*A7, covered from head to toe in black rubber, opens the door to A8 entering the scene*
A1 greets with his hand.
A8: I am here for that extended family scenario you were inviting smart people in. I am fan of handling some complicated mathematical theories, or so I think, and I like the prospect of collaborating with other smart people.
A2: Come sit with us.
A8: Alright...
*A7 bows lightly and goes to the kitchen. Door open, listening.
*A8 sits, then kneels, like the group.
A2: One moment, M1 and M2 should be back shortly.
A3: We were talking about the sad state of affairs in this society.
A1: First tragedy x, then tragedy y, ... can the keys to the universe be passed on to these monkeys?
A2: Yeah, on one side of the sea, scaremongers and warmongers. On the other, warmongers and scaremongers. Do you think they would have, oh, potentially found a way to collaborate by now? For the interest of who, other than their own survival, and their war machines.
A5: And those producing war machines.
A1: What calms me down is that the first universe that echoes stably enough is one where we made it. All other universes don't matter. How we get there, though, that's the important question in a world beyond time. Making time, in the path, in the memories.
A3: And the one where we did not make it is the first universe we come in contact with. Separated by one unit of decision, from a quant-level event such as a black-hole collapse, to a coordinated event such as a thought in an organic or artificial brain able to sense an environment where actions make a difference. One decision.
A2: One decision, haha, to blow this universe off, or not.
A4: They waged war and fear with the H bomb, what do you think they will do with antimatter bombs? Even if we are on the surviving branch. Once they can hold contained an antiblackhole and laser-feed it at the same time...
A5: Antiblackholes don't exist.
A4: Negative temperature, so cold it vibrates in reverse, absorbs energy, and gains inertial mass able to interact with our universe. Call it what you want. This acts like an antiblackhole under balanced light pressure, and I will guess it still is an antiblackhole ready to go off if released.
A3: And boom!
A2: What if power fails?
A3: That is not a decision. They would not know what hit them, so the only surviving branches would share the same knowledge.
A2: What if that, power failure, was a decision?
A3: That decision would affect only the one making that decision, for as long as their world and consciousness persists. It will join dust afterwards. Just as any consciousness arising in the collapsing branches, knowing it or not.
A1: Anyway, my heroes and role models give it probabilities, to having survived so far, minimally scathed in actual explosive war. And I tent to agree. A civilization of monkeys, that will become more dangerous to itself with the keys to making antimatter bombs.
A2: That is no reason to stop progress.
A1: Not saying to. We need to become something higher than ourselves. If we can't make it, then we did not deserve it in the first place. We need to be, at the very least, guardians of our solar system, and we got debates how to join extra food to hunger, and can't come up with a solution. If we don't deserve it, if we fail, if we kill ourselves via knowledge... well, our effort was invain, but we tried it.
A3: Nothing of the above invalidates the problem of choice, and its power to affect whatever universe it can manifest itself in. Weather we fail or we win, choice should not be counted as only what we can transcribe in code and formulas.
A1: I think we should give no more excuses to ending poverty via revolutions in political organizing, or technology, or just freaking common sense...
A2 giggles* common
A1: and if with that comes the potential for total annihilation, I take it. If we get the power to create abundance, and create war instead, to hell with it, and to hell with us too!
A4: Damn straight!
A3: We need to get enlightened in various levels of personal and group consciousness. Then we can reach a transcendence of ourselves beyond brain upload. The best bits we leave behind. And the source of these bits can hang around too, or be replaced, as we grow from one to many.
*A4 laughs delighted with pleasure. A8 giggles a bit*
A3: You came here to get enlightened, boy?
*A8 nods*
A3: We can be more than the sum of our parts, for a fraction of the time, maintaining a trend and choice and identification to the world going to shit, or the world coming from shit. Some don't care which, as long as what they count as choice is related to making the world better in their interpretation of forward time.
A4: And leaving traces behind, patches of work that are ready to be used.
A1: We sit on the shoulders of giants. We only have to try.
*A8 nods*
. .. ... .. .
A2 to A5: Quiet tonight... why?
