a better suited already fit candidate is found.
M1: V?
V: Me? Since when?
M1: Since a pilot is not necessarily the one with driving reflexes, but, you are right...
V: C maybe? I can call...
A2: Z maybe?
M1: I know you want Z to join... suiting role would be empathy officer, though. V is more of a pilot than Z.
R: What if it done via gluons and quarks, and shooting also a cloud of electrons to fit and balance in for the regular forward time? Can it stay stable enough for electrons to take over?
*A1 scratches head: Um... maybe... would it need shields for the impact with the attraction, maybe special kinds of frozen or negative temperature electrons...
R: Shields... can someone help add shields to the hull?
J: I can. I think we should have included shields in the original design, for various reasons.
M1: We don't expect hostility, and if they can overcome thick hulls and lazers, maybe we should not interfere and explore elsewhere in the great fractal.
R: Alright, J on shields.
A1: It would also need intake vents for the electrons, as they fill in the ship, else they would tear through.
M1: Do the design of vents take much?
A1: It will take some...
A2: I can help. I may not know coding, but I can give common sense on where to spread first and later and reduce retried on emulation.
R: How is the grid's approximate addressing? *looking at A1 and M1*
V: We got 3 retries before the output is flushed at the receiver. We can address 3 switches in storyline based on program's questioning us. Otherwise linear commands executed by the ship's operating system.
*R turns to V surprised*
V: I have been helping them more than you lately. You know that. Or you think we are at base PES_Tiles addressing still?
A2: What did you expect? You say 'come help me, be convinced there is a black hole event horizon that will engulf our world and the more you are convinced it is so, the more it will be so'. It sounds lose-lose. Also, you had me lately.
R: How are we on adding more commands?
J: Bad. We can only add 3. If we add the 4th dynamic instruction bunch, the whole fractal collapses, even if it an observation window. Or, the part that we can address collapses, infinitesimally small and growing smaller for each further step in that dot, while lightspeed limited still.
M1: Crystal freeze. 3 commands.
R: We should not depend on increasing how many commands we can exchange with the ship. We should make it perpetual.
A1: It is worse... to make it perpetual we need local matter. And to get local matter we need to steer it all the way to galaxies. It takes 1 directional jump, otherwise we would be stuck in such a big linear series of computation that it might as well be exponential. We need 1 steering towards the inertial mass, assuming we can put the slowdown command in that same command, and we need to either expel almost all fuel to decelerate, or use the 3rd code intervention and be left observing. And this is in theory. Who knows what practical problems we can expect, if we find the ship, and steer it like this to a suitable location.
V: And the 4th input blops it all, brings it down to 2 + 2 = 4 and there is nothing before and after that, all variable equations get their perfect stable answer with no more variation. Crystal. Frozen. A tiny inconsequential dot of self-repeating perfection, or imperfection, along with all our 3 choice interventions, contained in something that might as well not exist, and to which we are passive observers anyway, as in the rest of the fractal that is solid in inertial mass. The deep freeze may fluctuate, enough for a ship or a big bang for that fractal, but we are seeking events with consequence for the after-big-bang world, or antimatter before big bang world, with cause and effect.
A2: Hey, wasn't the 3 jump plan when jumping from the edge of deep freeze? What would the situation look like if we jumped from the quasi, not the total deep?
A1: Yeahhh! Maybe head towards a black hole for a while to gain local momentum... save the jump there too?
M1: How many compute hours would it take?
V: Um... maybe twice as long as the next refinement in the PiPrime table?
R: Can we split it to segments, or local packets? Can swarm computing be used?
V: Maybe some multicore and a few multicomputer optimizations, but not much. It is linear, depending on what stages were before, even if localized to the ship and surroundings.
A2: What about PiPrime table augmentation?
R: Hmmm... that can help, even if some parts will be redundant when later using the table to steer the ship.
A1: If we manage to get it to steer.
V: What about using trilink to a local fractal computer with 3 variables connected to only one for our ease, approximated in their displacement, and corrected by ECC bits? Something simple, and matching the fractal of the world we are infesting.
R: Hmmm... can you work on that?
V: I can, or I know who can. Grid addressing is fine enough, so, I can skip that, for now.
M1: What about more ready functions?
J: We will optimize any way we can.
R: Save states and brute force after all are available options too.
M1: So, ship, we let it fall, nudge it too, some... we wake it near mass? And from there we can build a receiver?
