Y: What I don't get is why the code reacts like that when it does not contain our emc2 in...
Z: Are you beginning to believe?
Y: Let's assume I am. How does it even work, as a concept?
X: It works because you are wrong. It does contain our emc2. You just can't recognize its cause and effect linear representation, because it is not linear, but it is there, just as 2+2 is there, even if expressed as an exception. All maths contains and is contained in all other maths, even our multiverse, past, future, ifs, and so on...
Y, startled, looking at X, Z, P, K, sponsor placeholder, back at X... Z starting to talk takes his(?) attention.
Z: What X is trying to say is there is more to physics...
Y: ...I know that idea of Jack and your friends and inspiring figures. I just don't see the connection.
X: I don't either, but the alternative ... *shivers*
Z *sighs*
Y silent, looking at the others and sponsored add-in future characters.
Z: If you want answers, this is the right place to be. We are seeking those. Or would you rather go to marketing?
Y: Thought about it. Still considering it.
2: I got to go, see you guys later.
Y: What is 2 so concerned about?
Z: Ask him.
Y: I did. He goes on and on about civilizations, hell, heaven...
Z: And that is not enough?
Y: They don't exist, do they?
*splashing sound distracts them*
X: What was that?
Y: Maybe your alternate self? *giggles*
Z, returning to the conversation: Let me put it like this,,, do you believe consciousness can be potentially uploaded?
Y: Yes, and there is no need to wait for the artificial neuron technological stage for that.
Z: So your consciousness can be represented in 1s and 0s?
Y: So?
X: How many bytes?
Y: Don't know, 200 petabytes?
X: 30-40 exabytes, to similarity of lossy compression with all your memories, not an instant capture and restore, more like waking from a long slumber, but that is a rough estimate. A couple of orders of magnitude more for a full instant representation.
Z: That is not the point. The point is, a finite number of bytes representing you now, and a similar bunch of bytes representing who you were at the beginning of this conversation. And both of them part of an ordered table of values containing every transition in between.
X: And all the absurd combinations, which you would not be able to tell from the inside.
Y: That table would not be stable in the long run...
X: Neither would a Boltzman Brain in our cosmos, but from within it will look unknowably stable and continuous.
Y: That is similar to the dust theory?
Z: If you are willing to call some parts 'self assembling', yes.
Y: And heaven and hell?
Z: 2 starts with the assumption that there is evil out there, who will pick consciousness from fractals, or create, so to speak, consciousness and various states of anguish relating to it, for their own sadistic reasons.
Y: Why?
X: Because infinity.
Y: Why? Still...
Z: It is a guess. From what can be potentially done, and entities potentially doing it. But inevitable in the realm of all possible combinations as X said.
Y: And the only way to combat that would be to build a bigger heaven, containing I/O from hell, and a civilization guided by both altruistic and self-fear motivation to do it.
Z looks surprised.
Y: 2 insists on that. Sounds delusional.
X: Because he is scared shitless about it, and the solution he proposes, well, Jack's group really, but the solution makes hell even more inevitable than the crazy exception of evil.
Z: Yes, a heaven that contains hell just to extract the damned souls inside, that makes hell more real, if that concept can be applied.
Y: Why are you not scared of it?
Z: I am terrified...
Y gives Z a puzzled look.
Z: Those terrifying parts are not here, are they?
Y: No, but...
Z: I will deal with it in due time, if there is even a 'me' to deal with, by then.
Y silent, looks at X, then at Z, then at X again, then at sponsor. Sighs.*
X: oh, look at the time (watch visible only if sponsored) I need to finish xyz.
(scene may continue)
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