Monday, July 11, 2016

#BAUniC:movie:scene024-025 - instalink


Knock. 1 opens the door. 2 enters, carrying 3 laptops and a bag of mice/chargers/cables, followed by X, Y and C, but they are seen from behind, barely body and back head. They are all carrying something, more laptops and cables. 1 shows them the empty room (cables all around, messy), while a glimpse of the other room (no faces, similar people/similar computers, differently arranged/differently dressed) is shown, people setting up a network.

1: Order the computers so the first and last target computer is sitting by that table. They are arranged similarly behind the wall.

C: Isn't this supposed to resonate with our doubles or antidoubles at the far side of the universe? What difference does a couple more meters do?

1: Just how precise do you think we can calculate a line of causality going from one arrangement to the other 10 to the power of 128 visible-universe-radiuses behind?

C: As precisely as you like, that's the point.

1: Get me infinite precision Pi, and maybe we can dream about it. Till then, we do it like this, unless you have a better idea.

C: No, no... I like fractals, but I heard you had something big prepared here.

1, smiles: Something to get Ramis out of his room, for once.

Ramis' voice muffed from the other room: Haiiii, we are almost ready.

2, setting up computers and cables with X and Y, (never being shown in the same shot as manipulating the same object in the scene): we will need a few more minutes here...

X: Shit! I forgot the data disk... be back in a min! *grabs car's keys and rushes out*

Y, after X is out: He could have asked to get to my car... boh, at least he is being enthusiast about it today.

C: So, who is the initiator?

1: they did not tell you?

C: They said I would find out. Why?

2: Presenting to you, the initiator *exaggerated bow*

C: Ha!! *pleasantly surprised* Nice!

2: Actually I was a bit displeased so few people read that far down to know who changed what and who proposed what, but then I am learning to do the same, and trust the group choices... I am glad at least most of you trust Z enough to be here.

R: Thank you!

2: Yes, thank you Ramis. That is a valuable lesson to learn in hanging out with you guys. No malice, just no time to listen to all the bla-bla of everybody. *clears throat* Anyone has a sick sibling, parent, child? ... *brief pause, not letting them actually answer, continues*... may they get well soon.

*muffed laughter from the other room*

R, still voice only: Zee is not here yet. Who's gonna check up on her?

2: She will be here, don't worry. I checked up on her on our way in.

X: back! *hands out discs to people present, (with camera angles hiding the exchange or when/if the object needs to actually move after being let go from X's hand)*

R: ready here... starting up.

Y: not even close here, but you can start, we will be ready before the first batch of data is out.

R: Or, you know, we can just wait and relax a little *footsteps back and forth to the toilette, water running, moans of stretching, splashing. Computers still being set up at room 2.

Z, semiloud: I'm here, the door was open.

Y looking at X: Not only you grabbed the keys without permission, but you left...

X, interrupting: As usual, I can see the future. I knew you had no objection to me going fixing what I had messed in the first place, and that Z would come *pretends to laugh*

Y: And a better view of the past, will you get?

X: Limited, and decreasing in quality...

2: Haii Zee

Z: Hey there... all set up?

2: Ramis is ready to go, we need a few more minutes here.

Z: Can I help?

Y untangling cables: This is one of the few occasions where more hands won't help much, but you can get Ramis started.

*sounds of someone leaving the bathroom, and someone entering, doors opening and closing, steps*

R, muffed, from the toilette: in a minute. Don't touch anything.

1: I can show her.

R: No, wait, I started running a diagnostic.

Unclear voices from room 1: We are ready, links operational.

Y: Links operational here too, booting up.

2, looks at Z still at the door observing him idly: chat to you in a while.

Z: Mmmm... confident... Who convinced you it will work? Jack or Ramis?

2: I have a gut feeling.

Z: We'll see.

Y: Ready! Links operational. Sequences almost running.

*X giggles*

R: Your sequences are not running, now, let's not push uncertainty with imprecision. I know jokes are fine, but this can easily be mistaken for truth.

*Sound of starting operating system (Windows, after MS confirms sponsorship), 2 turns to the 'offending' laptop, then to Y*

Y: Oh, haha, forgot to remove sounds. Don't worry, it is not a fresh install. *Y clicks and clicks and clicks and stands* Alright, sequences running, for real this time.

Voice from room 1: Here too.

R, flushes, washes hands, gets from bathroom to room1.

(scene may continue. For now, in the linear narrative it needs to jump to next part of the story)


Y: try again!

X: yeah, we just did, but the incoming data was flawed beyond repair.

2: Nope, the data was supposed to be flawed. It, um... *raises voice* any luck you guys?

Z from the other room: Same. But you are the initiator. Here is running in a predictable loop.

2: What about the extras? Do they add up to something useful?

Voice: not that I can tell.

R: Don't give up, run it from step 16 again.

2: Running... *3-4 seconds, percentages filling in 2 or 3 lines on screen*... nope, same result.

X: Step 17 with the same input data?

Y: Yeah, ... if we are aiming to find divergences...

2: Step 17, still garbage output. Nothing any codex can read.

R: Output set to text, right?

2: Of course...

R: Just checking.

C: Won't seeking for a deliberate extra input source mess up the results?

Y: Normally, yes, but this is not fractal mode. This is realtime, and here we try to filter exactly that.