A5: No, just thinking....
A2: What about?
A5: Antiblackholes and antiphotons. Why have we agreed to declare one not existing and the other yes?
A2: Because one makes sense in eternal expansion, which is where we find our balance in forward time, and the other makes sense in eternal collapse, at the divide between the inner horizon of a black hole and the backward-time fluently scrolling backwards from the spin jumps. One cannot exist in our universe, but its effects yes. Effects and causes tend to cancel each other out, providing variation in between, life, galaxies, but with an aim of balanced due to the very limitation of the energy.
A5: And why the limitation of energy?
A2: Quant formation.
A5: Isn't quant a slice in the continuous?
A4: With a limited C, which we get inspired by nature when conceptualizing time and spread, C can make it so there is a parabola embedded in a spiral looping all the way to infinity and back, and not containing parts of itself.
A2: Think a spiral around a torus, but the torus is a cylinder in regular spacetime, only at infinity it loops around.
A4: With limited C this spiral can coexist with other spirals, up to 6 for a 2D manifold in cylindrical infinity form or equivalent torus form... spiraling into each other and balancing themselves out. More dimensions, more combinations.
A5: And this is where addressing comes to... right?
A1: The series of emergent phenomena is when we extend that definition to eternity and to a grid composed of those slices, omniquant if you want to call it. Then we find the multiple variants at something as low as 2 to 3 D, even if all we can see is poles and exponential growths of any level we wish to address the first few steps of.
A3: That works only as proof of concept in our computations, unless we limit our scope which makes it useless for a complete fractal anyway, but at least it looks pretty and can be replicated.
A5: What happens when you try to run it in full?
A1: Even with the best data tables of Pi and Prime factors we have the undetermined variables, which we can hook at sensors for a comparison when we play with realtime. They grow exponentially, always! And given how small the quant is, even a tiny variation will grow to incalculable pretty fast.
A5: Is there any solution to this?
A1: That's why we have caught another... *tilts chin at tied-up A6.
*A6 does not look bored, instead quite interested. He nods questionably, but does not attempt to speak through the gag.
A2: Do you think M1 and M2 will want to keep him?
A1: I think so.
A2: What about him?
A1: What's your name, boy?
A8: A8
... they all drift off for a moment...
A1: So, to answer your question, we are working on it. You are here for this, no?
A5: I hope that does not entail ending up like him... *giggles* I mean, necessarily. That role is already filled, and I would not miss it, you would not miss anything either.
A2: How did you end up here, boy?
*Camera looks up and catches the poster behind A8. It reads:
There are no links pointing here that I know of, so, you have to scrutinize here to find this poster. You, curious mouse....
Snap!! MiAU! Yum yum!
If you made it to here, giving it your most precious gift, your attention, for the extra effort it takes to share it, you must really dislike #BAUniC
Can you tell me why?
So we can improve?
*In the movie it will say 'you have to pause here to find this poster'.
A8: I saw the notice at *dating site*
A2: Did it say anything about bondage? Nevermind. I am sure you have exchanged at least that basic information with M2 to know what to expect for your role.
A3: What brought you to seek out extended families?
A8: Fascinating subject, to read about occasionally... real life experiences maybe, like dating profiles. Then I found your M's profile, and I got intrigued by the universe concept either.
A4: And any inner reason to go along with this plan? I am sure there are some, either pushing or refraining.
A8: Hmmm... pushing: curious, sharing tasks, comfortable life... well, not too comfortable when chains are involved, but you know what I mean. On the other hand I like solitude quite a lot.
A3 giggles: Wait till you spent half a day in a cage with a blindfold and earmuffs.
A2 slaps A3 on the back, of the kind that does not need 2 actors.
A8: Keeping me away... social stigma, hassle, and my heart not being in the right place for it. I like to have deep relations of soul sharing with one, possibly a woman though lately I have expanded a bit. A triad would be fine, I guess, as a secret trial, but your, ahem, job offer...
