Saturday, December 2, 2017



R: With 3 variables at infinite precision we can address everything of quant based physics, even those interrelated in the exponential plane with a maximum size and minimum size.
V: The quant based multiverse of all that can happen has already happened.
A1: Including all paradoxes because of the self assembly nature of the dust formed with a table of all that can happen even on the simple ordinal form.
V: All paradoxes of the form that a particle following all possible paths, because the rest of the local min-max causality bubble follows its inverse path.
R: A particle as perceived by the emergent quant based superstructures, plasmoids or matter. A particle emergent of the fractal, studying the fractal.
C: Feels as the birdeye's view of the multiverse, but I have another touch with it... bird's view, because, without you, me, no understand shit... and thrilled as I am, if it was as hard as G had to go through,,
R: And your neurons would be going to add live to the consensus reality of some other realms of existence.
V: Better here.
C: Not that easy to tempt I thought myself... humble... thrilled... and thank you for trying with many people off, sleeping awake, as part of the rewind of everything else...
R: So many are out of reach..
C: A1 caught me with this "In the world where everything that can happen has already happened, all our dreams, memories, ifs, are realities somewhere, and all our realities and ifs are a dream somewhere, because it cannot be otherwise"
V intervenes in correction: it cannot not be, it must be, but, ohoho, plenty of otherwise. Plenty of alternate realities, sometimes even able to connect with ours, sometimes we need to build fractal observers to peek at their late future, with early past far out of reach from any computation subject to exponential burden.
A1: Post physics worlds, but also, in physics worlds too, in same lightspeed too, in the easy part of stable galaxies falling, such a tiny spec, yet containing the tree of all Feynman diagram combinations. alternate realities of in physics that, for example, connect consciousness with the power of multiversal decisionmaking to other branches of reality, and not just by spontaneous emergence of arrangement
R: Here is where 3 variables at infinite precision can contain the tree of all possible combinations at slice resolutions lower than the quant...
V: And 4 variables makes it as simple as 2+2, with 3 variables on the principle of less-is-more generating complexity while containing it, complexity in the form all possible combinations of quant limited tree, because of min-max and cone of causality.
R: For the emergent phenomena on that causality, for example, the electron layer as classically seen as forward time... be that a bubble rushing up, or a mass falling, since they vibrate, but we are familiar with the electron, and other winding or unwinding of waves resonating around us in slower than lightspeed, faster than it, or backward time... by the way, forward time faster than light is possible according to this theory, and not just synchronizing with the far point, or if we surpass that limitation... actual first transmission at faster than light speeds but affecting local spacetime... anyway, causality for that layer of reality, physics, lightspeed, electron layer as perceived by theories of local physics, e=mc2 that is, including the paradoxes of the lightbeam already knowing the path since this is a limitation,, this layers, falling quarks and electrons trapped by distribution into the uneasy positive temperature range where they would otherwise try to close their loop but their close loop is on the far side of the universe, on the antimatter distribution, so they act as cooldown for the quarks, which makes the classic electron layer actually be the inverse of the mass layer if we give meaning to mass by the clustering of quarks, so electrons are traveling backwards in time if we put the time of mass as classic time, but the time of mass is in the quark braids and those are parallel universes with unfamiliar looping of how we are used to seeing cause and effect. Wanted to point that out. Classic electron layer causality is in backwards time compared to mass, but it vibrates and loops and closes loops in electrons and holes everywhere, from semiconductors, to all regular matter energy transformations, to macro effects such as the water luminosity that the mantis shrimp can deliver, a bubble of vapour, negative pressure, by quick displacement of local water.
V: According to this model, there is no dark matter and dark energy. These are orbit artifacts of a cosmos in freefall, matter-antimatter distributions, pools... and the adjacent ones are not the mirror rewind... most likely... but the mirror rewind is there too, for all the different variations in the halo rewind of all cones of causality, megatree, the omniverse as far as limited lightspeed is concerned, but also in the simplest possible form as grid base.
