Z1: Why for?
Z2: They are talking about observable effects of calculating fractal formulas on the outside of the formulas, on the physics around us.
Z1: When they are not talking about contacting aliens at FTL speeds, they are talking about subatomic machines populating a large number of atoms all around where atoms can exist. Nonsense and more nonsense.
Z2: Please. You called them far fetched reality. If that is possible, it will eventually happen.
Z1: Well, waste of time and more waste of time. Don't go.
Z2: I need to, and I need to in person because of the amount of information I want to talk with, including all our latest data and the projections extracted. And I also need you to come with me.
Z1: Wha what?
Z2: You heard me right. I feel a little intimidated there, and would love your support.
Z1: You will have to do better than that to convince me to come to those pigs *giggles* Nah, they are alright... they just have too far fetched ideas and waste my and their time when we meet.
Z2: I will do...
Z1: Do what?
Z2: Better than this, to convince you, later tonight *grins*
Z1, reluctantly though inevitably accepting: aaalright... I know you can speak, um, quite convincing words when you really want to... *chews on her lower lip a bit*
*Z2 giggles. Z1 joins giggling*
Z2: Do you think they can give you a solution or a way to it?
Z1: If not that, some of their knowledge to handle this kind of hybrid grid that seems to pop out when we try to catch it in a fractal form. Conceptually. Ramis is set on his multiverse idea and has no time to go over this again when not agreeing.
Z2: He agrees. He just does not see this as feasible, yet. It is we that need to bring the correlated particles and encode/decode formulas with a stability check, not expect it ready to receive our scratching of spacetime in partial definition of a paradox with skipped loops to spontaneously and organically appear,,
*Z1 corrects: Evolve.
Z2: ,,Evolve on its own far away and in the form we want it to, reacting to the environment enough for a resonance with our devices here. No, we need to bring those over to the destination-source first, then we can communicate. And that will happen only slower than light the first trip. It is just physics.
Z2: As long as you don't expect me to listen to you bla bla about materializing objects in our solar system or around close by afterwards.
Z1: I can think of better ways to busy my mouth when around you, if you do not wish to listen to this. We can talk about climate change, economic collapse, terrorism and war, revolution, physical, material, biological and more applications of the results from the fractal universe to our society and technological age, or historical events, #BREXIT, Jill...
Z2 interrupts: shhh... later...
(scene may continue, or drift off to a bit of romance and off camera end here)
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