Wednesday, June 29, 2016

#BAUniC:movie:scene001 - hooded people

Scene needs:
* 1 plain room
* 1 light source surrounded by a non transparent cone similar to
* Hooded monk robes, or something filling this purpose
* VoiceActor001, VoiceActor001+PitchCorrectionA
* VoiceActor002 (can be done with  VA001+PC:B, but here we introduce characters from their acting components)

* Sound of footsteps
* Sound of slamming door
* Yell
* Sigh in various muffed forms
* HeadActor001
* HandActor001 & ++
* Feet/shoes/sponsors


Scene (single light, up, a bunch of people gathered around, the head is visible of only one (the others are hooded), but the face is not visible due to camera angle choices). The visible head (HA001+VA001) says: I have gathered you here and are reading to you the following message:

(head+voice) I have gathered you here for your abilities, imagination, and skills.

(voice only, actor shows the note to the hooded audience)

Presenting to you the #BAUniC:movie project.

(note shown to the camera, briefly, then the audience gathers around the note. Actor continues to read)

You are all aware #BAUniC. One of the steps towards that goal is promotion. A good promotion is a movie, which can be done with a lot of passion and planning, and little material resources for this day and age.

In a fictional parallel universe where Bud Spencer dies anyway, though #BREXIT fails, 'the other' wins the elections in the US, and no trolls break the momentum of #BAUniC, , , our civilization develops a formula to communicate with a parallel universe, which happens to be one of our similar ones with a breach of cause-effect story that connects the two worlds. Cheap but effective, and very very doable, green screen, camera, lighting and virtual reality when necessary, and knowing how to combine them, for effective storytelling. Voice, sounds, laid over by other knowhows. Rights and licenses handled by other knowhows. Technical setups by other knowhows. Special effects by other knowhows.

You all have skills I value, and I would love your collaboration.

First step: narrative in combination with what layers we can add.

Second step: likely scenes to fit the narrative (or vice-versa).

Third step: collecting the props necessary, or similar. Fixing scenes when needed.

Fourth step: addition to the scenes.
Eg. Reserved spot where the characters will look occasionally, but added later. Or an extra character. Or a pet.
Should fit with the scene, make it feel warmer, and not mess the environment (because it is easier that way).

Next steps, as needed.

Those who do not wish to be bothered by this can set the conversation to mute, or leave. Those leaving will be portrayed in the story as leaving through that door *points at the door on the left. Looks awkward. It is a kind of mirror image, but not quite* and your leaving comments will also be incorporated to the story. Those staying in, will be portrayed as continuing to stay in the shadow. Everybody take a step back please. *everybody takes a step back in silence, only their feet are portrayed, shoes, to be added later, replaceable according to sponsor*.

Those who want to leave, leave now. Others will come through that door.

Those who remain, other people will come to this room. They all will hear what you say, but you can react first, and send in a character.

Any questions?

*here, the head actor signals no to somebody, nods approvingly else, gives a thumbs up to somebody else, and then points to one in the back of the crowd* he will answer further questions.
*the head actor leaves*

Hooded, with a notepad on the right hand says (VA001+crude pitch correction): Yes, I will be *clears throat, repeats (PitchCorrectionA)* Yes, I will here answering your questions. *Comes forward. The light only shows his chin. Not bearded. Voice softer and smoother than the head actor.*

*takes breath and says: While you may be tempted to ask who am I, the right question would be, who are you? But you can answer that better than I.

*smiles, shown barely from the hood lighting*

Oh, you also can leave and come back. Just knock. And bring other people too.

*smiles wide*

Any questions?

One of the hooded figures speaks in VA002: Pretty abstract. I have a friend who edits short movies for a living. Would that be of any help or is this project to remain abstract?

Hooded with notepad nods, VA001+PCA: That will be good.

VA002 laughs in the VoiceActor002 voice

VA001+PCA laughs along then follows with his eyes (nothing showing directly on the camera, just body language while turning, hooded) her footsteps as she goes fetches her friend. Then turns to the others and says in low voice: this world can make you appear to do things you may not agree with or have control over.

*B(the character with VA002, name replaced later) slams the door on her way out. There is no visual. A yell is heard from outside, then a familiar laughter, then an unfamiliar one, then the sound of steps continues*

VA001+PCA: like that

Silence for a bit. Hooded people look at each other. Some whispers emerge.

VA001+PCA says to one of the hooded figure a little closer to the light: "you look like Rubin Hood"

No reaction.

B yells from downstairs: Have you finished writing the story?

VA001+PCA laughs back loudly to the voice of B: Haha! Finished? We have just began! Hahaha!!

Feet are recorded leaving, video + audio.
A sigh escapes the hooded actor with a notepad (this character needs a name by the way) and a few of the hooded figures also, as they see BC leave through the door on the left. (adding the need for sigh sound in various muffed versions to the scene requirements)

Other steps are seen/heard leaving.

After, one of the shady figures comes and whispers to the notepad guy. He whispers something back. Indistinguishable. 10-15 second max.

One of the figures takes half a step forward and says "Do we still need to make the movie or the conversation in this room enough will do?"

"Planning the movie is a very important step in the process." hand-notepad smiles and raises his other arm to indicate the door where the head actor went through "eager to start? You can go through that door to the next scene in this storyline."

"what is there?" one of the hooded figure inquires. "he is waiting for us, suspended between worlds" the hand-notepad guy answers. The inquiring hooded figure approaches the door and tries to peek through, but then steps back into the shade.

The half-step takes a full step forward and whispers to the hand-notepad figure. Barely audible, understandable only "pspsspss fourth wall?" The reply comes in as a whisper also, though a bit clearer: "considering the nature of the movie we are making and the themes we are dealing with, 4th wall breaks should be gotten over with the audience as soon as possible, because we will propose so much more, exposed through philosophy, metaphysics, and with technical details."

"pspspspss aware of it pspspspss restrictions. You understand that unfortunately I cannot be in your head." and reply "You should not be in my head. I fill in for that. You need to be in your head. Restrictions: budget. *smiles, visible under the hood* And imagination." *laughter from the first whispering figure in response to that, then still in whisper: "ok... I'll do my best."

(scene continues)

1 comment:

  1. The Hooded Actor with a notepad, startled, as if awoken from a daydream blinks a couple of times... pupils intentionally uncannily brighter by the lighting compared to how it should be in the scene's setup...
    THA: You seem to have misunderstood... here we playmake the world of #BAUniC ... there, where you are coming from, there we make #BAUniC happen for real. You seem to be trying to inject an ad into the movie. We will be glad to put it in, friendly human to human... now let's consider the scene where to put it, and it will be attached to the draft already online appropriately. Is that not like tapping into another universe and getting magic from there? *smiles warmly*
    The doors scene is mandatory, but from there I can suggest peeking behind door at scene 24... here is the link: *turns the notepad to the camera, time freezes* *time resumes and new voice fills in for THA*
    THA(voice2): Here you can find a nice setup where you can put a cute line or two for Uaibo. Who won in your ...
    *new voice*
    Who won ?
    *silence, abrupt, *
    Trump! *echo from the room*
    Original voice actor of THA: Seems we are on track, but, damn it, don't give away the hooks... Please nobody use the 'Trump' door on the next scene... We need to work it out a bit. *pause*
    From now on the smart ass who said Trump will be here will answer your questions.
    *Somebody from the hooded people gets in front of the rows. The Hooded Actor passes the other THA the notepad. THA leaves through the door towards scene 002 (link:
