Saturday, July 16, 2016

#BAUniC:movie:scene034 - Z to Jack's house


*Z2 knocking. A5 and A6 opening the door. A5 free to move by and talk, A6 silent and head lowered.*

A5: Come in, welcome. Jack is not ready yet.

Z2: Ah, thank you. We are a bit early.

Z1: Thank you...

*A6 motions at them to follow, A5 interrupts: Jack, this way... M1 and M2, follow A6 here.

*Z1 goes with A6, Z2 goes with A5. Sounds from next room:
Z1: Greetings.
M1: Welcome...
M2: How are you?
Z1: Thank you, and, fine... we were coming on foot, but caught an unexpected ride, once in the neighborhood we found it unnecessary to linger around...
*sounds trail off as scene action follows A5 and Z2

A5: Jack has not been feeling well today...

Z2: Nothing serious, I hope.

A5: Nothing serious we think.

*A5 unlocks Jack's cabin, they enter. A figure tied to the bedposts of the lower bunk of a 2 story bed (any bed that we will find sponsor for, if not, the 2 story bed of artistic vision of the author of this fragment). A5 gets another key from the key-ring and unlocks wrist and ankle shackles. Jack stretches arms, shoulders, neck as he is being freed. A5 unlocks Jack's head-wrap also, releasing his mask and aiding Jack take off his blindfold and gag.*

Jack clears throat, coughs, then speaks in an unnatural voice: Hi... been a bit ill *coughs again, continues in his usual voice* must have been something I have eaten lately.

*A5 snickers*

J: Forgive A5. A5 has not been used to abstinence. Mind flooded with erotic-signaling chemicals is no good for concentration, and, all that can connect with sexy times, does connect.

A5: Eating, especially *continues giggling a bit, blushing. Z2 giggles too, but clearly uncomfortable*

Z2: So, have you seen the data collection?

J: Yes. As expected.

Z2: We were aiming for that result, well, better than that, but, you know, I was not actually expecting it to work like that...

J: There is nothing I haven't told you already that I can tell you now to make you understand.

Z2: No, I understand. I am having a hard time believing it.

J: What is so hard to believe? Consciousness jumped from one branch of reality to another, that's it. It was not like you physically manipulated reality. That is impossible.

Z2: It was all too... um... 

J: The aim of that experiment, and any trilink or instalink too, is to provide an increasingly narrower chance of that combination to be the output of regular quantum fluctuations. Where we guide that is up to us. Right now we are barely learning how to repeat the experiment.

Z2: Yeah, we spent all the rest of that day, and some of the next day, and did not get anything that coordinated. Everything else could be explained through glitches. Ramis was so frustrated.

*J, removing pieces of bondage equipment from his body, A5 transfixed eating him up with A5's eyes*

J: So, you have come here to get some convincing, right?

*Z2 nods*

J: Well, for once you need to accept this is not a chance event. We have gone far beyond chance already, all of us. From there we can deduce we can manipulate the surviving branches where we find ourselves in.

A5: Willpower in all realities, or crazialities, changes the environment. We are just improving the odds, exponentially, via software and hardware. Not just decisions and acting on those decisions, but fine tuning a slice to sync with an underlying physics layer.

Z2: If not for A5's voice, those are your words.

J: We share knowledge, and ways to formulate that knowledge into a coherent speech format.

*Z2 nods*

J: You are early, how come?

Z2: We met X1 on our way in, and we were offered a ride.

J: I see... *all of a sudden a scream and jerking of the body*
J: AAAaarghh!!! Motherffffff!!!!
*Jack removes nipple clamps and wires*

A5: Ha, they went off right before you made it to remove them...

J: Electricity... to keep me awake and tense.

Z2: Why?

J: I am on a training of neurons program through a sleep scheduling in an accommodating environment. So far so good, and it works quite alright with our fetishes of choice too.

A5: We can go to M1, M2 and Z1 now.

J: Yeah, let's.

(other room)

Z1: How did you and M1 met?