*A3 laughs*
A8: ...was compelling beyond stepping outside the comfort zone in an attempt at imagining it made real, and the bondage parts. M2 told me as long as I was fine with other people around being in various stages of undress, bondage, communication or sensory allowance, ... I could come and see if I fit with the group.
A3: How do you fit?
A8: Thinking about it still. I like the conversations. I am not sure I will like the moans during sleep time.
A2: The next cabins are soundproof. One sleeps like an angel there.
A5: You mean the cages, haha...
A2: I think M2 would have used the word 'cabin' for someone like A8. They are cabins, and cages, and kennels, and prisons, and isolation rooms...
A8: Are you always like this?
A2: Most of the time. We don't need to be in a constant orgy to be having fun.
A8: Tempting...
A1: Maybe we can even find you a nice lady to lick the boots of, or be licked the boots from. What you lack she will fill with us. What she lacks, we are flexible too *laughs* though I don't think *winks at the females in the group* are shy on anything... they won't lack anything, from cuddles to, well... you don't like those anyway.
*Mx, one of the males in the group, rubs a sore bum, giggling*
A5: M2 told me something similar too, no chains for me unless I was begging for them, experimentally, safe, sane, consensually... and I was curious for more, and exploring it, gradually, at my comfort level. I am not ready to be like him yet *points at M6*, but at least I have entertained the idea. Liking more the other topics we discuss here, though.
A8: Does staying like that harm M6?
A5: Layers are being trained and enforced. He is professionally tied up, don't worry. No circulation blockage, no sockets out of place. Tendons on stretch. He is getting healthier as we speak...
*A3 giggles: we speak, haha, he listens.
A5: We follow a program, for our comfort level in kinky attitude, and for our body's limits. I chose to stay in deep meditation at sensory deprivation for 4 hours a week, taken in all at once. That is enough of a scary and deep experience for me, to keep my memory of it alive and looking forward to, but not wasting more time on it than we are prepared to handle.
A2: And we have plenty to keep our minds busy with anyway. Some enforced silence, pleasuring some other aspects of ourselves, not too bad.
A1: I used to sleep like that. They were much stricter in the beginning.
A2: Pent up sadistic desires maybe?
A1: Maybe... though I liked it. I was looking for it, actually. They may just have played along.
A3: We all are exploring parts of each other's soul, and our resonances to it. From conversations like this, to fiddling with each others genitals.
A5: To not having a choice whether to be fiddled with or not.
A2: Beyond mercy, haha, I love it!
A5: And all the while keeping healthy physically and mentally, brighter and faster than we have ever been before. I haven't, at least.
A1: Careful not to burn out.
A5: Love your concern...
A8: What about you? How did you all end up in here?
A1: I was always a pervert.
A2: I was... well, let's say, not in a good place in my life at the time. M1 and M2 kinda saved me.
A3: I was in need of some discipline.
A4: all of us were in need of some discipline, but also the right environment to nurture our growth.
A5 takes a deep breath and sighs, then shakes his head: I was too much a child for my ex, she grew faster than me, she wanted a family... I still wanted to be amazed by the world.
A1: A6 came in today, so did A7 over there and you now.
A8: Do we expect anybody else?
A1: A9, if M1 has decided for a 4th interview.
A8: Will M1 and M2 be too late?
A1: I hope this is important enough for you to wait. They wanted you to get acquainted with us at our worst and best, before getting to the dessert.
*Ax giggles seductively* (one of the female pets)
A8: What about they? *points at A6 and A7*
A1: They have had the interview already. They are on a test run.
*door knocks. A7 goes opens the door. A9 enters, politely introducing A9's self, door knocks again, A7 opens and lets A10 in*
(scene continues with the brave souls daring entering and become A9's components, and playing along, within the limits of budget and keeping it showable on a movie. Much less than 50 shades or any of its parodies. And finer tuned. Some may come just for the kink portion of their character and let the techie explanations be handled by techies).
M1 and M2 are sitting in their throne-like couches. A1, A2 and A3 are sitting aside at their heels. A4 and A6 are gagged and restrained in a corner, in the semishadow corner. A5 and A7 are not present.
M2: Go fetch me a sandwich.