R: So, lightspeed limited world... at some lightspeeds the fractal resonates with its gridcenter or actalike. In that resonation, mega and mini dimensions flip through, as flipping through pages of a book. This we call the exponential layer, or expogrid. Base grid with it's gridcenter or actalike, and expogrid with mega dimensions and mini dimensions. In here, particles are the meaning we add to recurrent vibrations of the push-pull in excess of 100% probability or antiprobability. They are linear because the wave function is linear, and folds over at the 4th variable. But if we peek through a similarity between 3+1 folds in the flip dimension exporgrid, the polar nature of 3D and a +1 of linear computations come and go in the wave function that never collapses, these resonating vibrations can be seen as emergent vortices... some, electron and positron, briefly sparking to anihiliation in their native state, but feeding the slowdown of quark worlds as they fall. The electrons vibrate in all layers, of the expo grid, but since we take them as reference points, we can call that distributed structure, the electron layer, even though it is, 'just' a vibrational recurrence with winding and unwinding properties on the linear wave function, or a spot in the hologram if we go with the hologram cosmos approach, which is other transformations reaching to the physics we know from the all that can happen must happen with spontaneous prime exceptions and exprime grids on them. The omniphoton and the omniblackhole are the farthest reaching vibrations we put a name based on classical physics, and in between are smaller exprime crystals of inverse properties discharging their prime break into the loops of omniphoton and blackholes bigbanging and deepfreezing in the tree of all the Feynman diagrams. Expanded view of the 'one electron' hypothesis, but expanded to all vibrations we can put a name on, quarks and their weird braiding, or tachyons, with more familiar properties of cause and effect even if exceeding classical lightspeed by classical definitions in their distinctive feature when wanting to put it in the frame of electrons and humans living in electrons of histories converging and bubbling up. For some layers we can put a classical reference. But there are quite unfamiliar vibrations in there too... almost alive... maybe even sentient... maybe even advanced beings... vibrating along with our world. Not the unfamiliar particles per se, the structures made of those particles. Entities that may even have a life sideways to ours. Their uphill could be our forward time as seen from the electron layer, and their downhill, squeezing electrons out but also pulling them with electromagnetism being the winding and unwinding of the omniphoton and blackhole mobiusing each other in a 4T fold of the multiverse in bangfreeze, without going into the halo effects of postphysics, or astral planes, or civilizations capable of making a superstructure that invited the original vacuum that made our big bang, or various layers of exceptional vibrations pretending to be gridcenter and acting like it undetectable at any size greater than the smallest possible quant, and in sizes under that the conditions could be reverse in what we can call even supernatural, as in, energy from nothing. But that is how the quant can wrap around the infinity until it meets our physics again on the other side of the quant, as far as the wave function is concerned... the other side of the multiverse because the multiverse is a spec of ash in freefall on so much greater mathematical structures over it. The amplitudohedron being one of those. Or the PES_Tiles stage between expogrid and lightspeed physics. Constructive and destructive interferences in their path to and from the harmonics with which the base grid resonates with all base grids. Too big for a computer to process it. But, parts of it...? Addressing a prime jump, maybe some easy calculation point in the cones as seen from the pole of 3D worlds aligned? Addressing a series of these, and a save state of pre-made computations to sped-up. A save state based on the trustworthiness of data in local physics. And..
C: ..and addressing our world is doable, and, wow there will be changes when this takes off..
R: 3 variables, and the rest can be deduced in real time from them with simple jumps, faster than reading it from the camera, if it works as intended. It does not work as intended. We fix it. We find the trilink approach, make up tree of series of transformations... but that is a fractal on itself, limited, and increasing resolution to it brings nothing more detail unless we give it other variables, in which case the trilink gives outputs for the inputs. But the trilink in itself is sterile calculations. There is more variation in the PiPrime table, the ready calculations that is, than in the trilink. The trilink would be our pretending to have unlimited precision on the variables, but approximating and patching through.
V: And then there is the instalink... where the part of trilink that seeks novelty is redirected to novelty from various randomness generators. There is also a 'true randomness from semirandomn sources' study that we can grab some useful functions from, but that is augmenting the randomness and sensitivity of any antenna when not looking for a signal, it relates to the real world more than deterministic fractals.
R: The instalink is a sort of that too, but on the sort that the rest of the software, hardware, our good intentions and some luck, guides into staying stable long enough to give the trilink it's missing fire. And instalink we can apply with caution in various hybrid forms... but, what happens when too many electrons are guided, vibrating in synch with themselves from here to identical repeat here, into a confined space?
C: ... um... devices burn?
R: Yes... overheat, spark, things like that... software glitches that should not happen, or even a tiny blackout for the wetware in our brains.
C: So, you are stuck at instalink hybrids?
*A1 giggles*
A2: We will show you how the engine works.