#BAUniC-movie-scene053 - sundice
Scene: R helping out fixing stuff at A2's place after something-something-romance-romance happened, for the layers of local drama.
A2: Is this a good time to show me what happened that made you change your mind about pursuing manipulating local stories and orbits...
*R looks around, positions himself: You got a candle?
A2: Yes, but, what for?
R: Show you, or tell you?
A2: You said you needed to show me so I have to believe it.
*R ponders, replies: Would you like to know details of it? Yes, I can show you here... *takes a dice out of his pocket* does this look normal to you?
*A2 looks and takes the dice, rolls it a bit in his right hand: Pretty much yes... *passes it back to R*
*R puts the dice in the table, then takes a chair, then some books, then sits so he is with the sun and the window at the angle he desires. A2 follows the action*
R: Stand, there *points at a corner of the room, where expecting A2's head to be for his height and position. A2 complies*
*R looks at his watch, then briefly at the sun, then at the dice, then A2, then watch clock on the wall, then mirror, then watch again*
R: Walk to here *shows spot on the ground, index finger passing in the line from where it was pointing, at A2's head, to the dice, and to where on the ground R wants A2 to go*
R: What is the dice showing?
A2: 5,,
R: Slowly lower yourself... keep looking at the dice.
*A2 complies, then stops*
A2: Wow! This is like that... when I could not move the chess piece?! Wow!
*R2 nods*
A2: So, if I look away, and lower myself, I can surpass this?
R: Do it.
*A2 looks away, crouches, and looks at the dice, blinking a few times before the camera shows face 3 up*
A2: It shows 3 up?! Wow... how come?!
R: For me it showed 3 up from the beginning... but I am learning to live with this.
A2: What happens when I try to rise?
R: You can even collapse, dead, to your own quantum immortality respawn, but away from here. Most likely you would faint, or can't do it... but maybe you can even power through.
A2: Should I try?
R: And here is where I wanted you. We are dealing with something much more powerful than we can imagine right now, and we need to grow in imagination before trying something riskier. We are not ready, and what lies behind is so much more powerful than the black hole, which is still coming by the way, but we can fix it. Our demise would fix it too, but we can fix it and be alive. Later on that one. But... we are dealing with a parallel existence that finds resonance with our alive selves, or pretend-alive selves, and that can affect reality, and has been here for who knows how long, and that we are intruding. At this point I would rather be intruding on fractals, because in there we would be picking the variant that has been there all along. But, parallel world, alive... and... you see 3 there... maybe you saw 3 earlier but are mistaken? *looks at the watch on the wall, the mirror, the sun, his watch, A2 crouching* You can rise now..
*A2 rises: It is 3... hooww...
R2: I don't know how, and we need to expand our awareness more before experimenting further... this is not like using an easy calc point embedded in polar structures of 3+1 manifolds, and resulting in a black hole rushing towards our branch of multiverse Earth. This is, almost alive from what I see, while holding back assumptions of it being alive, smart, and trying to camouflage itself.
A2: ... I seee... wow... I will not tell Z... wow... she would freak out, I mean suicide-type of freak out.
R: When was your chance to play out that suggestion of dice and dream of jumpdown... what did you use as your chance apparatus?
A2: Electronic dice. I know it is suggested not to, expanding the improbability space too far or something. I had no idea back then, but I knew it was powerful and dangerous. And I wanted in. And I knew how to minimally read through the lines when suggesting taking 3 or a maximum of 4 dice. So, electronic dice and billions of...
*R2 chuckles*
A2: ... thousands, whatever, a phone app... still,, much more dangerous and powerful than real dice, right? And 3 real dice too.
R: Yes, and you are here because of those real dice. You see, it is not just the improbability. You did not throw your phone out in panic and frustration either. Those objects have inertia, even the software of the phone, and inertia, vibrating in synch with a whole multiverse worth of mass to gravitylens the effect of force, but with the either-or of some branches having some dreams of throwing themselves out of a terrace... that multiverse will guide these objects to have a destiny of some sort, a compulsion, going sometimes even as far as to change how fast they fall to the ground. We can play around with the matrix of ourselves in a dice-throw away of difference. But that does not mean the matrix will not play back.
A2: And we want to explore it!
R: That is why you risked it, against the instructions of not using an electronic dice. And that is why we have been experimenting together this far. And that is why, you may decide you misremembered the 5 you saw earlier, but I arranged it so you would be seeing 5, and the loop goes double loop and matches both sides of the universal wave function. We will not stop pursuing this. But this is direct feedback from entities to whom manipulating memories is maybe a common practice. This is parallel universes coexisting with ours, and maybe we should play fractals instead until we know better.
A2: You got me. You are the boss.
R: I am not the boss. I am fitting in for now, but, M1 and M2 are most likely the boss. If it was not me, it would be someone else, who would have gotten their support.
A2: You have worked so hard to share all you had in you. And yet you claim to have done for egoistic reasons.
R: Of course... many minds thinking and solving issues that I wish to know more about. If I can help that. If I can make others help that. Of course. But thank you for understanding.
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