#BAUniC:movie:scene022 - Ramis' house
Scene: 1 and 2 outside Ramis' house. Sounds of conversation inside. 1 knocks.
Vilma: ... and that's why knowledge and memory are different.
Ramis: Come in.
*1 enters. Ramis' house is expected to be a nerd's/hacker's house, powerful computers, many displays, cables, computer pieces, books, notepads, partially eaten food*
Kevin: Not if everything is connected to everything.
V: I am talking about knowledge per se, eventually understanding, emergent...
1: What are you guys talking about?
R, answering to 1: There is a version of me that can hold it all together, understand it... a lot more than I can, at least... And I can briefly see with his eyes... but what I can do for longer and with higher precision is focus on a limited task, combining the *gestures 'hand it over' or 'come closer' to 1* efforts and data from various sources *attention drifting again to Kevin and Vilma*
K: The more he knows, the more she suffers.
V: But she organizes it so various parts of her face different aspects differently, so that there is always an upward trend of joy to pay attention to.
*1 hands over the printed pages to Ramis*
K: Knowing what they had to do to get there, AND ensuring anyone following has to do the same,,,
V (interrupting): Some things are best forgotten, and must forgotten.
*Ramis still listening, but taking a look at 1's first few pages*
K: Paying attention to some parts, but knowing it all, memory is not knowledge, ok?
*Vilma nods. Ramis nods too, and hands back the notes to 1. 1 looks awkwardly at Kevin, then Vilma, then Ramis. Frightened almost. Frustrated. Out of place.*
K continues: And choice influences the world, and is related to attention and knowledge...
*1 catches Ramis' eye and questions him with his eyes, aka. 'uh?'*
R, to 1, low voice: That's for if you need to show it to someone else.
K: And choice generates variation and falloff...
R (interrupting): Don't go there, that's cyclic.
K (continues, acknowledging Ramis): The issue is how to make it better, in other words, grow.
*V, exasperated sigh*
K: That requires applying knowledge, making choices.
*Ramis reaches to the under desk and gets a note for 1, a website*
K: Effort, sacrifice, but not waste and forgetfulness. Accessibility is important as well.
R, to 1: Quite complicated shit you are playing with here, guys.
K: Even if the average is falling, choice in a noise environment can be amplified.
V: That means...
R (interrupting): Meaning is given...
V, looking angrily at Ramis, resuming: ...we need to shed something, even in eternal expansion. But that is the "we" that are divided and limited, else, the "weee" would become the all-nuts and all-powerless *making hand-quote gestures*
R: I am with Kev. Choice, attention, knowledge, not powerless. Who knows, can change. Power is divisive too, acting and being acted upon, not just knowledge and who knows what.
K: Thank you!
V: That does not invalidate my point, and certainly is applicable to any limited but growing civilization and the allknowing, whether we agree on forgetting and power, or not.
R, very exasperated, to 1: They can go on like that for hours, while we are trying to transcend our limits while still small, tiny in fact.
V: But the impossibility of containing everything, and the inevitable split does not make it likely for spontaneous coordination and construction of something from nothing, not even in the white noise amplifier you bring up.
K: And your upward trend can fix that?
V: More than your division of he knows, she suffers.
K: That was just using common ways to refer to different traits. It stuck because it resonates with our society. Her, compassion, protection. Him, cold, calculating.
*1 tries to follow the argument, looking at Kevin and Vilma*
V: Having an upward trend to *air quote* look forward to, pay attention, remember better, often, even embellish, CAN fix it, though, even in the all-that-can-happen scenario.
K: Yeah, even if the combination of all effects is not doing as well.
V: Shedding something, becoming less, in order to be more, but incomplete, unable to be all, crying to be all, fearing to be all, and then advancing in this cause-effect bound linear world enough for the influencing points to become all.
R: emergent time, careful...
V: Assumed, but also emergent many things. From perfectly repeating particles to universes containing their own observers and pseudo-cause-effect-sources, in limited form, cyclic into new attempts in future permutations, with an even more limited trace of averages and selected memories. Writing or computation automation.
1 catches Ramis' eye, and asks: So?
R looks up, then points to the note in 1's hand: As last time, you need to do better than this.
*1 sighs*
R, thumbs up to 1, and turning to Kevin: The combination of ups and downs means there is, was, will be a up to get to, a down to come from, and a choice of attention split within the given environment, all coming from the aforementioned emergence of time and the meanings given.
*1, sad, leaving, dragging feet, dragging door*
V: Exactly, and shedding does not mean losing the ability to know where coming from, but taking it from a higher ... *Ramis interrupts by 'tsk tsk' disapproval, Vilma corrects herself and continues* ... different point of view.
K: Meaning, even events, not just memories, can be reconstructed. Including knowledge. Filtered, repeated, or all-containing. In the long run, eternity I mean, they all come together anyway, beyond cause and effect.
(outside Ramis' door)
2: How did it go?
1: They don't like it. They won't help.
2 grumbles,,, says: Let me try
*1 gestures to the door, as 'welcome' or 'be my guest'*
*2 knocks, then enters*
2, to Ramis: Look here, Mister, we are doing it for fun. If you don't wanna help, fine, more and longer fun for us.
R, to 2: The 5+1 trick applied to one of the variants of the lucky hunch Vilma had last year, and the grid you so boast to the world about and that I know where to find. We have tried various combinations of it already. In fact that is where I pointed 1 to go catch up on. You, ... *looks around, grabs a disk* here, catch *throws the disc to 2*. Play with this for a while.
2: You..., um..., need my help?