M1: And something to drink.
M2: And by that I mean go fetch this story a sponsor for the food and drink portion. And provide hand, mouth, pleasurable sensation of feedback.
A8 and A9 look each other, then A89 stands and goes to the fridge. A98 looks perplexed. A89 comes with a drink in a can and a hamburger/sandwich, and offers them to M1 and M2. They take it. A8's hand and face is used for the consumption, and the pleasurable reaction toned up and down to fit M1 and M2 expectation.
M1: Well done!
*A8 smiles politely, steps back, leaving the tray with M2*
M2: Introduce yourselves.
A8: I am A8. I am here, amazed at what you have done with this environment. I want to explore it further.
A9: I am A9. I am here to serve, Sir, Master, and Mistress..., but I don't understand how this works...
M2: You will learn.
M1: Sing, La La LA LA LAa, LAa LA La La ... 5 crescendo, 4 descendo.
*A9 sings as requested.*
M1: You, do the same.
*A8 sings as requested.*
M1: Now, A8, 3 crescendo, 5 descendo.
*A8 complies, voice comes out a bit lower in the end.*
M1: A9, repeat.
*A9 repeats the singing, voice comes almost equal to earlier.*
M2: Now, sigh. You first.
*A9 sighs. M2 gestures A8. A8 sighs too*
M1: Now moan... you first.
*A8 moans. A9 follows, differently done in form. Pitch almost the same. Same voice actor*
M1: Singing, A8, 3 down, 5 up, 3 down. A9, 3 up, 4 down, 2 up.
*A8 and A9 comply*
M2: Now, tell me something about yourself that you have not told me in messages, you first.
A8 in A9's voice/method but adjusted tone. Starts to speak. Looks about, startled, clears throat, tries again, (speaks only when camera is from the back, since voice and face are desynchronized here due to studio vs. environment recording of face/voice): Well, I am good at some forms of fractal geometry, but what I like most is how you are not taking 'no' for an answer to 'can a fractal universe be built?'. This makes me want to come be part of this group, even if this means giving up some comforts of life, and the dream of monogamy. *takes a deep breath and sighs*
A9, similarly from behind, sighs too: I... I sensed the dominance, the leadership, the power radiating out of the notice of this arrangement, and, my body, my body desired to be owned by such family. I... please, I think I fell in love at first sight, and I am sorry for not having clearer way to express it. I am not as smart as you and your harem, but I will become a better version of myself, as promised, as you deserve in a servant, and as I would be the luckiest slave in the world if accepted to be part of, of this... family...
M2, to A10: Now you can speak... do you think you can replicate parts of what you saw here? Does the environment fit with what you expected? Do you have any problem with it?
A10 shakes his/her head, but does not speak.
M2: When comfortable, don't worry. But attention from us will be made available if having something to say *looking at the camera*
A10 at the inverse camera position nods, smiles, observes quietly.
M2: A8, have you met the bunch?
A8: Yes Sir, I have. Awesome group!
M2: Do you think you can handle discussing with them?
A8: Would LOVE it! And growing along with this environment!,, Sir!
*M2, nods, then turns to A9: And you?
A9 nods politely: Yes, Sir... or would You rather be called Master?
M2: Master, when and if you are accepted.
A9: Thank You, Sir.
M2: So, what do you think of our family?
*A9 lifts his/her gaze, looks at the 3 quiet ones at the heels of their Master, peeks briefly at the ones in the shadow, then looks down at feel level: I think they are way beyond what I can understand, but I would love to serve you all, make your lives a little better with all that I can, so you can engage in something more productive. I will also torment them, mercilessly, if ordered to, and not have a change of heart because it is not my decision to make. I will be executing Your will, Sir. My will is of little importance. I would be in bliss under your leadership, and Your Companion's.
*A1, A2, A3, head movement and face expression of 'not bad'*
(Scene will continue, or not. Details of the kinky lifestyle are not the objective of this movie. Filling in the world with variation maybe, for a convoluted storyline transmitting more streams of soul interactions than mere exposure of ideas and viewpoints)
*A7, covered from head to toe in black rubber, opens the door to A8 entering the scene*
A1 greets with his hand.
