2: If I resolve to kill myself for every tails, then I should not see any tails, if my conviction is solid enough.
Z: Yeah, that's the theory.
2: I have seen only heads for the past 12 throws...
Z: You tried that with an actual coin?
2: Why not?
Z: That is a thought experiment, not a real one...
2: What difference does it make? It is still a diverging deterministic system.
. .. .
Z: How many attempts?
2: Just the 12. I did not dare try again. Coincidence on the first couple of throws, amusement for a couple more, then amazement and worry, and, temptation, and... *sobs*
Z: Would you,,, you know,,, have killed yourself?
2: After Jack's report... maybe. But I was on that path for a while now.
Z: Remember what you said? You chose to take it this intensely.
2: What other way should I take it?! We are talking about the meaning of everything, for G0D's sake!
Z: I know, but, look, Jack came out alright on the other side of understanding. And I think I will too.
2: Not everybody is meant to survive this.
Z: I know... and I hope you are one of those that make it, in my branch of reality.
2: What about the other branches?
Z: I am not there to worry about those.
2: Z of those places is enough like you... I wonder if she is mourning my death by now.
Z: We don't know if all this is one big single-outcome deterministic system giving the impression of many choices.
2: Or just an interpretation of sporadic self-conscious arrangements out of white noise, with no world at all in between, no stable physics, ever. .. ... .. . is Z of the other worlds mourning about me?
Z: I am worrying about you. I would be mourning about you. Z of other worlds would need an extension of the concept of myself to the other Z, and the concept of you to the 2 that died. Extend that to the normal conclusion, with versions of us gradually changing to connect with ourselves of the past and future, or friends, or strangers, or all strangers, or all possible strangers, and even the impossible ones, beyond aliens or intra-fractal civilizations, and all the improbable and impossible consciousness arrangements too... but that would definitely not be Me, even with all the linear transformations.
2: I need to grow to learn to live with that.
Z: Yes you do.
2 smiles.
. .. ... .. .
2: If this works, if this is a direct link, or even a unidirectional instalink, as Ramis has hypothetized, ... I want you to be my test subject, Z.
Z: Ohh... are you sure? I am useful elsewhere, you know. Maybe George?
2: This is important enough to take you from your duties, temporarily, since if permanently nothing else matters.
(scene may continue)
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