A2: How many commands we got till there? Do we need to stop abruptly or with external intervention? Can we trigger a break on critical? Do we need to burn fuel? Can we decelerate by shedding mass, ejecting mass? Maybe accelerate mass towards another cluster while the stopping ship explores and builds receiver?
J: Instruction... in freefall, rotate, accumulate momentum, as well as inertia of freefall. It can work.
A1: We got plenty of fuel. Fuel is not the problem. It would be if we needed a trip from the deep deep freeze or the border of it, but since we were preparing for that event, we got fuel enough. Though, a part left behind to build the receiver, and a part sent forth.. tempting.. *looks up at M1* Can we? Should we?
J: If the ship is reaching mass cluster enough for a replication process, release part of rotating mass, stabilize, establish output feed from it to input feed to us.
V: Since we don't know what we will find, other than detecting mass and orbital changes, I guess we can startover rather than pre-programming for this. We can afford starting over rather than preparing for every eventuality.
M1: How should we approach building the receiver?
J: Transmitter is easy, and the ship has enough fuel to keep transmitting at distances of deep deep freeze for billions of in-world years...
A1: Receiver, by manipulating local objects until it is formed. I guess we can safely say it can handle a bit of cause-effect interactions more than we designed the ship for. We can afford to be a bit wasteful and have the ship build the first couple of generation of replicators itself. Or do we need to redesign it to save more space for whatever else? It would not change much in the computations needed to reach masses since we are going to rely on freefall for much of the acceleration, but maybe it can add maneuverability.
R: Nah, it is fine. I did not know we were this close to exploring fractals beyond the exponential wall. We will deal with problems when they come, not before.
A1: My 99% prediction was before the suggestion of gluon inversion with cloud of electrons. Maybe, if we can address the outer shell precisely enough, we can get the hull ready quite soon. And we can observe through that pinhole for a while before intervening.
A2: What is the outer shell?
V: It is where the fractal has zero sum elements that cause it to be contained even within the prime that sets the zero point of its grid. It is as if the biggest possible form this cosmos can take even beyond all ripples have died out and reformed and died out again into zero sum of their own, a zero sum that wraps it yet another time over. We use it as reference point as it is thin enough to work like that for practical purposes. But it is not thin by any means. It is thin in comparison to the expanses surrounding it, and acts as a thin outer layer as far as the tiny specs of ash of galaxies can ever perceive it to be from there.
J: It is about 10 to the power of 20 bigger than the whole multiverse of all particle combinations in-world, but so far that it looks and feels like a shell.
V: Instructions for the ship,, If mass of other objects is perceived at a certain level and cluster concentration, or greater, and we can detect that from the freefall trajectory because we got the birdeye's view on the fractal and the coordinates of the object we are following regarding the grid's center and shell, then we open the transmitter and observe before intervening?
A2: Why not open transmitter early on? Maybe there are some interesting highlights in the freefall. We got fuel.
J: The wider the transmitter, the greater the interaction with in-world's easy-calc point, or pole of 3+1 manifolding around by necessity, aligned,,
*M1 clears throat*
J: ,,or not aligned,,, the more data needs to be processed linearily.
A1: Bandwidth limitations, computation limitations.
V: But we can set it to open, take a few snaps, and fall anyway, no required input from us.
R: How often?
M1: The snaps are a good idea. Let's say we increase the length of a trip that triggers input shutter by a half compared to if we fell blindly?
J: We instruct the ship to take direct vibrational input from all sensors for a brief segment at intervals of let's say a week in between shoots.
A2: We keep calling it ship? Isn't it more like a probe? Aren't we obsessed with being clear?
R: We will establish two-way instalink inside, or eternal commands sent to the save states as necessary. We will overcome this. Even if we go back to building or finding the hull in the deep deep freeze. This is a ship. We need to nurture that mindset. We are sailing into a new world. This world is complex as ours, maybe more so if we take the base of our world at the electron layer.
M1: How big should the receiver be? Can we prepare plans based on likely outcomes? What can we expect to find? Rocky planets? Asteroid rings? Solar system wide? Multiple star systems? Or a planetary receiver is fine?
R: These and more.
V: I know what I will be focusing on.
A1: Me too... Although, reverse gluon is not my forte, but the base vibrations are too similar to not be adaptable, and if I get stuck, I will ask for help.
R: I can aid in the mechanisms shooting the electron cloud.
Scene fades out.
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