A8: I am here for that extended family scenario you were inviting smart people in. I am fan of handling some complicated mathematical theories, or so I think, and I like the prospect of collaborating with other smart people.
A2: Come sit with us.
A8: Alright...
*A7 bows lightly and goes to the kitchen. Door open, listening.
*A8 sits, then kneels, like the group.
A2: One moment, M1 and M2 should be back shortly.
A3: We were talking about the sad state of affairs in this society.
A1: First tragedy x, then tragedy y, ... can the keys to the universe be passed on to these monkeys?
A2: Yeah, on one side of the sea, scaremongers and warmongers. On the other, warmongers and scaremongers. Do you think they would have, oh, potentially found a way to collaborate by now? For the interest of who, other than their own survival, and their war machines.
A5: And those producing war machines.
A1: What calms me down is that the first universe that echoes stably enough is one where we made it. All other universes don't matter. How we get there, though, that's the important question in a world beyond time. Making time, in the path, in the memories.
A3: And the one where we did not make it is the first universe we come in contact with. Separated by one unit of decision, from a quant-level event such as a black-hole collapse, to a coordinated event such as a thought in an organic or artificial brain able to sense an environment where actions make a difference. One decision.
A2: One decision, haha, to blow this universe off, or not.
A4: They waged war and fear with the H bomb, what do you think they will do with antimatter bombs? Even if we are on the surviving branch. Once they can hold contained an antiblackhole and laser-feed it at the same time...
A5: Antiblackholes don't exist.
A4: Negative temperature, so cold it vibrates in reverse, absorbs energy, and gains inertial mass able to interact with our universe. Call it what you want. This acts like an antiblackhole under balanced light pressure, and I will guess it still is an antiblackhole ready to go off if released.
A3: And boom!
A2: What if power fails?
A3: That is not a decision. They would not know what hit them, so the only surviving branches would share the same knowledge.
A2: What if that, power failure, was a decision?
A3: That decision would affect only the one making that decision, for as long as their world and consciousness persists. It will join dust afterwards. Just as any consciousness arising in the collapsing branches, knowing it or not.
A1: Anyway, my heroes and role models give it probabilities, to having survived so far, minimally scathed in actual explosive war. And I tent to agree. A civilization of monkeys, that will become more dangerous to itself with the keys to making antimatter bombs.
A2: That is no reason to stop progress.
A1: Not saying to. We need to become something higher than ourselves. If we can't make it, then we did not deserve it in the first place. We need to be, at the very least, guardians of our solar system, and we got debates how to join extra food to hunger, and can't come up with a solution. If we don't deserve it, if we fail, if we kill ourselves via knowledge... well, our effort was invain, but we tried it.
A3: Nothing of the above invalidates the problem of choice, and its power to affect whatever universe it can manifest itself in. Weather we fail or we win, choice should not be counted as only what we can transcribe in code and formulas.
A1: I think we should give no more excuses to ending poverty via revolutions in political organizing, or technology, or just freaking common sense...
A2 giggles* common
A1: and if with that comes the potential for total annihilation, I take it. If we get the power to create abundance, and create war instead, to hell with it, and to hell with us too!
A4: Damn straight!
A3: We need to get enlightened in various levels of personal and group consciousness. Then we can reach a transcendence of ourselves beyond brain upload. The best bits we leave behind. And the source of these bits can hang around too, or be replaced, as we grow from one to many.
*A4 laughs delighted with pleasure. A8 giggles a bit*
A3: You came here to get enlightened, boy?
*A8 nods*
A3: We can be more than the sum of our parts, for a fraction of the time, maintaining a trend and choice and identification to the world going to shit, or the world coming from shit. Some don't care which, as long as what they count as choice is related to making the world better in their interpretation of forward time.
A4: And leaving traces behind, patches of work that are ready to be used.
A1: We sit on the shoulders of giants. We only have to try.
*A8 nods*
. .. ... .. .
A2 to A5: Quiet tonight... why?