C: Yeah, but... *something blips on her screen, she checks it out, a few clicks and keystrokes, then hope goes to routine again, turning to Y to continue*... we are trying to force precision where it should not be. This connection would not stand *a new blip, a new intervention*

2: Short of reworking the tables, we can't fix it automatically. And so far, even reworking the tables has only given us a few more steps in an exponentially harder problem, nothing useful.

C: We have already proven physics comes from fractals, now we have to find the fractal, that's my bet.

Y: We have not proven-proven it. We have found ways to get predictable results better than current models, but tell me, truthfully, how many of the academics are ready to give up their comfortable positions? How many are supporting us?

C: Apart from the Russian team and the renegade Chinese team, only individuals.

X: I would guess 3/4 of the anonymous contributors are academics too, but yeah, Y is right. We need to do, now, put something into useful practice beyond concepts. This is how we are doing it, but, by all means, refining the precision of the table and transformation formulas is a holy grail we should not stop looking for. Finding it, with all the multiverse and superposition and inner-slices and collapsing temporary branches...

C: ...and the enormity of cosmos, and the fact that we have not found any trace of life in our fractals,...

X: Yeah, we may never find it, and get the final complete proof.

Y: So, we may as well play around and see if something useful comes out of it.

2: Like computing system able to communicate at a distance *can't hold back laughter*

. .. ... more interventions, clicks, adjustments ... .. .

C, to Y: You really believe it can transmit and receive information faster than light?

Y: Potentially, or what I believe we can actually reach?

C: Both.

Y: I think the binary substructure of this branch of cosmos may contain ways to transmit cause and effect faster than the direct line as seen from those checking up in the traditional way. But that will only be slower than light even if we go beyond the classic concepts.

C: So, what good is this for, then?

Y: Entering in resonance with the environment, low-power-long-distance information transmission, and who knows what.

X: Wireless power transmission, extraction of energy from the environment, interplanetary communication more effectively than laser transmission, maybe even instantaneous interplanetary communication from a common divergence point with each party seeing the other as in a pocket of delayed spacetime on a synchronous baseline of verification.

2: Something now?

Z: Not yet, but no error either.

R: It is weird, but it wold be even weirder if nothing strange happened while we tried instalink.

Z: We have not tried instalink.

R: You haven't. I have, and have failed maybe more times than you have failed trilink.

Z: The loops are solid, and holding. Nothing is coming through, though. Can't call it a failure, but this is no win either.

2: What about now?

Z: Nope... what are trying to send?

2: Not telling. Either it works, or not. Let me have a secret, will you?

Z: Sure, as long as it does not impact the experiment.

2: Rest assured it does not.

Z: I trust in you.

Voice from room1: Error, error, error... spilling over, oh, error on the other loops as well.

*sounds of moving chairs on the other room*

C: Error here also! Wow, not the kind of error this loop is supposed to give.

Y: No! In fact, that's what my portion of loops is supposed to give *abruptly stands*

R: HA!! They have synched. The systematic conversion error of 1,2,3 has spilled to the conversion of 1,5,7... *pause* seems also to the 1, 11, 13, but not enough to cause a disruption.

X: Yeah, I confirm, here too. Errors in adjustable form, mostly similar to the usual exceptions, but clearly a statistical anomaly to say the least.

C, blinking, looking around, confused: how did that... um...

2: So, what do you guys wanna call this?

R: It needs more work, that's what I wanna call it. Everybody, save the logs, and reset to the last known good configuration. We try again right now!

2: Agreed!

Voice: Agreed. Starting step 22?

Y: We can skip over the first 20 minutes of syncing. I say step 23, at start value of beyond the trillion.

Voice: Step 22, start value of 16'000 and going both directions.

Y: That will do too.

Z: I'm feeling a bit sick, excuse me.

2 sighs, hearing Z run to the bathroom and throw up. Looks at X, Y, C. Low voice: She has not even had this, when her errors on the trilink show up.

Y: We would not be here if it was not for her experiments.

2: I know that. She knows that too. Still, I feel like we are stealing her spotlight.

R: Guys, shut up, it's not that. Remember, we are quantum systems interacting with semi-automatic quantum systems. This takes a toll on the body and the mind.

X: If he calls computers and programs semi-automatic, what does he call automatic?

R: Physics, fractals, 1+1 ... infinity maybe...

Y, to X: It is not polite to talk behind other's back, or behind a wall...

R: It is not functional to worry about these little things. He was just wondering out loud, and to some people my ways may look weird, till they learn my ways and everybody else looks weird after that *laughs*

2: Zee? You alright?

Z, flushes, and comes out of the room, waves to people in room2, particularly to 2: Yeah, all right.

R: Ready to start again.

Y: Ready too.

1: I'm... *pauses, giving time to X, Y, Z, C, 2 to look about, have a concerned face*, ok, I think I got it... no... no, my loop won't start at step 22 with a 16'000 start value.

*movement heard from the other room, then Ramis says: He is ready now... won't tell you what he forgot, but we are all tired here. Let's do this.

2: I don't expect any more surprises now. If it was meant to work, it would have. If it was meant to break, it would have, and it did, in an unusual way which will give us all a couple of weeks of headaches...

R: It will give you and 1 headaches for a couple of months... here, fixed that for you.

*2 pretends to laugh and sits down* Alright, initiator ready. Tell me when you can...

R: Ready...

(scene fades away, clicks and remarks. Scene may be expanded)

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