M2: It was a party. She was wearing a red hood. I came by. She was waiting for the woods guard...

M1: And he said 'well red hoodie, I am no wood's guard, I am big bad wolf'.

*Z1 giggles*

*A5, J and Z2 come in. Z2 goes and sits by Z1. A5 goes and kneels in the corner by A6, Jack goes and kneels by M1 and M2, head lowered, waiting to be acknowledged.*

M2: How are you now boy?

J: I am better, thank you my Master...

*M2 reaches over and pets Jack's head*

Z1: As Z2 will be starting shortly, we have a hard time believing our observations could change reality, and the explanatory line of reasoning that follows that.

M2: It is not observation that changes reality, it is observation, coupled with consciousness and memories of course, that can decide which branch of reality makes most sense, and naturally drift there. But everything else still goes on, no matter how improbable.

*Z2 moves about in his chair, uncomfortable*

M1: Permission to speak for all, pets.

A5, A6 and Jack: Thank you my Mistress
A5, A6 and Jack: Thank you my Mistress
A5, A6 and Jack: Thank you my Mistress

A6: From what I gather from your data, and forgive me if I am wrong, but the convergence factor you chose in your formulas and loops exceeds the divergence of a collapsing branch of physics...
J: For our current processor speeds.
A6: Yes, for the chosen rendering steps, skips, and CPU power, so, the formation of an exception of stable perception is inevitable with continuous observation. Otherwise, it will balance itself out away from sensory inputs and trace-recording methods.

Z2: Haven't seen A6 around...

M2: A6 is new, under testing but passing with flying colours.

Z2: Aha... and, how is doing in formulas?

M2: Not at Jack's and A2's level yet to contribute, but having grasped all concepts and quite positive in brainstorming.

A6: Thank you my Master. I do what I can.

*A5 brings Jack a tablet PC*

J: I haven't put all your data to a half-emulation, but we will do that soon. Meanwhile, I think we should try swapping the order of these calculations.

Z1: Why?

J: This way we get yet another infinity fold crammed in, and giving correct results once we assume we have already switched through to the next branch. The processor will carry on as instructed anyway.

Z1: Cool... who came up with it?

J: Z2, but he does not remember. He has tried so many of these combinations, but under the wrong assumption and getting the divergence factors coming out as errors instead of intended results.

Z2: I did? When? Let me look *leans over to the tablet* Oh, I do remember that! Hmmm... the way you put it, it does make sense.

A6: Permission to come closer?

M1: Granted!

*A6 gets closer and starts to point and scroll on the tablet and code/formulas shown there: Also, this block, this can be nested inside this function. These variables swapping places too. These, no, we can drop them altogether and only call them when needing their result.

Z2: That will delay the result.

J: We are talking about realtime emulation, not actual realtime. We can delay and look up the answers, store up the results too.

A6 nods: also, the final output is practically independent of this step. This is just to satisfy the 5+1 trick you used to look for poles in the first place.

Z1: Hehe, told ya!

Z2: You did.

J: These loops, they are redundant.

Z2: We have spare cores to redundantly handle those.

J: We are already too wasteful, come on, we should not think like that. Verification can wait. We have not verified tier3 results yet. This is tier4 partial result, included in the main realtime sequence.

Z2: So it can drop the calculations if they get out of hand.

J: No excuses. This is inefficient and the main loop would be at least 3 times faster if we got rid of these.

A6: On the other hand, faster and finer slices are of no use at this stage.

J: We will not be at this stage always. What will we do if we carry on like this and attempt coherent resonance with physics components further away than next room?

Z2: I see your point. Alright, we will do it your way, and verification later.

J: Here, here, here and here too... in all you could save 80% more calculation steps, skip forward to the next value in the table, AND still get physics shaking narrowing of exceptions....

(voices and camera angles trailing off, technical explanations and conversations are going on in the meanwhile)

(scene continues after they have exhausted technical. Different sun position, and comfort level)

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