A5: No, just thinking....
A2: What about?
A5: Antiblackholes and antiphotons. Why have we agreed to declare one not existing and the other yes?
A2: Because one makes sense in eternal expansion, which is where we find our balance in forward time, and the other makes sense in eternal collapse, at the divide between the inner horizon of a black hole and the backward-time fluently scrolling backwards from the spin jumps. One cannot exist in our universe, but its effects yes. Effects and causes tend to cancel each other out, providing variation in between, life, galaxies, but with an aim of balanced due to the very limitation of the energy.
A5: And why the limitation of energy?
A2: Quant formation.
A5: Isn't quant a slice in the continuous?
A4: With a limited C, which we get inspired by nature when conceptualizing time and spread, C can make it so there is a parabola embedded in a spiral looping all the way to infinity and back, and not containing parts of itself.
A2: Think a spiral around a torus, but the torus is a cylinder in regular spacetime, only at infinity it loops around.
A4: With limited C this spiral can coexist with other spirals, up to 6 for a 2D manifold in cylindrical infinity form or equivalent torus form... spiraling into each other and balancing themselves out. More dimensions, more combinations.
A5: And this is where addressing comes to... right?
A1: The series of emergent phenomena is when we extend that definition to eternity and to a grid composed of those slices, omniquant if you want to call it. Then we find the multiple variants at something as low as 2 to 3 D, even if all we can see is poles and exponential growths of any level we wish to address the first few steps of.
A3: That works only as proof of concept in our computations, unless we limit our scope which makes it useless for a complete fractal anyway, but at least it looks pretty and can be replicated.
A5: What happens when you try to run it in full?
A1: Even with the best data tables of Pi and Prime factors we have the undetermined variables, which we can hook at sensors for a comparison when we play with realtime. They grow exponentially, always! And given how small the quant is, even a tiny variation will grow to incalculable pretty fast.
A5: Is there any solution to this?
A1: That's why we have caught another... *tilts chin at tied-up A6.
*A6 does not look bored, instead quite interested. He nods questionably, but does not attempt to speak through the gag.
A2: Do you think M1 and M2 will want to keep him?
A1: I think so.
A2: What about him?
A1: What's your name, boy?
A8: A8
... they all drift off for a moment...
A1: So, to answer your question, we are working on it. You are here for this, no?
A5: I hope that does not entail ending up like him... *giggles* I mean, necessarily. That role is already filled, and I would not miss it, you would not miss anything either.
A2: How did you end up here, boy?
*Camera looks up and catches the poster behind A8. It reads:
There are no links pointing here that I know of, so, you have to scrutinize here to find this poster. You, curious mouse....
Snap!! MiAU! Yum yum!
If you made it to here, giving it your most precious gift, your attention, for the extra effort it takes to share it, you must really dislike #BAUniC
Can you tell me why?
So we can improve?
*In the movie it will say 'you have to pause here to find this poster'.
A8: I saw the notice at *dating site*
A2: Did it say anything about bondage? Nevermind. I am sure you have exchanged at least that basic information with M2 to know what to expect for your role.
A3: What brought you to seek out extended families?
A8: Fascinating subject, to read about occasionally... real life experiences maybe, like dating profiles. Then I found your M's profile, and I got intrigued by the universe concept either.
A4: And any inner reason to go along with this plan? I am sure there are some, either pushing or refraining.
A8: Hmmm... pushing: curious, sharing tasks, comfortable life... well, not too comfortable when chains are involved, but you know what I mean. On the other hand I like solitude quite a lot.
A3 giggles: Wait till you spent half a day in a cage with a blindfold and earmuffs.
A2 slaps A3 on the back, of the kind that does not need 2 actors.
A8: Keeping me away... social stigma, hassle, and my heart not being in the right place for it. I like to have deep relations of soul sharing with one, possibly a woman though lately I have expanded a bit. A triad would be fine, I guess, as a secret trial, but your, ahem, job offer...