*Ramis is startled, Vilma and Kevin shrug, pleasantly surprised smile*
R: Isn't that what you came for? This is it. Joining forces. I need those tables prepared for the latest access needs, and keeping up, as they are outdated. And you guys are good at tables.
*2 looks at the disc in his hand, and then salutes military style*
V: Eternity cannot be contained. All-containing it is meant to be lifeless, befitting a fractal. Bringing the all-containing and the all-loco together in the same emergent form and same physics base rules is what's wrong with your line of reasoning.
K: Growing, learning from it all, aiming for it all, even if that includes constructing of the extraction method of the exceptions in the underlying structure of all combinations...
2 looks at K: Heaven and hell?
K: Far beyond that, but yeah
2: Cool...
V: Madness!
K: The allknowing does not necessarily translate to madness in concept. Only in the limited sense.
V: The knowing is a delineation of the other, object of knowledge, otherwise it would be 'the being'. Thus the division.
R to 2: Please don't go wasting 30'000 hours again, ok? Learning by mistakes is not the same as being wasteful.
2: But Jack said...
R: Jack is looking for another exception on the same data set. He might be right in theory, but infinity should be called only once in direct addressing, and we already got a very fine representation. Transforming it to fit our purposes is the next target in your tile of work.
2: That's what I thought I was doing.
R: Wastefully, following Jack's guide.
K: Jack hopes to reach beyond the local group via instalink. But realtime can only compensate so far.
*2 nods*
V: It would work if we knew and reached another civilization advanced to this point and scratching the fabric of the spacetime vibrational resonance, but our best bet is reaching and reading towards our own differential branching.
2: What if there is only one branch?
V: What if you threw tails a few times on your little coin experiment?
2: How do you know that?
V, smiles: guess how...
K: Z told her. Now to more important issues.
2: The local multiverse, yes. I like the idea of getting in touch with that. But we don't even have a self consistent physics fractal yet, and all the precise addressing means nothing without that. Conceptual, yeah. Useful? Maybe to builders and materials, but not to us.
R: We don't need to. We need partial access to it in the imaginary plane fold, and enough resonance to link our I/O with theirs. It does not matter if they are emulating us or we are addressing them. The whole of physics cannot be contained anyway, just like even the Mandelbrot set cannot be contained, except from outside. As long as our formula brings useful results, I'm fine with it.
2: Even if the experiment cannot be replicated?
R: The experiment can be replicated, it only needs the exact input, which includes not only the fractal input data but also the spacetime coordinates, which, sadly, we are moving irreversibly away from.
2: Forward time?
*R nods*
K: Similar results can be obtained, enough to see a pattern, but yeah, no exact replication whatever I/O we put and expect, unless we get procedural at both ends, which makes our pinhole observer-only and we lose coherence exponentially.
2: How fast?
K: I guess doubling every Planck's length and time, or something to that level, fast enough to be useless.
2: Is that why Jack is trying to find another pole for our target twin prime?
R: Jack wants to find aliens, or Gods. Let him. His expertise with polar exceptions is useful in debunking lower dimensional shit.
K: Jack wants faster than light, or independent of light communication, arising spontaneously between far points.
2: Being built by different civilizations.
K: That's what I said, spontaneously, on the same branch of emergent cause-effect, built by and for the emergent consciousness inhabiting those, our, dimensions. But that needs dual pole, and not on the other side of infinity, or negative, or backward in time. AND realtime cause-effect divergence too.
2: Can that be done?
K: We don't know. In theory, no, but, what we have seen in smaller than infinity exceptions, maybe. We just don't think it is the right inspiration and attention period in our progress to be dedicated to that goal.
V: Yes, we need to limit ourselves a bit.
2: How can I help?
*R points to the disc in 2's hand*
K: Shouldn't take you more than 2 or 3 weeks to get up to date. If longer, maybe that is out of your league, but we can give you something easier and still engaging and useful.
R: Just inform us of your progress, so we don't waste research efforts.
2: Will do.
R: And please, try solve yourself when you get stuck. It has been a while since I handled that. Soon I expect you to guide me in that territory.
2 smiles: Thank you guys. Luv yu. Bye *waves and prepares to leave*
R: Should have come to us sooner.
*Kevin elbows Vilma*
V, low voice, to K: maybe he should shed something?
2 nods to R, adding: Yeah, I knew where you lived. And this was only one of the points of ease of access to your realtime selves *takes breath* I live mostly in cyberspace too... *takes out phone* sometimes chained to it, by necessity or choice, work or pleasure... Thank you for taking the time to get to know the better parts of me.
*Vilma exclaims in surprise and content, sound similar to 'aha', movement 'not bad'*
K, to V, low voice: Saved by a thread.
R: You're a good kid. Keep up the good work.
*2 nods, waves bye to all, leaves*
2 to 1: They're cool.
1: What did they say?
*Kevin, upset, inside: "You always push for knowledge madness!". Vilma laughs hysterically. Ramis: "Kev! You get knowledge and suffering, come on! You guys..." voice trails off*
2: Do better, as they told you...
2 body guides via shoulder push/tap 1 away from the door.
2: ...We are on the right track. Though, the track is complicated and we have to coordinate work.
*They walk slowly away from Ramis' door*
2: Why did you not talk to them online? .. wait, don't answer that.
*1 looks a bit ashamed*
2: Couldn't help feeling like he called me 'good puppy' when Ramis said 'good kid'.
*1 sighs and looks down, dragging his feet slower*
V: Ramis! RAMIS!
*loud music starts playing in time for a supposed unplugging of headphones. It is lowered quite soon*
R: What?!
*1 and 2 leave the building*
(scene ends)
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