E, to B2's office.
B2: Look, it is precisely because we trust you that we want you to quit that BAUniC nonsense. It reflects badly on our institution.
E: You know I won't do that.
B2: Keep it quiet at least...
E: That's what I told B1, but...
B2: You said you would slack off less conspicuously.
E: Yeah, because B1 was not satisfied with the way I reported. The information was all there, bullet points and such. Not formatted in bolds and highlights because it was ALL important. Condensed to four pages, printed and signed for posterity. I lowered fonts to make it fit, as I suspected B1 would print it anyway, but, come on, the information, what counts, was precise and not embellished in content just like not embellished in appearance. What was expected of the report anyway. Highlighting our weak points along our strong ones. That was what was asked of me, made sense, and that was what I returned.
B2: What prevents you from doing the points you raise?
E: Skill.
B2: You, skill? Not buying it.
E: Engagement to the position would take away quite a lot of my attention and time, like it did to R1 and D0, and I do not wish to do it. Not for a compensation that makes sense. What good is money anyway? Beyond stability. A Sheppard tone of hedonic treadmill? Till you get used to the new lifestyle and it all comes down to normal anyway. Then how to count pleasure? Endorphins in the brain? Achievements? Let alone I really don't have the skills required to complete the tasks. It takes a lot of training to reach that level, and not all computer related jobs are similar.
B2: Alright, but can you quit it with #BAUniC?
E: Tone it down. We'll see.
(a bit later, B1-B2, email, only B2 is shown typing)
B2: Do you know how many accesses he has? He has gotten them despite being so cheeky.
B1: So what?
B1, next message: How many?
B2: He can access and modify logs of even this conversation. And there is nothing we can do about it. Somebody has to do it, might as well be him. He is a rare exception of honesty.
B1: How rare?
B1, again second message while B2 is still typing: So, he has access to funds at his fingertips, right? He can guide the parameters of supply and fix himself a nice piece of real estate to buy for breadcrumbs?
B2: He has not dipped his finger not even once in all these years. He is a weirdo that has no muse for money, who just wants to be left alone to do his job, and he is also right, it would be better for us to hire somebody else, but you know, at that role almost all that come eventually succumb to a bribe.
B1: Or go away on their own.
(a bit later, email with a bit of correspondence between B1 and E, on B2's display)
B1: Look, we both acted a little hurriedly, but let's burry the axe. You are a reliable member of this team, and we will learn to work together.
E: Apology accepted. You were thinking about the good of the company.
B1: You are a weird, but useful tool of this institution.
(a bit later, B1 to B2, new message)
B1: Let's hope we don't become guilty by association with that tower of Babel they say E is helping building.
B2: Let's hope...
B1: You don't believe that crap, do you?
B2: Well, he has tried to get my alliance once, before they had become semi-famous. He made good points. I listened... many don't, now.
(scene available for expansion according to extra characters and sponsors wanting to be shown around here)
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