*A3 laughs*
A8: ...was compelling beyond stepping outside the comfort zone in an attempt at imagining it made real, and the bondage parts. M2 told me as long as I was fine with other people around being in various stages of undress, bondage, communication or sensory allowance, ... I could come and see if I fit with the group.
A3: How do you fit?
A8: Thinking about it still. I like the conversations. I am not sure I will like the moans during sleep time.
A2: The next cabins are soundproof. One sleeps like an angel there.
A5: You mean the cages, haha...
A2: I think M2 would have used the word 'cabin' for someone like A8. They are cabins, and cages, and kennels, and prisons, and isolation rooms...
A8: Are you always like this?
A2: Most of the time. We don't need to be in a constant orgy to be having fun.
A8: Tempting...
A1: Maybe we can even find you a nice lady to lick the boots of, or be licked the boots from. What you lack she will fill with us. What she lacks, we are flexible too *laughs* though I don't think *winks at the females in the group* are shy on anything... they won't lack anything, from cuddles to, well... you don't like those anyway.
*Mx, one of the males in the group, rubs a sore bum, giggling*
A5: M2 told me something similar too, no chains for me unless I was begging for them, experimentally, safe, sane, consensually... and I was curious for more, and exploring it, gradually, at my comfort level. I am not ready to be like him yet *points at M6*, but at least I have entertained the idea. Liking more the other topics we discuss here, though.
A8: Does staying like that harm M6?
A5: Layers are being trained and enforced. He is professionally tied up, don't worry. No circulation blockage, no sockets out of place. Tendons on stretch. He is getting healthier as we speak...
*A3 giggles: we speak, haha, he listens.
A5: We follow a program, for our comfort level in kinky attitude, and for our body's limits. I chose to stay in deep meditation at sensory deprivation for 4 hours a week, taken in all at once. That is enough of a scary and deep experience for me, to keep my memory of it alive and looking forward to, but not wasting more time on it than we are prepared to handle.
A2: And we have plenty to keep our minds busy with anyway. Some enforced silence, pleasuring some other aspects of ourselves, not too bad.
A1: I used to sleep like that. They were much stricter in the beginning.
A2: Pent up sadistic desires maybe?
A1: Maybe... though I liked it. I was looking for it, actually. They may just have played along.
A3: We all are exploring parts of each other's soul, and our resonances to it. From conversations like this, to fiddling with each others genitals.
A5: To not having a choice whether to be fiddled with or not.
A2: Beyond mercy, haha, I love it!
A5: And all the while keeping healthy physically and mentally, brighter and faster than we have ever been before. I haven't, at least.
A1: Careful not to burn out.
A5: Love your concern...
A8: What about you? How did you all end up in here?
A1: I was always a pervert.
A2: I was... well, let's say, not in a good place in my life at the time. M1 and M2 kinda saved me.
A3: I was in need of some discipline.
A4: all of us were in need of some discipline, but also the right environment to nurture our growth.
A5 takes a deep breath and sighs, then shakes his head: I was too much a child for my ex, she grew faster than me, she wanted a family... I still wanted to be amazed by the world.
A1: A6 came in today, so did A7 over there and you now.
A8: Do we expect anybody else?
A1: A9, if M1 has decided for a 4th interview.
A8: Will M1 and M2 be too late?
A1: I hope this is important enough for you to wait. They wanted you to get acquainted with us at our worst and best, before getting to the dessert.
*Ax giggles seductively* (one of the female pets)
A8: What about they? *points at A6 and A7*
A1: They have had the interview already. They are on a test run.
*door knocks. A7 goes opens the door. A9 enters, politely introducing A9's self, door knocks again, A7 opens and lets A10 in*
(scene continues with the brave souls daring entering and become A9's components, and playing along, within the limits of budget and keeping it showable on a movie. Much less than 50 shades or any of its parodies. And finer tuned. Some may come just for the kink portion of their character and let the techie explanations be handled by techies).
M1 and M2 are sitting in their throne-like couches. A1, A2 and A3 are sitting aside at their heels. A4 and A6 are gagged and restrained in a corner, in the semishadow corner. A5 and A7 are not present.
M2: Go fetch me a sandwich.
M1: And something to drink.
M2: And by that I mean go fetch this story a sponsor for the food and drink portion. And provide hand, mouth, pleasurable sensation of feedback.
A8 and A9 look each other, then A89 stands and goes to the fridge. A98 looks perplexed. A89 comes with a drink in a can and a hamburger/sandwich, and offers them to M1 and M2. They take it. A8's hand and face is used for the consumption, and the pleasurable reaction toned up and down to fit M1 and M2 expectation.
M1: Well done!
*A8 smiles politely, steps back, leaving the tray with M2*
M2: Introduce yourselves.
A8: I am A8. I am here, amazed at what you have done with this environment. I want to explore it further.
A9: I am A9. I am here to serve, Sir, Master, and Mistress..., but I don't understand how this works...
M2: You will learn.
M1: Sing, La La LA LA LAa, LAa LA La La ... 5 crescendo, 4 descendo.
*A9 sings as requested.*
M1: You, do the same.
*A8 sings as requested.*
M1: Now, A8, 3 crescendo, 5 descendo.
*A8 complies, voice comes out a bit lower in the end.*
M1: A9, repeat.
*A9 repeats the singing, voice comes almost equal to earlier.*
M2: Now, sigh. You first.
*A9 sighs. M2 gestures A8. A8 sighs too*
M1: Now moan... you first.
*A8 moans. A9 follows, differently done in form. Pitch almost the same. Same voice actor*
M1: Singing, A8, 3 down, 5 up, 3 down. A9, 3 up, 4 down, 2 up.
*A8 and A9 comply*
M2: Now, tell me something about yourself that you have not told me in messages, you first.
A8 in A9's voice/method but adjusted tone. Starts to speak. Looks about, startled, clears throat, tries again, (speaks only when camera is from the back, since voice and face are desynchronized here due to studio vs. environment recording of face/voice): Well, I am good at some forms of fractal geometry, but what I like most is how you are not taking 'no' for an answer to 'can a fractal universe be built?'. This makes me want to come be part of this group, even if this means giving up some comforts of life, and the dream of monogamy. *takes a deep breath and sighs*
A9, similarly from behind, sighs too: I... I sensed the dominance, the leadership, the power radiating out of the notice of this arrangement, and, my body, my body desired to be owned by such family. I... please, I think I fell in love at first sight, and I am sorry for not having clearer way to express it. I am not as smart as you and your harem, but I will become a better version of myself, as promised, as you deserve in a servant, and as I would be the luckiest slave in the world if accepted to be part of, of this... family...
M2, to A10: Now you can speak... do you think you can replicate parts of what you saw here? Does the environment fit with what you expected? Do you have any problem with it?
A10 shakes his/her head, but does not speak.
M2: When comfortable, don't worry. But attention from us will be made available if having something to say *looking at the camera*
A10 at the inverse camera position nods, smiles, observes quietly.
M2: A8, have you met the bunch?
A8: Yes Sir, I have. Awesome group!
M2: Do you think you can handle discussing with them?
A8: Would LOVE it! And growing along with this environment!,, Sir!
*M2, nods, then turns to A9: And you?
A9 nods politely: Yes, Sir... or would You rather be called Master?
M2: Master, when and if you are accepted.
A9: Thank You, Sir.
M2: So, what do you think of our family?
*A9 lifts his/her gaze, looks at the 3 quiet ones at the heels of their Master, peeks briefly at the ones in the shadow, then looks down at feel level: I think they are way beyond what I can understand, but I would love to serve you all, make your lives a little better with all that I can, so you can engage in something more productive. I will also torment them, mercilessly, if ordered to, and not have a change of heart because it is not my decision to make. I will be executing Your will, Sir. My will is of little importance. I would be in bliss under your leadership, and Your Companion's.
*A1, A2, A3, head movement and face expression of 'not bad'*
(Scene will continue, or not. Details of the kinky lifestyle are not the objective of this movie. Filling in the world with variation maybe, for a convoluted storyline transmitting more streams of soul interactions than mere exposure of ideas and viewpoints)
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